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  • in reply to: How to I make header height smaller #192834


    Try to insert following code into the quick css field to reduce the header size (padding)

    .fixed_header #main {
    padding-top: 61px;

    Best regards,

    Hey Monsoon!

    It’s a theme limitation. The color section and all other “fullwidth elements” (namely the LayerSlider, the fullwidth masonry element and the fullwidth slideshow) require a special html structure which is not compatible with the standard html code of posts and pages. If a fullwidth element is used the “Advanced Template Builder” will use a special wordpress page template (/wp-content/themes/enfold/template-builder.php) to create the fullwidth sections. A simple shortcode within the standard post/page content does not allow us to call the special template and thus we don’t allow the user to use the magic wand to embed a color section and it’s only available as a “Template Builder” element.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Portfolio Grid Disappears When Sorting Is Enabled #192824

    Hi codemode!

    Please try to deactivate all third party plugins first – probably a plugin conflicts with the theme. If the grid/sort links start to work activate the plugins one by one to find the conflicting plugin.


    in reply to: WPML Breaks all navigation except the hompage #192822


    Please try to replace following line in /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-wpml/config.php

    add_action( 'init', 'avia_wpml_register_post_type_permalink', 20);


    //add_action( 'init', 'avia_wpml_register_post_type_permalink', 20);

    Afterwards go to Settings > Permalinks and click the “Save” button.

    Please note that you MUST use the same portfolio slug (Enfold > General Settings > “Portfolio: Enter a page slug that should be used for your portfolio single items” option) for all languages because the theme can’t register the translated permalinks on your server without breaking the existing permalinks. Normally the code I mention above registers new permalink rules for every language but in your case the server probably just stops to process these rules and the end result is that all permalinks won’t work. There seems to be some kind of limitation which doesn’t allow Enfold to register more permalink rules. (See ).


    in reply to: Gallery pagination issues #192820


    Personally I can’t reproduce the issue. I tested the gallery on the test page with Chrome and Firefox on a Win8 pc and the pagination and the lightbox worked just fine for me. The only button/link which did not work for me was the “View as slideshow” option. I recommend to deactivate it on the NextGen gallery option page (Gallery > Options > Gallery and deselect the “Integrate slideshow” option).


    in reply to: New update – Gravatars don't show up on blog posts now #192811


    Great, if it doesn’t work as expected let us now.

    Best regards,

    Hi edenpra!

    1) Bitte versuche folgenden Code in das Quick CSS Feld einzufügen, damit die “springenden” Bilder behoben sind

    #top .alignleft a,  #top .alignleft a:hover, #top .alignleft img, #top .alignright a,  #top .alignright a:hover, #top .alignright img, #top .aligncenter a,  #top .aligncenter a:hover, #top .aligncenter img{position: relative;}

    2) Ja, man sollte mit der .noHover Klasse den Hover Effekt bei einzelnen Bildern deaktivieren können. Hierzu gehe in den “HTML” Editor Modus und bei den Bildern in den Spalten ersetze die “aligncenter” Klasse mit “aligncenter noHover”.

    3) Bzgl des “Effekts mit Pfeil bei Kontakt” bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher, was damit gemeint ist.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Masonry Portfolio #192460


    Please create us an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply.


    in reply to: Compatibility of WPMUDev's Events+ plugin or Calendarize It! #192458


    Btw – if you don’t need a link to the events page you can use following code

        function avia_modify_event_breadcrumb($trail)
            if(get_query_var('post_type') == 'tribe_events')
                $newtrail = array('<a href="#">Events</a>');
                array_unshift($newtrail, $trail[0]);
                if(is_single()) $newtrail['trail_end'] = $trail['trail_end'];
                $trail = $newtrail;
            return $trail;

    It just adds the hardcoded text “Events” to the breadcrumb.


    in reply to: Slider not working #192457


    I fixed the issue. The footer.php file was empty (the entire php code within the file was missing) and I just had to insert it into the file again. Not sure why it was missing (maybe the file was corrupt or you deleted it but now the menu, etc. seems to work.


    in reply to: New update – Gravatars don't show up on blog posts now #192453


    I just forgot to include this option. Open up and replace

    $avia_elements[] =	array(
        "slug"	=> "layout",
        "name" 	=> "Single Post Style",
        "desc" 	=> "Choose the single post style here.",
        "id" 	=> "single_post_style",
        "type" 	=> "select",
        "std" 	=> "single-big",
        "subtype" => array( 'Single post with small preview image (featured image)' =>'single-small',
            'Single post with big preview image (featured image)' =>'single-big'


    $avia_elements[] =	array(
        "slug"	=> "layout",
        "name" 	=> "Single Post Style",
        "desc" 	=> "Choose the single post style here.",
        "id" 	=> "single_post_style",
        "type" 	=> "select",
        "std" 	=> "single-big",
        "subtype" => array( 'Single post with small preview image (featured image)' =>'single-small',
            'Single post with big preview image (featured image)' =>'single-big',
            'Multi Author Blog (displays Gravatar of the article author beside the entry and feature images above)' =>'multi-big'

    We’ll add this patch to the next theme update.


    in reply to: Compatibility of WPMUDev's Events+ plugin or Calendarize It! #192452


    @stoffey99 – I think this issue is related to the fact that the events page is not a “standard page”. It seems like the get_permalink function returns the wrong url. You can try to contact the plugin developers – maybe they can help you to add the right page url to the breadcrumb. Personally I don’t know if it’s possible ot not. If not remove the code I posted here: and the breadcrumb will not show the events page link.


    in reply to: Incorrect Styling Enfold Theme Options (WPML) #191796


    How did you move the data to the client server? Did you use: WP MIGRATE DB to copy the database? If not you can break the serialized data in the database if you changed the url. (i.e. from localhost to ).


    in reply to: Prev/Next navigation in portfolio is missing #191790


    You can update to 3.7.1 – I’m not aware of any incompatibility issues.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: iFrame Height not showing as 100% #191787


    I fixed the spacing issue. The problem is that WordPress will treat your js code like standard text and add line breaks and paragraphs to it if i.e. empty lines are between the code lines. I removed these lines and changed the code to:

    <script type="text/javascript" src="">// <![CDATA[// ]]></script><iframe id="xd_frame" name="test" src="" height="1250px" width="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"><br /></iframe><script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ var src = document.getElementById("xd_frame").src; var srcExtravalue = encodeURIComponent(document.location.href); var finalsrc = src+'#'+srcExtravalue; document.getElementById("xd_frame").src = finalsrc; XD.receiveMessage(function (message) {document.getElementById("xd_frame").style.height = + "px"; }, ''); // ]]></script>

    and now it works. However I strongly recommend to use a tool like: to embed js code into your posts/pages. Basically it allows you to insert the js code into a separate editor which makes sure that WP does not modify or manipulate the code in any way and then you can use a shortcode to embed the js code anywhere on your website.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Googlebot can’t access your site #191786


    Please try following code

    User-agent: *
    Disallow: /cgi-bin
    Disallow: /wp-admin
    Disallow: /wp-includes
    Disallow: /wp-content/plugins
    Disallow: /wp-content/cache
    Disallow: /wp-content/themes
    Disallow: /trackback
    Disallow: /feed

    I validated it with and it seems to work:

    When I try to validate your file I get an error in the last line.

    The directory ( /siteone/ ) must not be in the robots.txt paths because the url itself already links to /siteone/ as root directory and the crawlers can’t access the /siteone/ directory directly. Otherwise this url: would also work but it does not.

    Enfold does not generate a robots.txt file for sure but it seems like WP does. You can try this plugin to change the content.


    in reply to: Drop down menu not working in IE 8 & 9 & issues with portfolio #191783
    This reply has been marked as private.


    Personally I also don’t know why Android devices don’t display the Greek characters properly but please create us an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply. Maybe I can reproduce the issue on my Android 4.1 phone or Kriesi can reproduce it on his ipad.


    in reply to: Portfolio Bug – Sorting creates second scroll bar #191776


    Please try to use following code instead

    .content .entry-content-wrapper.avia_sortable_active{
    overflow-y: hidden;


    in reply to: Compatibility of WPMUDev's Events+ plugin or Calendarize It! #191772


    At least on my test server it’s listed in the page section (Pages > View All) and you can see the id in the url bar of the admin page:

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Logo Issue with IE8 and New Update #191771


    1) I fixed the logo issue. I commented out the code in custom.css, added

    #top #header .logo img, #top #header .logo{
    height: 58px !important;
    width: 200px !important;

    into the quick css field and in enfold/js/avia.js I replaced




    Normally the function resizes the menu bar if the user scrolls down but in your case the logo height is lower than the menu height and the resize effect doesn’t make sense.

    2) No, I couldn’t find a way to set a maximum height for the testimonials without breaking the feature. Jquery will resize the container if the text doesn’t fit into the content box. Some testimonials have 3 lines, some 2 lines etc. – if you don’t want the resize effect make sure that all testimonials have the same length (= the same number of lines).

    Best regards,


    Actually it seems to be a bug inside the analytics plugin code. I found the cause and we’ll change the code on our end but it’s not a theme fault. The plugin breaks the filter link because it does not accept a ‘ quote sign for the href value.

    In /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/flexible_masonry_entries.php replace

    $output .=   "<a href='#' data-filter='".$term->slug."_sort' class='".$term->slug."_sort_button' ><span class='inner_sort_button'>";


    $output .=   '<a href="#" data-filter="'.$term->slug.'_sort" class="'.$term->slug.'_sort_button" ><span class="inner_sort_button">';

    and in /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio.php replace

    $output .=     "<a href='#' data-filter='".$category->category_nicename."_sort' class='".$category->category_nicename."_sort_button' ><span class='inner_sort_button'>";


    $output .= 		'<a href="#" data-filter="'.$category->category_nicename.'_sort" class="'.$category->category_nicename.'_sort_button" ><span class="inner_sort_button">';

    and the analytics plugin should work fine. I’ll ask Joost to look into it.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: very weird css issues – check video #191428


    Great, I’ll send the patch to Kriesi and ask him to include it in the next theme update.


    in reply to: Enfold Theme – Is there an html site template available? #191391

    Hi recumbent!

    No, Enfold is not available as html version. HTML templates do not sell very well (compared to wordpress templates) and we didn’t release html versions of our themes since 2 or 3 years.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Font issue #191385


    Enfold does not come with a “Font” tab. The font tab was removed and you can now select them by clicking on the “General” tab ( Enfold > Styling > General: ). The screen shot was taken from an older theme which did not have a “General” tab but a “fonts” tab. Please excuse the confusion the screenshot may caused.


    in reply to: PHP Fatal Error on line 9 in index.php #191384


    The get_header() function is a default WordPress function: . If it’s “undefined” wordpress doesn’t load properly. Please try to increase the allocated php memory to 128M:

    Best regards,


    Ok, please try to modify enfold/js/avia.js a bit. Open up the file and replace

    	$.avia_utilities.avia_ajax_call = function(container)


    	$.avia_utilities.avia_ajax_call = function(container)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Error Avia Compose #191377


    The archive template is not compatible with the page builder but it’s a special page template. It’s intended as a separate page template which can be used to list posts/pages, etc. and you can use the shortcodes within the page content but you can’t combine it with the “Advanced Layout Editor”.


    in reply to: Black column with firefox #191372

    Hey inspirationgroup!

    Please try to insert following code into the quick css field

    #top.avia-blank #wrap_all {
        display: block;


    in reply to: WooCommerce sidebar #191370

    Hi tomerus!

    No, WooCommerce product pages do not support a different layout. The sidebar will always show up on the left side underneath the product thumbnails.

    Best regards,

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