Forum Replies Created
The code seems to work for me: and the caption underneath the input field displays without a margin – did you try to clear the browser cache?
Try to insert following code into the quick css field
#top .frm_form_fields input[type="text"], #top .frm_form_fields input[type="input"]{ margin-bottom: 0; }
Best regards,
It seems like the SEO plugin tries to execute the product slider shortcode before the WooCommerce class is available. The visibility_meta_query() function is a member of the WC_Query class (defined in /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/classes/class-wc-query.php ) and without this class our product slider shortcode won’t work. You need to contact the plugin author and ask him how to make sure that the seo plugin loads after the woocommerce plugin is ready. Alternatively you can try: which works with Enfold out of the box.
You can try to replace following code in header.php
if (function_exists('avia_favicon')) { echo avia_favicon(avia_get_option('favicon')); }
if (function_exists('avia_favicon')) { $avia_favicon_url = avia_get_option('favicon'); if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') $avia_favicon_url = str_replace("http://", "https://", $avia_favicon_url); echo avia_favicon($avia_favicon_url); }
and in /wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/function-set-avia-frontend.php replace
$logo = "<img src='{$logo}' alt='{$alt}' />";
if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') $logo = str_replace("http://", "https://", $logo); $logo = "<img src='{$logo}' alt='{$alt}' />";
Make sure that the image urls (theme option panel) use http:// as the default protocol.
First please excuse the late reply. You can change the lightbox image size for all images easily. Open up /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/masonry_entries.php and replace
$this->loop[$key]['url'] = $custom_url ? $custom_url : reset(wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, 'large'));
$this->loop[$key]['url'] = $custom_url ? $custom_url : reset(wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, 'full'));
I’ll ask Kriesi to include a filter in the next version which allows you to change the size with your child theme.
PeterNovember 26, 2013 at 10:31 am in reply to: Verlinktes Bild in IconBox bewegt bei Cursor Kontakt / Moving picture Iconbox #193345Hey!
Versuche die nohover Klasse auch zu den umgebenden Links hinzuzufügen. Daher zB
<a href=""> <img class="aligncenter noHover" title="Naturheilkunde in der Naturheilpraxis Eden" alt="Naturheilkunde in der Naturheilpraxis Eden Naturheilpraxis Eden" src="" width="180" height="180" /> </a>
wird zu
<a href="" class="noHover"> <img class="aligncenter noHover" title="Naturheilkunde in der Naturheilpraxis Eden" alt="Naturheilkunde in der Naturheilpraxis Eden Naturheilpraxis Eden" src="" width="180" height="180" /> </a>
– dass sollte den Hover Effekt nicht nur vom Bild, sondern auch vom umgebenden Link entfernen und dadurch wird auch das Icon + das Overlay entfernt.
Es ist derzeit nicht möglich die gesamte Iconbox zu verlinken. Einfach einen Link “drumherum” setzen geht nicht, da man dabei invaliden html erzeugen würde und die Alternative wäre nur jedes einzelne Teilelement (Icon, Textbereich, umgebenden Container, etc.) mit den gleichen Link auszustatten, dass wiederum wäre aber schlecht für SEO und würde überdies einiges an Arbeit erfordern (Template Code Rewrite, etc.).
Best regards,
You can also put it into your child theme – then you don’t need to modify functions.php every time you update the theme.
But what is the reason for this? Does it affect all users of woocommerce?
No, afaik you’re the first user who reported this issue – that’s why I had to debug the breadcrumb output first. It seems like wordpress adds the same page id (shop page) to your breadcrumb several times but I’m not sure why. Maybe a third party plugin causes the issue or it’s a configuration issue with the WooCommerce shop page but I’m not sure. I’ll monitor the support forum and if more users report the same issue we’ll check the code of our breadcrumb function.Best regards,
PeterHi daujoons!
Kannst du mir bitte einen Admin Account einrichten und die Login Daten als “private reply” senden? Ich muss zugeben, dass ich ad hoc auch nicht weiß warum bbpress keinen Menüpunkt hinzufügt und ich muss mir die Sache selbst erst ansehen.
Yes, I just read your last post – try following code instead
if(!function_exists('avia_modify_event_breadcrumb')) { function avia_modify_event_breadcrumb($trail) { $urls = array(); foreach($trail as $key => $data) { if(in_array($data, $urls)) { unset($trail[$key]); } else { $urls[] = $data; } } return $trail; } add_filter('avia_breadcrumbs_trail','avia_modify_event_breadcrumb'); }
Ok, now try to insert following code instead
if(!function_exists('avia_modify_event_breadcrumb')) { function avia_modify_event_breadcrumb($trail) { foreach($trail as $key => $data) { if(strpos($data,'href=""') !== false) unset($trail[$key]); } return $trail; } add_filter('avia_breadcrumbs_trail','avia_modify_event_breadcrumb'); }
Does it solve the issue?
I can’t modify the theme files and thus I can’t debug the issue. We need to know how the breadcrumb trail look like. Insert following code into the theme functions.php file
if(!function_exists('avia_modify_event_breadcrumb')) { function avia_modify_event_breadcrumb($trail) { print_r($trail); return $trail; } add_filter('avia_breadcrumbs_trail','avia_modify_event_breadcrumb'); }
and Enfold should output some new text/code at the very top of the page (i.e. here: ). Please copy it and post it in this thread.
Best regards,
We need to know how the breadcrumb trail look like. Insert following code into the theme functions.php file
if(!function_exists('avia_modify_event_breadcrumb')) { function avia_modify_event_breadcrumb($trail) { print_r($trail); return $trail; } add_filter('avia_breadcrumbs_trail','avia_modify_event_breadcrumb'); }
and Enfold should output some new text/code at the very top of the page (“automatic concepts” archive page). Please copy it and post it here.
PeterHi RevolutionGroup!
Please try to deactivate all browser IE11 extensions and clear the browser cache. I just tried to reproduce the issue and compared IE9 (IETester version) with IE11 but I didn’t notice a styling flaw: . The icons displayed fine for me and there was a light grey border around the dropdown menus in both browsers.
Yes, you can use this code – insert it into the functions.php file at the very bottom:
add_filter('avia_post_grid_query','avia_order_by_random'); function avia_order_by_random($query) { $query['orderby'] = 'title'; $query['order'] = 'ASC'; return $query; }
to change the order. Instead of title you can also insert “date” (date sort order) or “rand” (for a random sort order). You can also replace ASC (ascending order) with DESC (descending order).
You can also install a plugin like: which helps you to apply a custom order to your posts (with drag’n’drop).
Unfortunately you can’t do such a calculation with css code. It would require js/jquery calculations and the disadvantage would be that it causes some sort of stutter/page shift when the page loads and the browser executes the js code whereas the css code kicks in immediately as soon as the other styling code is loaded.
PeterNovember 26, 2013 at 9:14 am in reply to: How to Reuse the avia-menu classes to set up custom menu? #193292Hi ChadRichardFlorida!
Try to insert following code into the quick css field and the sub-menu list should work
.textwidget ul { overflow: visible; }
Best regards,
PeterHey alkaithil!
The color sets are defined in /wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/admin/register-backend-styles.php – it’s an array which uses the color scheme name as key and each color scheme contains a sub-array which stores the color values. You can modify the array directly or use the “avf_skin_options” filter ( ) to add your custom schemes.
Sure, insert following code into the quick css field
.av-masonry-container { margin: auto; width: 1030px; float: none; }
Best regards,
Actually it can be done with a plugin but it seems like Kriesi blocked it. I’m not sure if this limitation is intentional or just an oversight but you can definitely bypass it. In /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/contentslider.php replace
'content' => ShortcodeHelper::shortcode2array($content),
'content' => ShortcodeHelper::shortcode2array($content, 1),
and the content slider should process any shortcode you want to use within the content slider text. I’ll mark this thread for Kriesi in case he wants to change it in the next version.
Then ask for a refund – if you’re not happy with Enfold because of the “obscure and complicated code” or with our support service you can use another theme. I recommend to ask your developer which theme he wants to use and then start to build your website with that theme. I think we reached the point where we all start to waste our time with non constructive threads and posts. You can contact Envato here: if you want to request a refund.
We already updated the translation and we’ll include it with the next version. For now you can download the updated mo file here,13346393/ and place it into the enfold/lang folder (overwrite the existing mo file).
PeterNovember 25, 2013 at 12:16 pm in reply to: multi markers Google Maps plugin for Enfold Theme #192894Hey Adolfo Lucio!
Personally I tried – I didn’t test all features/options but I tested some of them with Enfold and it worked pretty well. You can create multiple markers, create several maps with different markers, upload custom marker images, etc.
PeterNovember 25, 2013 at 11:08 am in reply to: single-portfolio.php is NOT used to create a Single View of a Portfolio Item #192869Hi!
The template-builder.php file is used if a fullwidth element (like “Color Section”, LayerSlider, “Fullwidth Masonry Gallery”) is used in the advanced layout. Otherwise WordPress will use the default single-portfolio.php template.
PeterNovember 25, 2013 at 11:05 am in reply to: Next Bug – remove / rename of categories for custom-post-type not possible #192868Hey!
1) We can’t access the server because a authentication window pops up (username/password required).
2) Please create us an admin account and post the login data as private reply.
There’s no archive/blog template which equals 1) + 2). You could use the “Single Author, big preview Pic (no author picture is displayed, feature image is big)” option: but this template does not show such a big thumbnail on the left side and you’d need to customize the includes/loop-index.php file. Depending on your php/html skills I recommend to hire someone here: or here:
The single post layout (no.3) can be selected on the theme option page “Enfold > General Settings > Single Post Style”. I recommend to use the “Single post with big preview image (featured image)” option
PeterNovember 25, 2013 at 10:38 am in reply to: mobile logo blurry – gets techy – and complicated #192852Hey!
Yes, the solution sounds reasonable to me. You can also try to install a plugin like: which will replace the default image with a high res version of the same image if it’s available.
Please create us an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply – we’ll look into it.
I marked this thread for Kriesi. Personally I’m not aware of an easy solution to complete deactivate the default editor but maybe Kriesi can provide some tips.
PeterHi websitegurus!
We’ll include the alt attribute in the next version. Kriesi forgot to add (and the markup) when he created the element. I went through the code and optimized it (SEO). You can download the new version of the template here:
PeterHey Torsten!
The favicon and logo url depends on your input and it’s not a theme issue. If you want to replace http with https go to Enfold > Theme settings and make sure that the image urls use the https:// protocol instead of http://. If you need to change it click into the text field of the logo/favicon url option and add the “s” to http://.
Peter -