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  • #192886

    Hi! I would like to add a custom color scheme so I can use the client’s brand color as a main color. I was thinking of maybe cloning one of the existing schemes and modifying it. I have knowdlege of CSS & PHP, so if you could guide me a bit on how to do it or where are the schemes configurated.




    Hey alkaithil!

    The color sets are defined in /wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/admin/register-backend-styles.php – it’s an array which uses the color scheme name as key and each color scheme contains a sub-array which stores the color values. You can modify the array directly or use the “avf_skin_options” filter ( http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_filter ) to add your custom schemes.



    Unfortunately I don’t have any knowledge of PHP and limited CSS knowledge and would like to add a custom color scheme. I am wanting to use a child theme so I can isolate my customization from any theme updates, so the idea of modifying the array directly seems counterproductive. That leaves trying this use of the “avf_skin_options” filter. And here is the issue: I have no idea what you are talking about, and am quite confused by the link to the codex page you referenced. Can you please explain?

    Also – I tried simply editing the register-backend-styles.php by picking one of the predefined styles we wouldn’t ever use and swapping out to our custom theme, and then putting that file in the child theme folder. Seems a bit naive, but I thought any files with the same name got overwritten by those in the child theme folder. Didn’t work! (“If you want to change more than just the stylesheet, your child theme can overwrite any file in the parent theme: simply include a file of the same name in the child theme directory, and it will overwrite the equivalent file in the parent theme directory. For instance, if you want to change the PHP code for the site header, you can include a header.php in your child theme’s directory, and that file will be used instead of the parent theme’s header.php.” …from this page: http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes)

    So, any help would be greatly appreciated!


    I also have tried putting this in my child function.php, and it didn’t work:

    include_once( get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/register-backend-styles.php’ );



    Child theme inheritance really only works for the root folder and then any other file that is pulled in with a child theme function like get_template_part.

    The framework and theme files which are pulled in by includes will not get written over by a child theme.

    Unfortunately if you aren’t familiar with php then writing your own color scheme to add to the themes isn’t something we can walk you through. As Peter said, its an array of data values and the styling options page is how the theme is set for a user to create their own color options.

    If you need to create a new one then you’ll need to look into a freelance developer from somewhere like Codeable, Microlancer or http://kriesi.at/contact/customization


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