Forum Replies Created
September 12, 2018 at 8:03 am in reply to: Get specific meta data of an image via shortcode #1008779
Sure – you can replace i.e. the line:
return $copyright_text;
if(!empty($copyright_text)) $copyright_text = '<div class="avia_image_copyright">'.$copyright_text.'</div>'; return $copyright_text;
and then use the avia_image_copyright class to style the copyright text.
Best regards,
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
Hey lucaroehrl,
Thank you for the suggestion! I marked this thread for our developer to look into it :)
Best regards,
Please add this code to the child theme functions.php to remove the meta robots tags which are set by the theme:
add_filter('avf_set_follow','avia_set_nofollow'); function avia_set_nofollow(){ $meta = ''; return $meta; }
Afterwards only the tags which are set by All in One SEO Pack Pro Plugin will be used/displayed.
Best regards,
Glad the issue is solved now :)
Best regards,
PeterHey Thomas,
Ich habe jetzt ganz am Ende des Quick CSS Codes folgenden Code hinzugefügt, um den Content-Bereich breiter zu machen:
#top #wrap_all .container_wrap > .container{ padding-left: 10px; } #top #wrap_all .content .entry-content-wrapper { padding-right: 5px; }
Ich habe den Fehler gefunden – beim Code im Custom CSS Feld hat eine geschwungene Klammer ( } ) gefehlt (weiter oben) und dadurch hat dann der Code darunter nicht funktioniert.
Ich habe den Fehler gefunden – beim Code im Custom CSS Feld hat eine geschwungene Klammer ( } ) gefehlt (weiter oben) und dadurch hat dann der Code darunter nicht funktioniert.
Ich bekomme die Fehlermeldung “Das Passwort, das du für den Benutzernamen XY eingegeben hast, ist nicht korrekt.
Erstelle mir bitte einen Admin Account und ich sehe mir an, warum der Code nicht funktioniert.
PeterSeptember 11, 2018 at 6:40 pm in reply to: Beim Aktualisieren von Enfold ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Download fehlgeschlage #1008493Hi,
Ich würde ein Backup des alten Theme Ordners machen (benenne den Ordner “enfold” zB in “enfold_bak” um) und dann einfach den neuen / entpackten enfold Ordner in wp-content/themes hochladen. So kannst Du das Theme jederzeit wiederherstellen, falls beim hochladen etwas schief läuft (dann einfach den “enfold” Ordner löschen und “enfold_bak” wieder in “enfold” umbenennen.
@Guenni – thanks for spotting – I took the code from Jordan and didn’t take care of the wrong socket id.I adjusted the code above ( ), please try it again.
If you want to remove the words “Enfold WordPress Theme by Kriesi” from the copyright area you can add this shortcode
to the copyright options field (screenshot ).
Als Randnotiz – Guennis code verändert die gesamte Sidebar, nicht nur das Widget.Sofern Du nur das Widget verändern möchtest, sollte mein Code eigentlich funktionieren (habe es gerade nochmals getestet). Falls es trotz Browser Cache leeren nicht funktioniert, erstelle mir bitte einen Admin Account und ich sehe mir die Sache näher an.
PeterHey Ruth Royall,
Yes you need a separate license for each domain. If you want to use the theme on two domains you need two licenses.
Best regards,
PeterHey David Stauble,
We sell Enfold only on Themeforest ( ) and do not have any special reseller program. You can register an affiliate account to profit from the sales you refer:
Personally I’d recommend to set up a different user account for each client. You can then
1) get a commission for each sale,
2) pass the login credentials for the account (and the api key for automatic updates) to your client and register it with their name/address.Best regards,
I did a quick test and the video plays just fine in the sidebar ( ). It’s a standard wordpress video widget in the “Displayed everywhere” widget area.
Best regards,
I did a quick test on my website and the add to cart button normally doesn’t link to another page.
Please make sure your shortcode looks like:
[add_to_cart id="99"]
(of course the product id can be different). If the shortcode doesn’t work properly on a certain page please create us an admin account and send us a link to the page – we’ll look into it.
Best regards,
Glad I could help you :)
Best regards,
PeterHey steviger,
I’d recommend to set a custom class for your columns ( ) – otherwise you can break the website layout.
I.e. use the class “no_margin_column” (screenshot: ) and then add this code to your quick css field:
#top #wrap_all div .av_one_fifth.no_margin_column { margin-left: 1%; width: 19.0%; }
Best regards,
PeterHey czar,
We transfered all snippets to github – you can find theme here:
Best regards,
PeterHey bwilbourne,
Please check your php settings and make sure the values are set to:
max_execution_time 180 memory_limit 128M post_max_size 32M upload_max_filesize 64M
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 11, 2018 at 2:22 pm in reply to: Google API – With the second Google map the problem begins. #1008411Hey J.,
Please post a link to your website and I’ll check the console.
Best regards,
Strange because the video widget works on my test server with the code I posted above. @Guenni007 are the login credentials still valid? If yes I’d like to test the video widget on your website.
So there is NO WAY to get a separator into a floating textblock without writing CSS rules for every URL your trying to style??
You could use the custom css class settings: to apply these rules to all separators with your custom css class. You could then embed these separators into your floating content and you don’t need to write extra styling rules for each url.
Best regards,
Great, glad we could help you :)Regards,
PeterHey xxtita,
This is not possible but you could add a code element before the slider and then add a html anchor tag inside the code block like:
<a name="wellness"></a>
This should do the trick :)
Best regards,
I visited your website andthe console outputs these errors:You may have been effected by an update to settings in embedded timelines. See
TypeError: r.dataSource is undefined[Weitere Informationen] widgets.js:11:6914
It seems like the plugin doesn’t work because Twitter retired the old API. The comments ( ) also suggest the plugin doesn’t work with the latest Twitter api. Please switch to another plugin.
Best regards,
Seems like a somewhat common error for some in 4.9:’d recommend to use ftp to download the child theme functions.php, then modify it and use ftp to upload it again.
Kind regards,
Glad we could help you :)
Best regards,
Please try this code:
//Register tag cloud filter callback add_filter('widget_tag_cloud_args', 'avia_tag_widget_limit'); //Limit number of tags inside widget function avia_tag_widget_limit($args){ //Check if taxonomy option inside widget is set to tags if(isset($args['taxonomy']) && $args['taxonomy'] == 'post_tag'){ $args['number'] = 1000; //Limit number of tags } return $args; }
You can replace 1000 with any other value to increase or decrease the limit.
Best regards,
PeterSeptember 11, 2018 at 11:03 am in reply to: Insert Social Share icons on WooCommerce Product page #1008317Hi,
Glad you found a solution :)
Best regards,
Peter -
This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by