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Hi Mike,
Many thanks for the explanations and fixes – I’m getting my head around it, albeit a bit slowly! Thanks for your patience!
It’s working as I wanted, now, so that’s great. As I said before, there’s a lot of options in Enfold and you have to experiment a bit to find out how they work together. My main puzzlement was over the mini preview images attached to the links in the sidebar – but only on the main blog page; once you were reading a post itself the sidebar links didn’t show the mini preview image. That got me well confused!
I can wrap my head around a bit of CSS, the main problem is identifying the right selectors to be working with. I try and use the developer/inspect panels on the browsers – but I still struggle, there’s so much in there!
Anyway, job done for the timebeing, appreciate your help.
Hi Mike,
Many thanks for the ‘no scaling’ tip! sounds like that will crack the problem.
As it happens I have tried an alternative gallery plugin ‘Modula’ (I may have mentioned it.) I’ve only tested it on a draft page so far (clone of the Accommodation page), but it uses a shortcode approach and does precisely what I want straight out of the box with hardly any fiddling. So I will probably end up using Modula for the gallery, I just haven’t invoked it on the live page, yet.
Many thanks for your help and suggestions.
HughHi Mike,
Thanks for reporting back on the issues Ref. the ‘threefold’ reasons….
1. Agreed, that was the selected option – single post with small preview (featured) image.
2. Re. the {display:none; }….. you gave me some CSS code on 18th March to hide the thumbnails in the sidebar. I can’t recall adding any blog-meta hide….I wouldn’t have known how to!! (although maybe I picked it up here…. ….which I was advised to look at by Ismael)
3. Again, that custom function may have been added via advice taken from the documentation. Although I can’t honestly remember doing that. (it’s hard to log every move and keystroke!)
Unfortunately your pointers don’t quite resolve all my issues.
A. The micro preview images on the sidebar links are still showing. As I said earlier in the thread (18th March), I don’t want these ON THE LINKS. But I do want the featured image in the post.
B. When I have no featured image for a post…..why is a grey placeholder image inserted? No featured image means I don’t want an image….any image! The grey placeholder is ugly.
C. Can the featured image in the post be aligned left (with the body of the text), and with a bit more white space between it and the post title? Probably jusst some simple CSS, but not sure what the selector is.
The main thing is NOIT to have little square preview images (meaninglessly small) on the sidebar links.
HughThis reply has been marked as private.Mike,
I’ll set up a login for you shortly – will advise as follow up in this thread.* Correct, I don’t want to show newsbox widget thumbnails. I’ve applied your CSS fix and that works nicely. But all the same I’d like to know HOW this works and WHY thumbnails were only showing on the blog page (News Stuff) and not on a post . Each have similar sidebars, so …..??
* Single posts – yes, I want featured images to show. Or at least I want to know why they are not showing when I’ve specifically chosen for them to show in the post admin! So rather than just a CSS fix or whatever, an explanation of WHY is more important – then I can handle it better as the blog section gets more intensive.
* Version – yes, just notified by Theme Forest yesterday, I’ll update as soon as I have a moment!
HughHi Mike,
Thanks for the advice – the shortcode tip is very useful. I don’t use the block code editor, can’t get on with it!
I’ll have a look at the link. I was shortlisting a couple of plugins (Modula and Responsive Lightbox Gallery) but will check out their shortcode capability.Using the Enfold gallery on This page has got some so-so results. The gallery has been specified to display thrumbnails at 180×180 square, but they seem to balloon in size (easily to 285×285) depending on browser window dimension. As they ‘balloon’ they lose all sharpness. Also the caption position is a disaster!…
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I should add that, separately to what’s going on in the sidebar, featured images are not displaying WITHIN posts.
If I go to the admin for any post where I use a featured image, towards the bottom of the right column is an option…”Featured Image. Select to display featured image for a single post entry.” – I have selected the option “Show on single entry”.
However, no featured images are displayed in any of the posts.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your reply.
Ref.the no-news-thumb class, you say…”which is typically added when the featured image has been disabled on the post..” Featured images are ‘disabled’ by default – you have to enable a featured image if you want one, that’s a standard WordPress admin procedure.
You also say…”I see on your posts the featured image and blog-meta is hidden…” I can’t say why this is, either. I don’t think I’ve deliberately hidden featured images, although I may have selected a blog layout option which hides blog-meta? (what is blog-meta and is it the same as post-meta..?)
As you say, there are many different combinations of settings that could bve used and, not to be disparaging, that can make Enfold frustrating to use! I’ve posted you a link to my blog layout settings, perhaps you can see something there? Otherwise suggest me where else I might be looking for a setting.
HughYes, thanks, I was aware of the Latest Posts widget.
But what I’m asking is why ithe latest post links display differently in different views:A. View the main blog page (News Stuff) – in the sidebar each latest post link has a small thumbnail pic (if the post uses a featured image)
B. Click on a link to view the full post – sidebar links of Latest Posts no longer display any thumbnail.
Why? Why (and where was it set up) do thumbnails display only on the blog front page (News Stuff) ? This behaviour is not controlled by the Misc > Widget Links in Advanced Styling.
See link below for example
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Hi Ismael,
OK, got you there – thanks for that tip. (there’s an awful lot of options in Enfold so it can be tricky to understand what needs switching on or off!)
One other thing…..
On my page the blog shows a list of article excerpts, and in the right column the latest posts etc. The latest posts have a small square image in front of the title, presumably a micro-thumbnail of the post’s featured image.
When you click to go to an individual post, the right sidebar is still there with its list of latest posts, but without any micro-thumbnails. ?? Why is that?To be honest, the micro-thumbnails are way too small to be meaningful – the plain text link is perfectly adequate. So how do I get rid of the micro-thuimbnails on the main blog page? (and why are they there, anyway?)
Finally, how do I style those ‘latest post’ links in the right sidebar? By default (according to the Enfold colour scheme), all links on the site should be coloured red. These links are not coloured. Why?
HughHi Rikard,
Checking the Enfold admin it looks like ‘News Stuff’ is the selected page for the blog.
So you’re saying if that is selected as the blog page it will impose a template that overrides any customisation I might do to the page?
That’s fine, I just didn’t know what would happen when I select the page for the blog in the Enfold options – it doesn’t say “don’t try and customise you page”…!!
HughHi Mike,
Sorry for late reply. But I’ve got it working using the grid row method…one grid row visible for desktop, another grid row for mobile. That allowed me to present a few different things in a different way, seems to work quite well.
Thanks for you help and suggestions on this one.
HughFebruary 27, 2024 at 12:54 pm in reply to: Full Width Easy Slider – remove buttons for mobile #1435586Hi Mike,
No, I’m testing using my mobile not shrinking the desktop browser!
I’m sure it’s displaying ‘correctly’…it’s just not displaying sensibly. The red boxes completely overwhelm the header and slider, occupying 75% of screen estate in your image, which is silly for a couple of small messages.
I will try the duplicate grid row method, – glad to hear you confirm it should work. CSS is all very well, but I’m going to end up with loads of additional code which I don’t fully comprehend…and somewhere down the road may not even remember where in the admin I put it and what it’s fixing! The duplicate grid row approach is administratively a bit easier for me, and I can redesign the message boxes a little.
Will let you know how it goes.regards
HughFebruary 26, 2024 at 12:07 pm in reply to: Full Width Easy Slider – remove buttons for mobile #1435428Mike, that was ideal, thank you! I confess that I’m not a CSS pro. It’s amazing what can be done with it if you know your way around ;)
CSS fixes might also be sought for the red boxes (a grid row) which follow the slider. Again, on a desktop device they’re fine. But on a mobile the boxes are way too large, partly (I think?) because the icon pushes all the text into a tall column, and generally for mobole there’s too much padding of the boxes.
I’m sure some CSS could fix it, and you’re welcome to advise me! But I also thought of another method which might work..? This would be to duplicate the grid row but rebuild the content in the cells – e.g. use simple text boxes rather than icon text boxes, and reduce the padding allround. The standard gridrow would be set to NOT SHOW on mobile devices (less than 480px); the duplicate re-built grid row would be set to NOT SHOW on larger screens (over 480px).
Do you think that method would work?
HughFebruary 25, 2024 at 8:50 pm in reply to: Full Width Easy Slider – remove buttons for mobile #1435374Thanks! That was a painless fix!
With the buttons gone I still can’t get the positioning of the ‘caption’ quite where I’d like it. Although the selected caption position is ‘bottom without frame’, the caption sits too high up in the image window in the mobile view (the desktop view is fine).
Should I be using a more full-featured slider to get finer control of positioning?
HughIs there yet any facility to create global ELEMENTS? i.e. elements which can be used throughout a site, on multiple pages, yet only need updating in one place. Maybe call this an element template?
An accordion element is used to display a list of upcoming events, perhaps with 6 or 7 toggle items. This element needs to be shown on 5 different pages of the site (and often in a different position on different pages). It is a real pain to have to update each accordion on five separate pages. So it would be good to have a global ELEMENT TEMPLATE which can be amended in one place but which automatically updates all instances of the element template across anyn pages where it is used.
This idea was partially discussed in this thread 4 years ago…
Has anything happened in the last 4 years? Has this idea been developed?
Hugh -
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