Forum Replies Created
Hey Guenni007,
i added this now into my theme and i receive.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘style’ of null
at (index):349Thank you Guenni007 – i will try this when i find some time the solution could work i think. I will comeback as soon as i tested it. Sorry for the delay for some reasons i didnt get the email notification.
Hey Rikard,
[av_one_half first min_height='' vertical_alignment='' space='' custom_margin='' margin='0px' padding='0px' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' background_color='' src='https://localhost:8080/test/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/karate-fuer-kinder.jpg' background_position='top
left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_breaking='' mobile_display='' av_uid='av-12tfv5n']
<span class=”headline-karate”>TEXT</span>
[/av_one_half]Does not work for me?
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
Hey Ismael,
Okay i used now a Grid row and for the right part i have a Code Block with:
[av_one_half first min_height='' vertical_alignment='' space='' custom_margin='' margin='0px' padding='0px' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' background_color='' src='' background_position='top
left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_breaking='' mobile_display='' av_uid='av-12tfv5n']
[av_one_half min_height='' vertical_alignment='' space='' custom_margin='' margin='0px' padding='0px' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' background_color='' src='' background_position='top
left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_breaking='' mobile_display='' av_uid='av-12tfv5n']
[av_one_full first min_height='' vertical_alignment='' space='' custom_margin='' margin='0px' padding='0px' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' background_color='' src='' background_position='top
left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_breaking='' mobile_display='' av_uid='av-17r5yy3']
[/av_one_full]EDIT: I think i managed it – is there a way to apply a bg_image into the shortcode and if yes how?
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
fixed it now with vairous css changes
Hey Vinay,
Thank for coming up if you check the page i send via private you will notice the text is in capital letters. I reviewed the code it seems the <header class=”entry-content-header”> is closed to late and the content of the text wil be effected by it. You can see this Effect on the Blog Page i posted below. Its all in capital letters.
After the update there was also some bugs at the module to show blog Entries on other pages. You can view this on the Mainpage i linked below. The Headline is for some reason way bigger then before and the metas will be shown even if i disabled them via the Theme options.
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
Edit: This happens on all sides so i cant edit any page.
Hey Nikko,
it looks like it works now thank you so much ! -> solved
Hello Nikko,
thank you for your replay and sorry for my delay but i was on a business trip. So i made what you said the datas can be found below.
I’ll try that thank you
I solved my problem too. i tired all this stuff above and it did not work! So i modified the Code via a Childtheme and voila it worked
Changed slideshow_layerslider.php line 97 to
// Get slider
//$slider = $wpdb->get_row(“SELECT * FROM $table_name
// WHERE id = “.(int)$atts[“id”].” AND flag_hidden = ‘0’
// AND flag_deleted = ‘0’
// ORDER BY date_c DESC LIMIT 1″ , ARRAY_A);
//if the slider does not exist query the last sliderStill open
Works thank you – can be closed :)
August 25, 2015 at 5:13 pm in reply to: Textblock and Image on the same Level – Resize to 7''/8'' #493097Hey Dake,
thanks i added a topic – lets see what will happens. This topic can be closed thank for the help to all of you.
August 25, 2015 at 2:16 pm in reply to: Textblock and Image on the same Level – Resize to 7''/8'' #492933Hey Andy,
thanks will try that but it wont work for sliders etc etc. – so maybe there will be somewhen a build-in option to make this happen this would be great. So even people without coding knowledge can make this happen. And it would be a real advantage compared to other themes. :)
August 24, 2015 at 2:06 pm in reply to: Textblock and Image on the same Level – Resize to 7''/8'' #492201Hey Rikard,
Yeah i can i fixed it a bid with middle – but its still a huge gab between the picture and the text. I am searching for an option where you have everywhere the same amount of space between the picture and the text no matter what kind of resolution the user uses. In Indesign you have an option where you can “wrapping” an text arround an image if you adjust the text is “wraps” automatically.
Example Website: Indesign Wrap:
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
Update: I’ve noticed i don’t use the Layerslider it was a Slideshow (full width). I exchanged it and it works. Anyhow maybe you should look into this issue, I noticed it with the default colors too. Maybe there is some kind of Bug or Javascript stuff – for fruther questions please email me. I’ve added my email on private content. Phonecalls in German are possible too :)
habe genau das gleiche Problem. Ich habe in den Einstellungen
1. Single Post with big preview image eingestelt.
2. Einen Beitrag verfasst.
3. Es wird aber nichts im Artikel angezeigt muss ich da noch irgendwas ändern bzw. in dem Layout Editor einfügen?Als Resulttat würde ich gerne das haben -> nur ohne Sidebar
Wobei ich mich hier nur auf das Image, die Headline und die Metadaten beziehe. Danke im Vorraus.
Hey Yigit,
thank you very much – problem is solved. I wish you a happy new year.
Best Regards
cr3epyP.S.: Topic can be closed
Hey Yigit,
oh thought i used Private Data its done now. Thanks :)
cr3epy -
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by