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  • Hi Ismael,

    Thank you for your response. Please, feel free to deactivate any plugins while testing! We are looking forward to receiving a quick solution to this problem. We did not add any css in that page – we built the page again with the same elements / just to test some possible reasons – unfortunately with no result. The bug seems to show up only with iOS.

    Thank you for your help in advance!

    Best regards from Germany,


    Hi Ismael,

    could you be so kind to log in today or as soon as possible? Our problem is, that the display-errors do not occur constantly – we are not able to check the reason. It cannot correlate with any plugin, we think, because even if we deactivate all plugins, the problem remains / from time to time – depending on browser and iOs or Android-device.

    We updated the theme and all plugins.

    We do not use the Enfold-Privacy-Settings – we installed Borlabs instead.

    Thank you very much in advance,
    best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    thanks a lot for your quick reaction – we installed a user with password (see below :-)

    We are looking forward to listening from you

    Best Regards

    in reply to: Layer Slider Fails on Enfold update 4.6! #1158766

    Hi Kriesi-Support,

    while scrolling through those questions we noticed this error-description and ask for support as well … We do have massive problems with Enfold at one of our customer-sites.

    – Our cookie-notice is not displayed on ONE page (Willkommen-Seite / Start-Seite) under Safari
    – Layer Slider is not displayed on this page
    – one hot-spot-picture is not displayed on this page
    – a whole section on this page (as an Enfold-Element) is not displayed
    – on the iPad Pro the menu is not displayed (neither the normal nor the mobile menu)
    – the menu on the blog-page (“Aktuelles”) does not work (mobile)

    First we thought, this might be linked to our Ninja-Popup / but even if we deactivate, it does not work

    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1116590

    Hi Mike,

    thank you very much!! That worked pretty good!

    Kind regards,


    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1115680

    Hi Mike,

    sorry for the inconvenience! Here is another trial…

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1115214

    Hi Mike,

    sorry – I forgot to pass this over :-(
    Below you find the password for the server-login.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1114837
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1113557

    Hi Ismael,

    thanks again – unfortunately this does not work. The portfolio-item is displayed while hovering. We want to eliminate this.
    Should we integrate something like “portfolio-grid-title-overlay” into the code???

    Thanks in advance

    Best regards,


    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1112917

    p.s.: … the title is being displayed while hovering

    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1112915

    Hi Ismael,

    thanks a lot – the hover-effect as well as the arrows (previous/following portfolio-item) are eliminated;

    how can we handle it, that the portfolio-item-title is NOT displayed on the picture/image? The portfolio-item-title (category) is displayed in the center of the image – we do not want to display the title.

    Thanks a lot in advance – best regards,


    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1111278

    Hi all,

    unfortunately we could not respond earlier …

    We now tried a different solution for our customer. We decided to eliminate the hover-effect for any display of images; instead of this we integrated the title directly.

    1) How can we eliminate the hover-effect for the whole website in Enfold?
    2) Within the portfolio-item we want to eliminate the arrows, which display the following or the previous portfolio-item by hovering on to the arrow (but left/right display is not intuitiv there, so we want to hide this)

    I hope, this is easy to customize and send many thanks to you in advance.

    Thanks a lot

    Best regard,

    Unfortunately the site is not online so far – and we are not allowed to grant access to the server (is not hosted by us).

    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1102451

    Thanks a lot for your effort, cg – the title-color did not change / we placed an “official reply” on that in the post.
    Thank you very much!

    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1102450

    Thanks a lot for all your effort!

    1) We eliminated the arrows (sequence) within the portfolio (pagination) – so we do not have this problem any more;
    the sequence of the gallery at HOME should not be changed by date – that’s why we eliminated this as a solution.

    2) Unfortunately it did not work to change the title-color within the galleries. With “cg”s code the hover effect had been eliminated, title-color (text) had not changed – it is a light grey now; we want to have it displayed in black (so that it is better readable). We did not find any possibility to customize the hover-effect and title-color – so we need your help for this styling, please (grid-listing) –


    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1101055

    Hi Christian,

    thanks for your very quick answer – so you are really a specialist in using and customizing this theme!
    We are learning through trial and error – and with the help of the support …. omg / thanks a lot – we will try this immediately!

    Hover on mobile = I described this in the wrong way – we do not have this hover-effect on mobile devices, yes – but the title of the image is not readable, because the title color is the same = light grey on darker hover/layer; we want to change the color of the image title to make it easier to read (it should be darker – something like “80%black” = do you know where we can define this in this theme?

    many thanks

    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1101027

    Hi Ismael,

    thanks for your reply!

    1.) Your suggestion worked with the Lightbox. FINE!

    2.) We do not have any solution for our second problem – described in the first post: portfolio-item-sequence = the arrows, which allow the navigation to the previous and next portfolio item, are reversed: instead of the next item the previous can be selected and vice versa.
    How can we fix that right-left-problem?

    3.) And – last one – we have to change the color in the hover-effect on mobile devices = image title should be displayed in a different (darker) color; where can we change that?

    Thanks a lot in advance


    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1100429

    Again, thank you, Chris, for your support! Unfortunately the lightbox does not display the image in a larger size (we tested with 2560px). I wrote to Kriesi and hope, they might send a code to customize the lightbox. Your suggestion concerning the footer worked! THANKS! We embedded this as a content-image before / that’s why it did not work.
    Have a nice day – cheers!

    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1100427
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1100156

    Hey Kriesi-Team,

    we are in urgent need of support concerning the above mentioned topics:

    1. Size of Lightbox = full size of images
    2. hover-title within galeries on mobile devices
    3. Footer-image should fill whole footer without edge/distance

    Could you please get into contact with us?

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Image hover effect on mobile #1098429

    Hi Rikard,

    thank you very much for replying – please find below the pdf in the following folder (concerning hover-effect on images and sequence of galleries):

    Hope, you can derive it from there …

    We do have some other problems with this project as well :-(
    1. problems with size of LIGHTBOX – our client wants the images to be displayed very large – is it possible to enlarge the size of the Lightbox / something like “full width of image loaded”?
    2. Hover-TITLE within galeries – can we change the font-size and -color (our customer wants the size to be displayed with 20px and maybe in another color – how can we change size and color of hover-title?)
    3. Footer – we display an image (part of the clients logo) in the footer with the help of a widget – one column; is it instead of this possible to display this without any edges and distance above and below? There is a white line which we do not want to be displayed. Our client wants this to be displayed with maximum width.

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH – this project is very complicated concerning the impatience of our client …
    Hope, you can offer help quickly


    in reply to: mobile menu position #1010446

    Hi Nikko,

    Thanks a lot! That worked very well!
    Hope, we will not need further support any more with this client :-)

    Best regards,

    in reply to: mobile menu position #1009674

    Hi Nikko,

    Thank you for your support!! In the private content you can find your login-data :-)

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    Best regards,

    in reply to: mobile menu position #1009439

    Hey Nikko,

    Thanks for your ultra-quick reply ;-)

    Unfortunately this does not work – I disabled the file merging, as you told me (no CSS file merging and compression), but I do not see any changes.

    What else do I have to do?

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: mobile menu position #1009348

    Thank you, Nikko!!
    I customized the code as you told me to do – but it does not work – here the code so far (I tried with 4px to 8px – but there is no change visible)
    Can you please give me some Advice :-)

    Thanks in advance!
    Best regards

    I am sorry to ask for so much support – this is a very special client :-)) and the topics concerning his


    @media only screen and (max-width:990px){
    #top #wrap_all #header #av-burger-menu-ul > li.av-active-burger-items {
    border-bottom: 8px #fff solid;

    .html_header_sidebar #header .av-main-nav > li > a {
    border-bottom-style: solid;
    border-bottom-width: 8px;

    in reply to: mobile menu position #1008853

    Hi Victoria,

    Thanks for this code – it works for the left hand side display;
    our client also wants separating borders to be shown in the mobile and normal menu.

    Please, can you check, if this is customizable? We did not find any information concerning the border-thickness.

    He wants the borders in the normal menu to be displayed in thicker white color – twice the thickness as actually realized.

    Thanks in advance – looking forward to reading from you :-)


    in reply to: mobile menu position #1008397

    Hi Nikko,

    Thank you for your quick reply!! It does not work with the left side, but now it is much smaller – this is quite good, too!!
    Could you please tell me, how we are able to realize that

    1.) borders in the mobile menu (at the moment there is no border displayed) are displayed in white color
    2.) borders in the normal menu should be thicker in white color

    Thanks a lot in advance
    Kind regards,


    in reply to: mobile menu position #1008344

    Hi Basilis,

    thanks for your quick answer – then we have to try it with individual customization – if our clients sticks to that condition;
    we have now chosen the sidebar flyout menu – but this is displayed on the right hand side – our client wants this to be displayed on the LEFT.
    Can you give us a code for that?

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: mobile menu position #1007546

    Hey Nikko,

    thanks a lot!! This worked fine!
    Now we the icon for the mobile menu is displayed on the left hand side – perfect! THANKS!

    Our client also wants the mobile menu to be displayed AND let the whole screen be scrollable at the same time;
    he wants the mobile menu not to be displayed as a new page overlaying the content, but to be displayed as content WITHIN the homepage below the header (scrollable), and afterwards the content of HOME is displayed – also scrollable until the end …

    Unfortunately our client told us some features to be realized after having chosen a template – so we do have to customize a lot …

    We hope to receive help from you :-)

    Thank you very much in advance!

    Kind regards

    Birgit Goldenstern

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