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  • #1190853

    Hi Kriesi-Support,

    we do have massive problems with Enfold at one of our customer-sites; same problem as in November an December. Unfortunately
    you could not detect the bug last year. Maybe we are luckier now : )

    – Our cookie-notice is not displayed on ONE page (it is the start-page: Willkommen-Seite / Start-Seite) under Safari and Chrome when using iOS (no problem with Android-devices)
    – Layer Slider is not displayed on this single page
    – one hot-spot-picture is not displayed on this single page
    – a whole section on this page (as an Enfold-Element) is not displayed (parallax-effect)
    – the mobile menu is shown, but cannot be selected/clicked – you can only switch to another page by selecting the imprint or DS-page
    – on the iPad Pro the menu is not displayed – neither the normal nor the mobile menu!
    – the menu on the blog-page (“Aktuelles”) does not work (on mobile)

    Borlabs does not seem to be linked to this problem neither – even if we deactivate the cookie-notice, the described problems are still there.

    PROBLEM: Strangely enough these topics do not occur constantly – we do not have any idea, which reason this might have….

    THANKS in advance for your support!
    We activated a Kriesi-Support-Login!!

    Kind regards,



    Hey Concre,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Did you add any custom script or unique element in the front page? Since the issue is only happening in a single page, it’s possible that there is a particular element or script in that page that is causing the issue.

    Can we deactivate the plugins temporarily while we search for the issue?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thank you for your response. Please, feel free to deactivate any plugins while testing! We are looking forward to receiving a quick solution to this problem. We did not add any css in that page – we built the page again with the same elements / just to test some possible reasons – unfortunately with no result. The bug seems to show up only with iOS.

    Thank you for your help in advance!

    Best regards from Germany,




    Thank you for the update.

    We weren’t able to check the site on Safari, but we managed to reproduce the issue on IE Edge emulation. We found these errors in console.

    SEC7111: [Mixed-Content] The origin '' was loaded in a secure context but tried to load an insecure style resource at ''.
    SEC7111: HTTPS security is compromised by (1,1)
    SCRIPT1006: SCRIPT1006: Expected ')'
    jquery.material.form.min.js (137,81)

    There are two mixed content errors and one script error from material.form.min.js. This script is not used by the theme, so it’s probably loaded by a plugin.

    Best regards,

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