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  • Add this under WordPress Admin > Theme Options > General Styling > Quick CSS:

    .image-overlay .image-overlay-inside:before{
    display: none;

    in reply to: Firefox issue's with Enfold #316176

    Great Devin. Thanks for the follow-up.



    in reply to: Firefox issue's with Enfold #313818

    Hi Ismael,

    It’s a 1080p 27″ IPS LED.

    When I say resize the browser, I mean drag the window width from full widescreen to a smaller size as if it was resizing responsively. Not zooming in or out.

    When you do this in Firefox, you’ll notice that the vertical orange / brown colored “body and widget separater” is glitchy. You can see this in the linked image above.

    In regard to the full width image not spanning correctly, I figured it out. In Dashboard > Enfold Theme Options > General Settings > General > Custom Background Image > Repeat, I had this set to no repeat. With this setting, my 1920×1080 custom background stretched to full width perfectly in Chrome and Safari by default. However, when viewed in Firefox, there are white bars on the left and right as if the image wasn’t large enough to span the whole screen. Strange…

    By changing Custom Background Image > Repeat > No Repeat, to: Stretch Fullscreen, it finally looks right in Firefox. My apologies as I completely missed this in the theme options panel.

    In regard to the glitchy vertical bar, I’m still unsure about that. If you open my site in Firefox on a 27″ monitor and then drag the window width from widescreen really slowly to a smaller size, you’ll see the vertical bar glitch I’m talking about:

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Firefox issue's with Enfold #313596

    Hi Yigit,

    Here’s the Dropbox link to view the issues I mentioned:

    To see the vertical line act up, please slowly resize your browser and pay attention to the line.

    in reply to: Firefox issue's with Enfold #313130

    Hi Devin,

    Firefox version 32.0 is what I’m using which seems to be the newest version. I just cleared the cookies and cache and my site is still messed up in the two places mentioned. I checked Chrome and Safari again and Enfold works great on both of those browsers.

    Any thoughts?


    in reply to: Enfold Child Theme not included in Theme Download? #308506

    Hi Devin,

    Thank you for such a fast response and I appreciate you creating the child theme video and including the links in your response. Although I totally understand where you’re coming from, my only suggestion is to ship Enfold with the child theme right next to the file. The package should look like this:

    Obviously if you know what you’re doing with WordPress, you’re going to be using a child theme on your site. Having to search for it or create one from scratch (although not difficult), is inconvenient when most themes come with it bundled in the download.

    Thanks for asking Kriesi to include it as I think it’s more helpful to your users than not including it.

    Cheers man!

    in reply to: "Custom Background Image" Optimum Dimensions / File Size #197827

    If you check the site on your iPhone, you have to go to one of the shorter pages such as “Authorized Dealers” or “Contact” to see what I’m talking about. In both of these pages, the content is short enough to where the footer/socket ends and you can see the bg image below it. On both of these pages, the image isn’t long enough to cover the screen at 1192px. Even with the background-size:cover css3 attribute applied by default, this attribute doesn’t stretch the image to full height so we all need to be aware of this when considering the correct size/dimensions of a custom bg image in a boxed layout.

    Devin, you’re correct that I have it set to no repeat and I changed it just to see what it looks like. Being that my image isn’t one to match up with any sort of repeat, I could clearly see where one image stops and the other starts. Setting it to repeat does cover the black at the bottom of the screen, but it doesn’t look good so I don’t want to go that route. I’ll leave it set to “no repeat” for now so that you guys can see what I mean with the black space at the bottom.

    I’m under the impression that if my image was 1920×1300 or 1400 instead of 1920×1192, my image would cover the bottom portion and I’d be good to go. However, I just went back and realized that the iPhone 5S’s resolution is only 640×1136?? My 1920×1192 bg should cover the screen regardless bc my image is larger both horizontally and vertically?! Now I’m really stumped.

    The background-size:cover css3 attribute is applied and my image is larger vertically than 1136px and I’m still having a bg issue? I really don’t think this is an issue with the theme, I think there’s a general rule of thumb everyone should be using when designing a full screen custom bg image that works on every device.

    If we can figure this out, you guys could maybe write a blog post about it using all the info in this thread and be the site to provide this answer for the world once and for all. I’m just sayin’ :)

    Thank you all for your help!


    in reply to: "Custom Background Image" Optimum Dimensions / File Size #197624

    I did…? Look at the black and blue water splashed bg:

    in reply to: "Custom Background Image" Optimum Dimensions / File Size #197449

    Great answer. I’ve always wondered this and was providing the answers in the copy above to a graphic designer I’m working with. There’s not much info out there, and I felt like I was close, but you can see how this topic can be very confusing. Two things:

    1. As far as file size, is there any “sweet spot” or “stay below” rule of thumb that we should follow regarding performance? The image we’re currently using is 607KB. Is that ok or is it too large?

    2. The background-size:cover css3 attribute does stretch the image to full width but it doesn’t stretch to full height. If you check our site on an iPhone 5 or newer (I’d imagine its the same on any mobile device where the vertical dimensions are larger than 1192), you’ll see that the image stops at 1192px and the rest of the screen is filled with black. Is this a situation where we need to check the chart I created and make sure the vertical dimensions of our bg are large enough pixel-wise to to fill the screen since the css doesn’t do this?


    in reply to: enlarged logo in internet explorer #129917

    Hi guys.

    It looks like everyone’s having the logo issue with Enfold and it was brought to my attention by a coworker using a PC and still using IE as his default browser (I still cant believe people use IE but obviously they do)…

    I’m a Mac user and use Chrome, Firefox and Safari on a daily basis. Enfold works famously on any of these browsers but the problem here is that Microsoft (as always) is buggy junk and IE should have been terminated back in 1999. There are still millions of people out there that use IE on a daily basis as their default browser, and this is something that the Kriesi team needs to take into account.

    Enfold is NOT complete out the box and every site running Enfold is broken on any version of IE… I checked numerous PC’s using different versions of IE, and no matter what, my logo was distorted.

    I read through many of the posts in this forum and have tried many of “Dude’s” recommendations to use css to fix this, including:

    .logo img {

    width: 300px;

    height: 54px;


    .logo img{

    width: 60px;

    height: 60px;


    …and even tried using the exact logo dimensions such as:

    .logo img {

    width: 245px;

    height: 65px;


    And none of these suggestions worked. I did find that the snippet below is all that needs to be added and fixes the IE problem while not messing with Chrome, Firefox, or Safari:

    .logo img {



    I personally think this needs to be added to the theme and an update should be issued asap so that this issue is solved for everyone out of the box once and for all.


    in reply to: Header Logo squished in Internet Explorer 8 #121178

    Hi guys. It looks like everyone’s having this issue with Enfold and it was brought to my attention by a coworker using a PC and still using IE as his default browser…

    I’m a Mac user and use Chrome, Firefox and Safari on a daily basis. Enfold works famously on any of these browsers and the problem here is that Microsoft (as always) is buggy junk and IE should have been terminated back in 1999. It’s sad that there are still millions of people out there that use IE on a daily basis instead of any other browser, and this is something that the Kriesi team needs to take into account.

    Enfold is NOT complete out the box and every site running Enfold is broken on any version of IE…

    I have read through many posts in this forum and have tried many of “Dudes” recommendations on using css to fix this including:

    .logo img {

    width: 300px;

    height: 54px;


    or using the exact logo dimensions such as:

    .logo img {

    width: 245px;

    height: 65px;


    But have found that the snippet below is all that needs to be added and fixes the IE problem while not messing with Chrome, Firefox, or Safari:

    .logo img {



    I personally think this needs to be added to the theme and an update should be issued asap so that this issue is solved for everyone out of the box once and for all.

    in reply to: Default excerpt length for Grid Layout #122819

    YES!!! I can’t believe you figured it out?! Thank you Dude!!

    Now a request… Can you guys please add this to the next update, and add a way in the Theme Options or Avia Layout builder to customize the length of the excerpt? Now that this has been found, I’m under the impression that this addition wouldn’t be that difficult and it would be a nice feature for anyone out there looking to use the Grid Layout. Please let me know your thoughts.

    Again, thank you. I’ve used a lot of themes in my day and given the dedication of your support team, I can tell you this theme is as good as it gets! Kudos!


    in reply to: Default excerpt length for Grid Layout #122817

    I just downloaded the newest version of the theme, installed it, and noticed that the drop down in the Avia Layout Builder (under Blog Posts>Define Blog Grid layout) has changed and there are more options now… This is a nice addition but the excerpt is still messed up.

    I checked again and the other three Blog Style options have excerpt lengths that are perfect by default. The only layout that has an issue is the grid layout and it’s been this way the whole time.

    I don’t understand why the code for the grid excerpt needs to be different from the other three? I’ve tried everything above and the excerpt is still all over the place? I haven’t set a manual excerpt for any of my posts and I’d like you to check my site and look at how awful the layout looks because of the random excerpt lengths…

    I don’t want to have to set a manual excerpt for any of my posts and I’d like to be able to just hit post, and the excerpt is automatically taken care of for me just like the other three layout options. Please help!

    in reply to: Default excerpt length for Grid Layout #122815

    Hi guys,

    I saw that you guys dropped the 1.6 update so I installed it and this issue hasn’t been fixed.

    I’m under the impression that this is def a theme issue, anyone using the grid layout with the Title and Excerpt chosen and anyone using v1.5 or v1.6 is having the same issue. I’ve tried all of the mentioned suggestions and none of them fix the problem. I really want to use this theme but it’s broken and I’m hoping you guys can fix this really soon.

    Isn’t this something that could be fixed in a few hours, add the option to chance the excerpt length in the Avia Layout Builder or Enfold Theme Options panel, and then drop a 1.6.1 update over the next few days?

    Thanks for your time.

    in reply to: Default excerpt length for Grid Layout #122814

    I pasted that code at the bottom of the functions.php page and it’s funny how it works bc it doesn’t effect every post, it only effects a few of them. I currently have it set to 80 and you can check my site to see how the excerpts don’t match that number.

    My homepage has been created using the Avia Layout Builder using the layer slider at the top and the Blog Post content element with a sidebar at the bottom. Any other thoughts?

    in reply to: Default excerpt length for Grid Layout #122812

    This does fix the missing excerpt for version 1.5.1 but now it’s the same as it was with the previous version…

    For example, there’s no rhyme or reason for the default excerpt length, some are 12 lines and some are 5…

    in reply to: Default excerpt length for Grid Layout #122808

    I tried this in File Manager and it crashed my site. I had to go into FTP and delete the theme and then uploaded a fresh copy to try it again. After trying again, this time in FTP, nothing happened on my site.

    Not sure what to do now…?

    in reply to: Default excerpt length for Grid Layout #122806

    Hi Ismael,

    I found the code in your top box and I don’t see where to edit the includes to make the excerpt show up in Grid Layout? If I’m not mistaken, this is a problem with the theme (I do have the most recent version 1.5.1 and this was even a problem with the previous version). With the previous theme, the excerpt was completely random (sometimes two lines, and sometime seven lines), there was no rhyme or reason for the default length. As I stated before, in “Multi Author,” “Single Author small,” and “Single Author big,” the excerpt is the correct length by default. The only problem I’m seeing here is the Grid Layout and this is a theme issue (with 1.5.1, the excerpt doesn’t even show up).

    As far as the code in your bottom box, this does remove the code for the date in single page posts (which I would guess would be controlled in the single.php file), but this code doesn’t remove the date in the Grid layout of the blog page. Is the second part of this code to remove the code for the date also found in the loop-index.php file, or is it found in a different file of the theme?

    Thanks for your time!

    in reply to: Default excerpt length for Grid Layout #122803

    Actually, I installed 1.5.1 and now the excerpt doesn’t even show up in the Grid Layout…?

    Any ideas as to why?

    in reply to: Default excerpt length for Grid Layout #122802

    Thanks Dude

    in reply to: How to make glitchy scrolling smoother #117725

    Just wanted to say Kudos Devin, that’s exactly what the issue was. I have LastPass installed on both laptops in Chrome and Safari, and as soon as I disable the extension, the page scrolls smooth exactly as it should…

    Very happy to be given the suggestions needed to find the solution here. I really appreciate everyone’s help.


    in reply to: How to make glitchy scrolling smoother #117723


    Well after seeing all of these posts, I just got on my HR Directors iMac and tried it in Safari and Chrome. For some reason it was smooth as could be and then I tried her assistants MacBook Pro and it was smooth too?

    Now I’m back on my MBP’s (I have a personal and a work MBP and all of these Mac’s are 2011 or 2012 models), and both have the issue but the iMac and assistants MBP dont’t?! I’m happy that it’s been narrowed down to my two laptops but so confused as to what the issue may be…

    I’ve tried both of my laptops on three different Wifi connections and no matter what my site is choppy?

    Thanks for the help guys.

    in reply to: How to make glitchy scrolling smoother #117720


    I did try to deactivate the slider on the homepage and the problem persists.

    If you scroll to the very bottom of the homepage, you should see the choppiness as you scroll. In the footer you’ll see the link to the privacy policy. This page is long and has no slider and the choppiness is present even on this page. Driving me crazy…

    Thanks for all the replies everyone!

    in reply to: How to make glitchy scrolling smoother #117718

    I’ve checked it in Chrome and Safari on three different Mac’s on three different network connections. Same thing in all circumstances.

    I can’t even tell you how bad I wish this wasn’t an issue bc everyone at my company uses a Mac and what I’m seeing on the Demo and my site looks really bad.

    You can check my beta site (I still have a lot of work to do) at

    Please let me know if you’re seeing what I’m seeing and if you have any suggestions to fix this.


    in reply to: How to make glitchy scrolling smoother #117716

    Yeah, this is a really bad issue guys. I showed my CEO and CTO my proposed site today and both of them commented on how choppy it was. I was hoping a plugin like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache would buy me some time until Friday so that we could find a solution, but even the plugins didn’t help the issue.

    If Kriesi can figure out what’s wrong, I’d be ecstatic bc I love this theme! If he can’t though, this problem alone makes it to where I can’t use it for my company’s site.

    in reply to: How to make glitchy scrolling smoother #117715

    Thanks Dude and Ismael.

    in reply to: How to make glitchy scrolling smoother #117713


    If you go to your theme demo and scroll down the homepage, you’ll notice that it’s not particularly smooth, the scrolling is very “blippy” or “choppy” if you will. Just to give you something to compare, if you go to and scroll down their page, you’ll notice that it’s not choppy at all and that scrolling down the page is very smooth.

    I was thinking the problem on my site was the speed of my hosting provider, so I checked your theme demo to see if it was choppy too and it is. In ruling out that this is a server issue, I’m now guessing it has something to do with all of the content that’s continuously loading (like the LayerSlider and Image Fade in Animation) while scrolling down the page. So…In the Advanced Layout Editor, I turned the Image Fade in Animation off on my site and it’s still choppy and I can’t figure out what the problem is?

    Basically, I’d like to have the site scroll as smooth as possible to give the user the best experience possible.

    Any ideas here to reduce this “blippy” or “choppy” behavior if not fix it completely?



    Haha!! Sweet Dude, thank you!

    So you’re basically saying:

    -Option #1 works best for basically all scenarios.

    -Option #2 is somewhat time consuming and redundant but is best for editing large amounts of CSS.

    -Given option’s 1 and 2, option #3 is pretty pointless to consider.

    Got it!

    What are your thoughts on adding this explanation to your documentation.html file and the style.css under the area that says “PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE!” so that the questions is covered from the very beginning? That way, you guys would only have to take care of it once and then you’re done answering this question from here on out? Either that or make it a FAQ so that everyone’s clear on our aforementioned discussion?

    Again, thank you for your time and description.


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