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  • in reply to: Cookie consent bar buttons not displayed anymore #1305622

    Hi Rikard,
    Ok for me. You can close the topic.
    Thanks! ;-)

    in reply to: Cookie consent bar buttons not displayed anymore #1305415

    Hi Yigit,
    Sorry for the (very) late reply.
    Everything is ok now.
    Thanks a lot!
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Change cart icon WooCommerce #1267334

    Hi Nikko,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I’m sorry I feel stupid :-(
    I thought it was enough that the font was in the plugin folder.
    I now installed the font and everything is ok.
    Sorry for this and thanks a lot for your help! ;-)
    Best regards

    in reply to: Remove add to cart buttons on archive pages #1267323

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks a lot for the inquiry.

    I tried this plugin and it allows to remove Add to cart everywhere on a WooCommerce installation, but it also makes products not buyable. So it could not be a solution.

    If this is not possible using a function, I already found a css solution with this code:

    .archive .product-type-simple .button, .archive .product-type-simple .button-mini-delimiter {visibility: hidden;}
    .archive .product-type-simple .show_details_button {visibility: visible!important; min-width: 100%!important; margin-left: -50%!important;}

    It works great and I’m trying to do the same with my slider on homepage adding this in my previous code:

    .archive .product-type-simple .button, .archive .product-type-simple .button-mini-delimiter, .avia-content-slider-inner .product-type-simple .button, .avia-content-slider-inner .product-type-simple .button-mini-delimiter {visibility: hidden;}
    .archive .product-type-simple .show_details_button, .avia-content-slider-inner .product-type-simple .show_details_button {visibility: visible!important; min-width: 100%!important; margin-left: -50%!important;}

    …but I don’t know why there are many display issues. On my phone for example, buttons are displayed many times (see screenshot in private content). Or sometimes, there is an issue with buttons on hover (see video in private content). The slider behavior is quite strange compared to archive pages :-(

    Furthermore, I modified “Select options” buttons text to make it the same as “Show details” buttons, but do you know what is the solution to modify their icon? (by default, the icon is the shopping cart)

    Thanks a lot, Mike!

    in reply to: Mega menu item titles in burger menu #1267281

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for your reply.

    Enfold Theme Lazy Load option is already activated. So I deactivated my plugins Lazy Load option. I will test my website speed later, to see if everything is ok with this.

    I’m sorry there is no difference between the two previous screenshots. In fact one is Safari preview and the other one is Chrome preview. That’s all.
    What I told you before is that when closing h6 tag and changing my CSS, gold borders are not displayed anymore (like shown on the previous screenshots).

    in reply to: Remove add to cart buttons on archive pages #1266966

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for your reply.
    Indeed, it works. But in fact I’m trying to remove “Add to cart” button only, but with keeping the “Show details” button.
    Is there a way to customize your previous code to achieve this?
    Thanks a lot!

    in reply to: Mega menu item titles in burger menu #1266961

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for your reply.

    First, about lazy load I understand, but Enfold lazy load has to be enabled on each element in the ALB, right? Is it possible to activate it on all images like with plugins?

    Secondly, about my mega menu, but I checked on Safari and Chrome and I’m sorry but this is not ok. I made two screenshots in private content to show you. Title font changed (this is not a big problem) and border is not displayed anymore around my images.
    So for the moment, I had to restore my older code…

    in reply to: Move anchors offset on mobile #1266344

    Ok, I made more tests and one more video in private content.
    In fact, as you can see, it seems to work on desktop and mobile, but not on tablet.
    But now I changed layout on tablet without sticky header, I don’t need offset anymore.
    I only need it on mobile.
    So could you please tell me how to define a screen size in your last snippet to make it work for this size only?
    Thanks a lot!

    in reply to: Move anchors offset on mobile #1266337

    Hi Ismael,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I already tried this.
    To show you, I made a video that you can find in private content.
    I replaced 48 to 348 and as I told you before, you can see it works and it makes a change on desktop screen, but it is not on smaller screens…

    in reply to: Mega menu item titles in burger menu #1266334

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks a lot for your reply.

    You’re right, AMP plugin is quite new on my installation, but it is not the cause of the issue.
    Smush is the cause, one more time ! :-( In fact, Smush Lazy Loading option seems to be the cause.
    I would like to try to keep only one Lazy Loading option enabled, so which plugin do you think is the best for lazy loading and which one is better for me to keep activated? Smush, Autoptimize or simply Enfold theme?

    About the missing tags, I remember I found this solution by myself to achieve exactly what I wanted in my menu. I never found a solution to close tags correctly and make it work. In your last post, you saw that closing tags affected my menu display.
    But for sure, if you have any idea to keep this design WITH correct HTML, I take it! ;-)

    in reply to: Show minus and plus selectors on product page on mobile #1266156

    Hi Jordan,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I already tried this code. It displays minus and plus, but not the good way (see screenshot on private content).
    What do I need to add to correct the display?

    in reply to: Mega menu item titles in burger menu #1266155

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for your reply.

    I think there is a misunderstanding…
    First, everything used to work like this before and I didn’t change anything (or something I don’t know).
    Secondly, titles are not showing on hover, they are displayed all the time and they used to be displayed on desktop and on mobile.

    I previously opened the following thread to build my menu (you already helped my with this), it was not easy and those html worked fine.
    Your last change only modified my layout (see screenshot in private content). It added a border around title and I don’t want it, it also changed font size and so on… But nothing changed on mobile, titles are still missing.
    I really don’t know what happened and when :-(

    in reply to: Add icon next to shopping cart icon #1265648

    Hi Nikko,
    Your code works perfectly.
    Thank you so much for your help on this!

    in reply to: Move anchors offset on mobile #1265562

    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for your reply.
    Be sure that I consider all advice that you or your team can give to me, and I will quickly take a look to my layout on small screens ;-)
    Thanks a lot!

    I’m sorry, but you didn’t answered to the first part of my previous post:

    I tried your corrected function and it seems to work on screens from 768px, but it doesn’t work on smaller screens and I need it on smaller screens only.
    Could you please tell me what’s wrong?

    in reply to: Add icon next to shopping cart icon #1265187

    Sure I’m referring to the same site.
    The code is not in my functions.php file because me website is online, so I removed the code immediately when I saw that my shopping cart icon was not displayed anymore.

    in reply to: 3 products per row on mobile #1265065

    Hi Ismael,
    Thanks a lot for your reply!
    It seems to work on most of my shop pages, but on some of them, there still are empty spaces.
    I made a video and gave you a page address in private content.

    in reply to: Add icon next to shopping cart icon #1265027

    Hi Nikko,
    Thanks a lot for your reply!
    By doing this, wishlist icon seems to be displayed, but shopping cart icon is not displayed anymore… :-(

    in reply to: Move anchors offset on mobile #1265024

    Hi Ismael,
    Thanks for your reply!

    I agree with you about what is really necessary to be adjusted, like classic menu converted in burger menu, etc… But it absolutely doesn’t explain why “Unstick topbar” option does not work on mobile for example, while this option is more necessary on mobile than on desktop, because there is less screen space on mobile.

    I tried your corrected function and it seems to work on screens from 768px, but it doesn’t work on smaller screens and I need it on smaller screens only.
    Could you please tell me what’s wrong?

    Furthermore, I noticed one more thing that works on desktop and not on smaller screens: the “go back to top of page” button ( is displayed on desktop but not on tablet and mobile.
    Could you please tell me how to fix this?

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    in reply to: Move anchors offset on mobile #1263543

    Hi Ismael,
    Thanks for your reply.

    I completely agree with you and I would love to use the same layout on all devices! And It would be beneficial to the theme if the design and layout of the pages are consistent ;-)
    Indeed, I enabled “Sticky header” and “Unstick topbar” options on desktop because this is the behavior I needed, but this behavior is not available on smaller devices and I needed to add some code to get Sticky header only on them…
    I also asked in this thread: and Mike already spent a lot of time trying to make it work, but results were not exactly the same as on desktop.
    So if you have any idea to achieve this or if the next theme update could do it, it would be wonderful! ;-)

    For the moment, I will need to use offset solution and I thank you for this function.
    I need to use it on page-id-921 and page-id-923 only and on mobile and tablet only (maybe I will need to attribute an offset value for mobile and another one for tablet).
    First, I tried to insert additional conditional function for pages like this:

    function avf_header_setting_filter_mod($header) {
    		if ($("" || "")){
    	$header['header_scroll_offset'] = $header['header_scroll_offset'] + 48;
    	return $header;}
    add_filter('avf_header_setting_filter', 'avf_header_setting_filter_mod', 9999, 1);


    function avf_header_setting_filter_mod($header) {
    		if(is_page(array( 921, 923))) {
    	$header['header_scroll_offset'] = $header['header_scroll_offset'] + 48;
    	return $header;}
    add_filter('avf_header_setting_filter', 'avf_header_setting_filter_mod', 9999, 1);

    …but it doesn’t work.

    Could you please tell me what I’m doing wrong and what is the good way to insert this and the device size conditions?

    Thanks a lot, Ismael!
    Best regards

    in reply to: Modify text for search with no results #1263541

    Hi Mike,
    I’m coming back to this very old thread just to tell you that your function works great.
    Thanks for your help!
    Best regards

    in reply to: Add icon next to shopping cart icon #1263527

    Hi Nikko,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I don’t really know where to add pieces of code to achieve this :-(
    Could you please help me to customize the code?
    Thanks a lot!

    in reply to: Add icon next to shopping cart icon #1263424

    Hi Nikko,
    Sorry for the late reply.
    Your function works great!
    Now I would need to add one more icon (linked to my wishlist page) next to the cart icon and the previous icon.
    Could I use your previous function and add some code in it to achieve this?
    Thanks a lot!

    in reply to: Login page layout issue #1262220

    Hi Jordan,
    It works great.
    Thank you!

    in reply to: Advanced Layer Slider doesn't work on homepage #1262210

    Hi Mike,
    It worked!
    I did not even need to duplicate my page. I only created a template of the content of my page, then deleted all ALB elements of my page and applied my saved template, and everything works perfectly now.
    Quite strange and a little bit worrying :-( but at least solved.
    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Advanced Layer Slider doesn't work on homepage #1262053

    I tried one more thing: in WP settings I set my homepage to the other page with the Slider and the slider still works on the page, so I will try to duplicate my homepage and use the new one.
    I will come back to you after this to give you some news…
    Thanks Mike!

    in reply to: Advanced Layer Slider doesn't work on homepage #1262050

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I already tried to copy the exact same content from my homepage to a test page and everything works correctly indeed.
    That’s the reason why I really don’t understand what happens here.
    So after receiving your feedback, i tried to deactivate all my plugins and it didn’t solve the issue. The only one I can not deactivate and check is WooCommerce, because by doing this my website has a fatal error.
    I also tried to install enable-jquery-migrate-helper plugin, but I think you tried it before.
    Nothing helped…
    The problem is I really need to make this slider work on my homepage :-(

    in reply to: Add fade effect on magnifying glass (search icon) #1261656

    Hi Yigit,
    Thanks for your reply.
    It works like a charm!
    Thank you very much! ;-)

    in reply to: Advanced Layer Slider doesn't work on homepage #1261636

    Hi guys,
    Any help on this please? :-(
    This is very important for me to make it work quickly…
    Thanks a lot! ;-)

    in reply to: Product grid pagination issue #1261147

    Hi Victoria,
    Thanks a lot for your reply.
    Problem solved! ;-)

    Hi Yigit,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I understand ;-)
    Best regards

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