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  • in reply to: related post have disappeared #286833

    Hi Yigit,

    I thought it was related to the categories! As I have started to use wordpress seo I have only put tag in there and not in wordpress.
    I have entered some tags and it’s working now.

    Sorry for that!

    Thanks a lot!


    in reply to: problem with "insert a media" in WP #269259

    Hi Josue,

    I’ll read that ! I have jetpack and wordpress sep and thought I already handled the open graph…

    I’ve (normally) fixed the google problem to make the posts public ;-)

    Have a nice week end!



    in reply to: problem with "insert a media" in WP #269248

    Hi Josue,

    Thanks for letting me know about that!!! I wasn’t aware at all, didn’t pay attention… Thanks! But I share my posts with jetpack…I haven’t set anything about this, do you know if I should look into google to fix that or does it comes from jetpack?
    I know it behind your support for enfold so if you don’t know or can’t answer I’ll understand.

    Kind regards


    in reply to: problem with "insert a media" in WP #269243


    It looks fine on your side! Why not on mine? And why do you say “I can’t see your post ” that worries me a bit…

    Kind regards


    in reply to: problem with "insert a media" in WP #269233


    You can go on google+ here and see all my shared post start with enfold short code

    it’s not a specific url it’s all my blog post that have an image at the beginning .



    in reply to: problem with "insert a media" in WP #268998

    Hi Josue,

    I already have this plugin and set a description in it in every posts…so why won’t it work and display the enfold short code?

    Kind regards

    in reply to: problem with "insert a media" in WP #268915

    Hi Josue,

    I found the solution. It was the plugin script to footer that caused that.

    Anyway, as for the google + “problem” , is it because the google+ system doesn’t recognize the images that it displays the short code instead?

    Thanks !



    It looks like it’s fine when I add only the css , it’s back to normal now!
    Thanks for that!

    Have a nice day,


    Hi Josue,

    I understand your answer but I have a little concern. If with this new update Enfold has not enough room for it and make the concatenation fail, what will happen with the future update? At one point will I be unable to use enfold? Is it a host problem? Will I need to change my plan?
    I’d appreciate if you could tell me so I can take any measure if necessary.

    Kind regards


    Hi Josue,

    I’m sorry but I have to disagree with you on this one.
    I have increased the server limitation,I have reinstall wordpress main files, I have deactivated and change plugin folder name via FTP to run test without plugin to interfere and I have tested with 3 different themes and it was working fine with all the other themes.
    So why does it do this only with Enfold?

    Kind regards


    Hi Josue,

    Ok I understand. But can you find why your theme is causing my problem? Because I’d rather not having this “patch solution” and having my wordpress to work as it was installed.
    The javascript problem in my admin area in only on Enfold so I’d like a fix for that. I love that theme but I don’t like when a theme is causing some problems that are not resolved and affect my wordpress settings.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    Kind regards


    Hi Ismael,

    After hours of searching on internet and trying everything, I found that and it fixed the problem.
    define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false );

    I added it to the wp-config.php

    Maybe it could help to salve a theme problem?
    Have you got any idea of what this code does because I don’t read php but I’d like to know (cause I’m training to read it..)

    Kind regards


    Hi Ismael,

    It’s not coming from the speed limit. As when I switch theme it’s coming back to normal.
    You can Disable the plugin as long as you reactivate them after because I don’t know when you will be on my site and some are very important . (no need to adjust settings, just reactivate).
    But I have already done that as well, I have even via FTP renamed the plugin folder in order to be sure any plugin wasn’t interfering.
    Moreover I can download files when on posts or as image featured, it’s working perfectly. It’s just the library fonction. On a wordpress forum they told me it could be a javascript conflict in theme. Please investigate, I cannot stay like that and it’s my professional site.

    Please, can you send me an older version of enfold?? It’s since the update . And I’d like to know if it can fix the problem.

    Kind regards


    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by chryseis.


    Any help?? Please.

    Kind regards


    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Devin,

    It was the gallery and the short code module that caused the problem. But I have another problem now even when disabling those modules, I cannot download media into wordpress now.
    It works when I’m using the enfold editor in a post for example but when I go into media and import there is no longer the drag and drop window and even if I click on a link telling me to try another method, it won’t respond.

    this time it’s not jetpack and not the other plugins.

    UPDATE: it’s coming from your theme since last update. I have activated default theme and it’s coming back to normal. Please can you fix the problem with enfold?? I have tried to reinstall the theme but it won’t fix the problem.

    I canot stay like that. How can you help?

    Kind regards,


    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by chryseis.

    Hi Ismael,

    As I told you on my previous message (update section) I have corrected the error by deleting the header.php that was in my child theme. So on that side it’s fine.

    But with the new options for header I suppose, my logo looks small now. Can you tell me what logo sizes you advice for the different headers that would help.

    Kind regards


    in reply to: css for widget in sidebar #220368

    Hi Josue,

    Thank you so much for this explanation, I really appreciate it, it’s been helpful.

    I’m all good now !



    in reply to: css for widget in sidebar #218427
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: big issue with avia builder on safari. #216304

    Hi Kriesi,

    This topic was closed a few days ago so I assumed maybe the problem was coming from my side…
    In fact, now the layout builder is working again in Safari. But it’s not the first time I had an issue with it…Anyway, finger crossed, I can work with it now, so the thread can be closed.

    Kind regards,


    in reply to: problem with fullscreen slider #216299

    Hi Devin,

    I now understand what you mean.. It’s the full-size which is my problem here. If I want to keep it full-size I must accept that every slide with a message will be cropped…

    But why is it different on ipod touch and on ipad 2 for my third slide? Is it because the size of the screen? I thought at first it was because the screen in vertical mode won’t accept my horizontal slide but both screen on ipod touch and on ipad 2 are vertical and just one crop my message.. See what I mean above:

    Kind regards,


    in reply to: css for widget in sidebar #216289


    Are you sure it’s not loading? What can cause that because my site works fine on my side…

    Anyway, even with important ! it’s not changing anything…

    Kind regards,


    in reply to: css for widget in sidebar #215464
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    in reply to: problem with fullscreen slider #215461

    Hi Ismael,

    The thing is before I used the layer slider and when I put a text element that slide through the image I have created, if this text element was on the right of an image, it stayed on the right even on smaller devices.
    Here the text for example on slide two “SERVICES” “Réalisation de sites wordpress” and the button go in front of the image of the computer with my photo…Can’t the slide adapt itself so that the message stays on the right of the computer ?
    I wanted to keep this full slider because there is a parallax effect and there is not with the layer slider..

    Moreover, I have changed it because I knew a potential client would visit my site today, but on slide three, before the text “Des sites évolutifs responsive et connectés” was written from the left of the slider but i had to center it because as well on big and smaller devices it appeared cut..

    Kind regards


    in reply to: big issue with avia builder on safari. #213798

    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for that because I like to work on safari (not for everything) but the enfold interface is smoother on safari. I have developed two websites on safari with enfold,and it has always worked fine until yesterday…And I didn’t do any update since except the ones about enfold.

    Kind regards


    in reply to: question about layout and header #213479


    sorry that I bothered you. I thought I tried all the options but I have figured out that when using “full larger easy slider” with “no scaling” I can do what I want so it’s perfect !

    Sorry again. You can close this thread.

    Kind regards,


    in reply to: big issue with avia builder on safari. #213473


    version 7.0 on OS Mavericks.

    in reply to: problem with dropbox links and enfold. #204254

    Hi Devin,

    awesome, that helped a lot !
    I didn’t know the existence of that documentation. Will spend more time on it!

    Kind regards ,

    Happy new year !


    in reply to: fullscreen layer slider with parallax effect #203849
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    in reply to: fullscreen layer slider with parallax effect #203756
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