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Yeah and I´ve do it again, because no other Enfold Site of my customers do have the same problem.
And I´ve found it. Sometimes it´s a good idea, to take a break of some hours.
The Plugin which cause the problems with some kinds of links (not only accordeon) is WP Photo Album Plus from J.N. Breetvelt a.k.a. OpaJaap in Version 8.8.0x.00x
I deactive it now and use another method to show many Pictures. Its not a needed plugin.You can close it. Maybe you can put it on your roadmap to avoid this issue with futur updates.
Problem gefunden und gelöst. Das Plugin Copy & Delete Post in der Version 1.3.6 von Copy Delete Posts hat das Problem verursacht.
April 17, 2021 at 9:03 am in reply to: Slider Probleme nach 5.6 und jetzt unter 5.7 – layout kaputt #1294884I´m complete confused about that. I do nothing at all on the site.
I don´t know how you can reproduce the error. Even when I delete the CSS snippet its allright.Only thing what change was the server itself.
Edit: I try to update the live site. Now it works everything fine. Maybe it was the wooden-server before. One of the many resons for the change.
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
April 12, 2021 at 8:10 am in reply to: Slider Probleme nach 5.6 und jetzt unter 5.7 – layout kaputt #1293867No, no, not that I remember. Its in use for a very large time now, but I´m sure there is no change in functions.php and no change to the template. If I make changes to something like that, I use child themes. But in Enfold it was in no project needed.
The issue was first time after Update to 5.6. Maybe that Update went wrong?
April 9, 2021 at 9:14 am in reply to: Slider Probleme nach 5.6 und jetzt unter 5.7 – layout kaputt #1293449Ok, thank you.
But this is more a provisionally fix. I will use it when I update the live site later. Do you have any idea what can cause it?
April 7, 2021 at 2:56 pm in reply to: Slider Probleme nach 5.6 und jetzt unter 5.7 – layout kaputt #1293083Update: Now available again. Sorry.
Faster bare metal server now, same issue.April 7, 2021 at 2:17 pm in reply to: Slider Probleme nach 5.6 und jetzt unter 5.7 – layout kaputt #1293077Ah, sorry. Thats my mistake. Today is our serverchange (shared hosting to proper hosting). Will be back later, I tell you when its available. Sorry for that.
April 6, 2021 at 8:42 am in reply to: Slider Probleme nach 5.6 und jetzt unter 5.7 – layout kaputt #1292702Is reaktivated again. You can try Plugins to activate and deactivate by yourself if you like. I gave you the permissions to do that.
BTW: The Issue is still there, even when you deactivate all plugins. Maybe some enfold update went wrong in the past?
I have Enfold running on around 20 active projects at the moment. That site is the only one with issue.
Short Feedback: Updates working fine. No more issues. Thanks for fast help. I know, why I use enfold on so many projects :)
Works fine now, thank you.
Can I now update WordPress, Theme and Plugins again?
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
Oh, thats bad. Using the standard editor break the layout (already tried yesterday).
I´m greatful for my BackUps. So I wait for a fix. Hope it will come fast.
Thank you.Thanks for your respond. No, it´s not that important. But maybe it would be a nice feature as a extra element in future.
December 24, 2018 at 4:53 pm in reply to: Updating to Enfold 4.5 and validating Personal Token #1048999Just short question. I´ve updated the enfold theme manual with that useful instruction:
I´ve create a new private API Key on envato and it works well. Must I create a new API Key on every other page too or can I use that API Key on every site from now?
February 19, 2018 at 9:20 pm in reply to: Enfold do not work properly after changing server – no slider, no options #914542Everything is checked now and it works good. Can be closed, ty.
February 17, 2018 at 3:09 pm in reply to: Enfold do not work properly after changing server – no slider, no options #913653I have solved the problem. I took a clean folder on FTP and install a complete stock version of WP on it and only install All-In-One-WP-Migration.
Then I take in the Backup File from All-In-One-WP-Migration in it. Looks good now. Must test all functions, but the issues I found before are solved.
Maybe it was not enfold fault, maybe there was something wrong in the WP files. Dont know why it wasn´t solved after I reuploaded the files times before, but it works now and I´m happy.
Thank you for your time.
February 16, 2018 at 8:24 pm in reply to: Enfold do not work properly after changing server – no slider, no options #913380Update: I´ve tried to download enfold from themeforrest again and uploaded it complete fresh into the Server B side. Still same problem. Hope you have any idea why it dont work.
And I deactivated all plugins just for test. Still same problem, even with no plugin active.And I´ve controlled the server configs 2 times and compare it with the configs from server A. They are identical. Error Log is complete empty. I dont know anymore. :( Hope you can find a issue. If you need any more logins, pls tell me. I will give you.
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
February 16, 2018 at 5:39 pm in reply to: Enfold do not work properly after changing server – no slider, no options #913315Update: Slider issue fixed with switching from php 7.1 to 7.0
Buuuut the Backend is still broken
February 16, 2018 at 5:35 pm in reply to: Enfold do not work properly after changing server – no slider, no options #913314I have used the plugin. Still same issues….
February 16, 2018 at 2:56 pm in reply to: Enfold do not work properly after changing server – no slider, no options #913282The Plugin in free version only can handle files up to 512 MB. My file is >600 MB…thats annoying. -.-
99 $ for a one-time-problem. Yeah…. :(February 16, 2018 at 2:01 pm in reply to: Enfold do not work properly after changing server – no slider, no options #913259Thanks for your reply. There are many questionmarks for me now.
The 404 you get is from the main URL where the side should be, but at the moment not is and never was. There is actually the old side with and its normal that the image is not there.(1)
If I look in the folder everything is copied 1:1 between both servers. But I will try the Plugin later when I´m back at office.
I´ve made you a Backend Login, so you can look why the enfold options are corrupt. (2)
This reply was modified 7 years ago by
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by