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  • in reply to: avia_inline_auto inserted into custom footer page #1428927

    I’m still very curious where this mysterious paragraph comes from and why it was just occuring on that very ordinary page?

    in reply to: avia_inline_auto inserted into custom footer page #1428926

    Thanks, Mike. That did do the trick. It seems a bit broad targeting all the p tags in the footer but it doesn’t seem to have negatively effected the other elements.

    in reply to: avia_inline_auto inserted into custom footer page #1428248

    Interesting. thank you, Rikard, for providing that. I don’t have enough php experience to understand exactly what that filter is doing or if there is any potential downside to using it so it would be best if I applied it page specifically. Any idea why this is an issue on that specific page? I’m trying to understand how it got there.

    in reply to: Mobile menu not visible #1275346

    Same issue. Following. I had to stop using the mobile only menu until a new theme version is released.

    in reply to: Problems with Enfold in combination with WordPress 5.6 #1266331

    Thanks @guenni007 – switching to legacy 1.12.4 fixed my broken/stuck shrinking header after WP 5.6 update. What was interesting is that another website I manage with same header settings and customizations didn’t show the same issues after the 5.6 update. I don’t understand jQuery enough to figure out why that was but I appreciate you providing the fix!

    in reply to: Header widget with full width header #1203321

    Unfortunately, it’s not an option to leave the site broken for a day or two while waiting for you guys to take a look. In my april 9 post, I’m pointing out that all of your header widget examples show very narrow width headers and none seem compatible with a full width header that is adapting to browser window so I was asking if you’ve already found and posted a header widget solution somewhere for a more modern full width header that I can use as a starting point?

    Perhaps you haven’t. If that’s is the case, you can go ahead and close this thread because it’s not an option for me to put this site into a staging environment right now.

    in reply to: Header widget with full width header #1202149

    I deleted the code. it was on the live site and I couldn’t leave it in that state any longer. Please let me know if there is a solution to adding widget code to a full width header with the “Let logo and menu position adapt to browser window” option selected. Thanks.

    in reply to: Header widget with full width header #1201940

    Note: I don’t actually wish to make the text scroll. This was just the closest example I could find to use as a starting point.

    in reply to: Instagram widget #1201413

    I saw in your theme release 4.7.4 notes that smash balloon instagram widget was integrated so I just updated and don’t see any evidence of that. How is this new plugin integration accessed / used?

    in reply to: Enfold – Upcoming fixes #1188154

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for adding the option to disable the toggles on the builder. That was an absolute deal breaker for an Enfold power user. You scared me. Please, never make us click more times accomplish the same tasks. Keep up the good work.

    fixed by 4.7.1 release. Thanks.

    in reply to: how to reverse "next portfolio item" from left to right #1114121

    I figured it out. Hopefully this will help someone. I had to piece together a few threads to figure this out. The code that needs to be changed is in “functions-enfold.php” but I didn’t want my changes to be overwritten by a theme update so I copied the entire “avia_post_nav” section from “functions-enfold.php” into the “functions.php” file of my child theme because apparently “functions-enfold.php” file is not recognized in child themes and I learned you can copy functions from functions-enfold.php into the the function.php file, which is recognized by the child theme.

    So, I copied this entire section from functions-enfold.php into child theme functions.php:

    	function avia_post_nav($same_category = false, $taxonomy = 'category')
    		global $wp_version;
    	        $settings = array();
    	        $settings['same_category'] = $same_category;
    	        $settings['excluded_terms'] = '';
    			$settings['wpversion'] = $wp_version;
    		//dont display if a fullscreen slider is available since they overlap 
    		if((class_exists('avia_sc_layerslider') && !empty(avia_sc_layerslider::$slide_count)) || 
    			class_exists('avia_sc_slider_full') && !empty(avia_sc_slider_full::$slide_count) ) $settings['is_fullwidth'] = true;
    		$settings['type'] = get_post_type();
    		$settings['taxonomy'] = ($settings['type'] == 'portfolio') ? 'portfolio_entries' : $taxonomy;
    		if(!is_singular() || is_post_type_hierarchical($settings['type'])) $settings['is_hierarchical'] = true;
    		if($settings['type'] === 'topic' || $settings['type'] === 'reply') $settings['is_bbpress'] = true;
    	        $settings = apply_filters('avia_post_nav_settings', $settings);
    	        if(!empty($settings['is_bbpress']) || !empty($settings['is_hierarchical']) || !empty($settings['is_fullwidth'])) return;
    	        if(version_compare($settings['wpversion'], '3.8', '>=' ))
    	            $entries['next'] = get_previous_post($settings['same_category'], $settings['excluded_terms'], $settings['taxonomy']);
    	            $entries['prev'] = get_next_post($settings['same_category'], $settings['excluded_terms'], $settings['taxonomy']);
    	            $entries['next'] = get_previous_post($settings['same_category']);
    	            $entries['prev'] = get_next_post($settings['same_category']);
    		$entries = apply_filters('avia_post_nav_entries', $entries, $settings);
            $output = "";
    		foreach ($entries as $key => $entry)
                if(empty($entry)) continue;
    			$the_title 	= isset($entry->av_custom_title) ? $entry->av_custom_title : avia_backend_truncate(get_the_title($entry->ID),75," ");
    			$link 		= isset($entry->av_custom_link)  ? $entry->av_custom_link  : get_permalink($entry->ID);
    			$image 		= isset($entry->av_custom_image) ? $entry->av_custom_image : get_the_post_thumbnail($entry->ID, 'thumbnail');
                $tc1   = $tc2 = "";
                $class = $image ? "with-image" : "without-image";
                $output .= "<a class='avia-post-nav avia-post-{$key} {$class}' href='{$link}' >";
    		    $output .= "    <span class='label iconfont' ".av_icon_string($key)."></span>";
    		    $output .= "    <span class='entry-info-wrap'>";
    		    $output .= "        <span class='entry-info'>";
    		    $tc1     = "            <span class='entry-title'>{$the_title}</span>";
    if($image)  $tc2     = "            <span class='entry-image'>{$image}</span>";
                $output .= $key == 'prev' ?  $tc1.$tc2 : $tc2.$tc1;
                $output .= "        </span>";
                $output .= "    </span>";
    		    $output .= "</a>";
    		return $output;

    and then, replaced this:

    	            $entries['prev'] = get_previous_post($settings['same_category'], $settings['excluded_terms'], $settings['taxonomy']);
    	            $entries['next'] = get_next_post($settings['same_category'], $settings['excluded_terms'], $settings['taxonomy']);
    	            $entries['prev'] = get_previous_post($settings['same_category']);
    	            $entries['next'] = get_next_post($settings['same_category']);

    with this:

    	            $entries['next'] = get_previous_post($settings['same_category'], $settings['excluded_terms'], $settings['taxonomy']);
    	            $entries['prev'] = get_next_post($settings['same_category'], $settings['excluded_terms'], $settings['taxonomy']);
    	            $entries['next'] = get_previous_post($settings['same_category']);
    	            $entries['prev'] = get_next_post($settings['same_category']);

    Now, when I sort my portfolio chronologically by date, I have my newest stuff at the top and when someone opens one and clicks on the right navigation arrow, they can navigate through the portfolio in the order they appear on the page. Intuitively, most people want to click the right arrow to navigate what they perceive to be forward, through the portfolio.

    If you care to, you can preview it in action on my site here:

    It seems that post is all about navigating between categories. That’s cool but not what I’m trying to do. Maybe you posted the wrong topic?

    Just found this old thread. I’ve watched people use my site and these buttons would behave more intuitively if functionality was reversed.
    Is this solution still valid?
    If so, I’d like to test this with a child theme. Would I have to copy the entire “functions-enfold.php” file to the child folder and then replace the code or just place the code you provided in an empty file with matching file name?

    in reply to: Main Menu Overlapping Page Content While Scrolling #1085745

    @Ismael – That did it. Thank you.

    in reply to: Main Menu Overlapping Page Content While Scrolling #1084620

    OMG, I am a patient man but this is getting painful. I don’t mean to be rude but the gaps are so long between the support feedback that it’s like we’re starting all over again with each comment.

    You can’t see the overlap because @Vinay asked me to remove the padding that I was using to bottom align my menu links.

    Here’s what the overlap looks like:

    PLEASE help me restore faith in this theme’s support. I am making every effort to be as precise and clear as possible and each response feels like an attempt to just pass the issue off and buy more time. Not the enfold I’ve known, loved, and supported for many years.

    I am now adding back the menu padding and it will look great until you begin to scroll, at that point the menu links start to disappear into the top image of the website. Here is what I just added back:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 848px) {
    #top .main_menu .menu li a {
    padding-top: 52px;

    When I submitted this ticket, I provided administrator access. It’s still valid. Please help! Sorry, very frustrating.

    Is it possible to bottom align the menu links and also avoid the overlapping?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by bluesbrush.
    in reply to: Main Menu Overlapping Page Content While Scrolling #1082978

    @vinay – I am using the suggested approach. I used the tutorial to center the logo but the links were vertically centered and I am trying to align them to the bottom of the logo as you see on my site. I just removed the padding that I was using to try to align them, as you asked. Here are the two different approaches I previously tried to bottom align menu links. Everything looked good except for the menu links overlap page content when starting to scroll.

    @media only screen and (min-width: 848px) {
    #top .main_menu .menu li a {
    /*padding-top: 52px;*/

    /*—–alternate method of vertical alignment——–*/
    .av-main-nav > li > a {
    /*bottom: -52px;*/
    /*position: relative;*/

    in reply to: Main Menu Overlapping Page Content While Scrolling #1080894

    @Basilis – The issue occurs when starting to scroll. After a period of time everything “pops” up into place but when starting to scroll from the top of the page, the navigation links get buried into the top hero image. Scroll slowly. Do you see the same thing? This happens on all my browsers. I am not able to bottom align the navigation links without this issue occurring.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by bluesbrush.

    I see. Perhaps I could place my images inside a container and set it to overflow hidden?

    I am able to get the images to zoom by adding this Quick CSS, but they extend beyond the image frame instead of matching the zoom effect of other images on the site:

    trying to act like other site images

    .avia-content-slider img:hover {
    -webkit-transform: scale(1.05);
    -webkit-transform: scale(1.05);
    transform: scale(1.05);
    -webkit-transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out;
    transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out;

    Thanks Nikko. That got me a little further in my pursuit. The only part that is missing now is the image zoom effect that my images have. Is there a way to add that zoom effect to the images in the content slider?

    in reply to: Image Hover Effect Not Working #1076517

    Awesome. Worked great. Thank you!

    in reply to: Image Hover Effect Not Working #1075234

    I have the same issue. I’ll follow this thread for a solution.

    Which page url did you check? The temporary login plugin url takes you to a 404 for some reason but then you should be able to view the url I provided, which is my test page for the feature I’m trying to implement

    Any suggestions? Perhaps I just haven’t found the right module?

    Ok, It would look similar to 3 column layout with an image in each column, except you’d be able to scroll horizontally. I mocked up a couple different kinds of nav arrows but I can tweak that after I get it working.

    The text/caption overlay would have some variable overlay opacity and rollover effect, just like images do currently.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by bluesbrush.

    I will add that the content slider navigation arrows aren’t exactly what I’m looking for either. subtle arrows on the outside of the 3 columns would be preferable, like I see on easy slider, post slider and others. This isn’t a critical issue. Just next on my list after I solve this ticket.

    in reply to: Attribute active menu state to a post category #1055120

    Wooooohhoooooo!!! That works great, Ismael. Thank you. So handy for blog-based websites!

    in reply to: Attribute active menu state to a post category #1054640

    Any hope for a solution here?

    in reply to: Attribute active menu state to a post category #1053829

    I disabled caching, Victoria.

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