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  • Hey Ismael,

    Thank you for your support.
    As I can check, all this settings are ok. I’m pretty shure about this, because videos on youtube which are published I can see immidiatly in my wordpress-post.

    The problem is only appearing, if at creation-time of my wp-post the video on youtube is “private” because of a planned future publishing date.
    And the problem does remain even after the video is published.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Video is not showing; only link is showing #1261861

    I have the similar problem in case of Blogposts which are planed to future date:
    1. Uploading Video to Youtube by adding a future date aswell causes a “private” state for this video.
    2. embeding the video to WordPress causes a black preview, with a link on top left corner.

    After publishing both automaticly at planed time, the video is set to public state. But the black preview is still visible, instead of safed thumbnail.

    I can fix this by changing the video link. Depending on how I get the link it is or Changing to the other link makes the thumbnail/preview work, after it is public. But that’s annoying! I have to to this allways just in time at publishing date/time.
    I found something about WordPress is saving this thumbnail.

    Who to reset/refresh this automaticly? Is there any plugin?
    There are some SQL-commands to find in web, but I can’t find it nomore.

    Best regards

    There is no size to choose, isn’t it?

    Problem resolved! image size was to big (about 6000×4000).
    But why does the fullscreen-slider show original size, when slidersize 1500×1500 is choosen in settings?

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