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  • in reply to: Changing text size in 'Icon Lists' #407749

    Hi petercohen ;
    try to add these lines ;

    .avia-icon-list .iconlist_title h4{font-size: 45px;}
    .main_color .iconlist_content p {font-size: 25px;}

    adjust the size as you like

    in reply to: Sort posts / portfolio items alphabetically #407747

    Hi hotspot ;
    you can find the answer (and further) here.

    in reply to: subheading font style. #407743

    Hi apps2go;
    try to add this line into your css file ;

    .av-subheading_below {font-family: "HelveticaNeue", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif !important;}

    adjust as you like the font family

    in reply to: Centering Copyright info affects the layout ? #407738

    Hi paullindqvist;
    I’m not sure but try to add this line into your css file ;

    #socket .copyright{ text-align: center;width: 100%;}
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by begrafiks.

    Hi Monique ;
    Your heading title is :

    <h3>Maas <span class="special_amp">&</span> Waal – Volkoren tarwe (premix)</h3>

    As I see you’ve added theses lines

    .special_amp {font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; font-style: inherit; 
    font-weight: inherit; line-height: inherit;  color: #222222 !important;}

    I would do in this way :

    .special_amp { font-family: inherit !important; font-size: inherit !important;
     font-style: inherit !important; font-weight: inherit !important; line-height: inherit !important;  color: inherit !important;}

    Even though you change the color of “h3” in the theme settings it will applied to “special_amp” too.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by begrafiks.

    Hi Monique ;
    I think that you should use “inhertit” keyword for class=”special_amp
    Here is more details :

    in reply to: How to change header to non transparent? #406936

    Hi PeterTLH ;
    #1 “I want to header to be visible 100 percent”
    While creating “your page” you can chose “Header visibility and transparency”.

    #2 “I want the main area to dissapear”
    Go to Theme settings > Header

    Here is an image

    Hi trianglehomeware_ ;
    why not to try to add your background as a “gradient”
    so you can achive your css in a better way

    Hi trianglehomeware_ and Rikard,
    sorry to jump in ;)

    I see (Chrome, DevTools) that you’ve used non-breaking spaces (& n b s p ;) between each of the words :
    “We are pleased to present you the full range of our products, especially for the new design housewares. Do you want to get our latest product brochure to boost your business?!”

    I think that is the problem.

    Another remarque :
    the code below ;

    span.avia_iconbox_title {position:relative; bottom:3px; }

    in the buttons “GET FREE E-BOOK NOW”, “CONTACT US” places the text higher (not centered verticaly)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by begrafiks.
    in reply to: Two questions regarding browsing on mobile #405820

    Hi mrijnders ;
    I’m sure there would be many other ways to do.

    But if you have not an enormous amount of pages it can be done easily with Enfold :
    You create your first “Color section with the id (your-desktop-color-section)”
    add in it :
    2/5 containing an image, 3/5 containing text
    3/5 containing text, 2/5 containing an image
    2/5 containing an image, 3/5 containing text

    and just “duplicate” that “color section”
    change the id to “your-mobil-color-section”
    and change the layout to :
    2/5 containing an image, 3/5 containing text
    2/5 containing an image, 3/5 containing text
    2/5 containing an image, 3/5 containing text

    in reply to: Two questions regarding browsing on mobile #405084

    Hi mrijnders ;
    I would imagine that you should use “”Media queries” and add the same elements in a different order for mobil.
    Here is how I’d imagine :

    For desktop :
    > Color section (with your custom id “your-desktop-color-section”
    2/5 containing an image, 3/5 containing text
    3/5 containing text, 2/5 containing an image
    2/5 containing an image, 3/5 containing text

    /* Mobile Landscape Size to Tablet Portrait (devices and browsers) */
    @media only screen and (min-width: 767px){
    your-mobil-color-section{display: none !important;}

    For Mobil :
    > ANOTHER Color section (with your custom id “your-mobil-color-section”
    2/5 containing an image, 3/5 containing text
    2/5 containing an image, 3/5 containing text
    2/5 containing an image, 3/5 containing text

    /*Mobile and Tablet Portrait view */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
      /* Add your Mobile Styles here */
    your-desktop-color-section{display: none !important;}
    in reply to: Transparent menu background images #405081

    Hi minestelecom ;
    It’s a background that you insert in a “Color section”.
    In the example that you give that “Color section” contains :
    – A background image,
    – and other elements as (from MENU OF THE DAY till NON ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES)

    in reply to: Full background image – possible like this? #405078

    Hi @TF_Photography ;
    Glad to here you saying that it works.
    Don’t forget to show us the final result at

    in reply to: Portfolio Background Change Colour #404849

    Hi krammerg ;
    I think this line of css can help you :

    .main_color .av-masonry {background-color: #fff !important}
    in reply to: Full background image – possible like this? #404160

    hi TF_Photograpfy, Ismael, Eliott ;
    sorry to jump in ;)
    The layout that @TF_Photograpfy gives as an example needs not to activate “activate extre css fields for all ALB elements” because that field is already existing in “color section”.
    I see a solution to the problem by using an image saved with two differents transparency (or white transparent layer at the top) :
    PAGE ONE :
    > First Color section (your-first-custom-id) in “ID section”
    > “Section Background” : “your-original-image.jpg”, placed bottom-right and fix

    > Second Color section (your-second-custom-id) in “ID section”
    > “Section Background” : “your-transparency-image.jpg”, placed bottom-right and fix

    Consequently you will have two same images (with differents effects of transparency) following each other rolling from the top to bottom as in your examples.
    By using “your-first-custom-id” and “your-second-custom-id” you can manege to effect css codes to each elements in those “color sections”.

    and for other page(s) you can use different “custom IDs” and differents images.

    I’ve already tested on local, as allways it’s easy with Enfold.
    I hope I was clear enough

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by begrafiks.
    in reply to: Line-height of Menu and Sticky header … #404128

    Hi docperi ;
    I think in case of “sticky header”
    you should add the sticky header element too, try to add this line of css code :

    .html_header_top.html_header_sticky #header .av-main-nav > li > a 
    {line-height: 16px !important;}
    in reply to: Add highlight colour block around h1 text in Colour Section? #402785

    Hi westernaspect;
    in order to have a background color behind(!) your h1 title in a color section it would be safer to give a custom id to your “color section” and add the code below : to have a white 50% transparent background :

    #my-color-section h1{background-color: hsla(0, 100%, 100%, 0.5);}
    in reply to: Portflio Grid styling on mobile #402766

    Hi sweetbabyj;
    try to add these lines into your custom css file :

    /* Mobile Landscape Size to Tablet Portrait (devices and browsers) */
    @media only screen and (min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 1024px) {
    .grid-entry.isotope-item .grid-content {display: none !important;}
    /*Mobile and Tablet Portrait view */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
      /* Add your Mobile Styles here */
    #top div .avia-gallery img{border: none !important;  padding:none!important;}

    you can adjust the size of the screen by “(min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 1024px)” or “(max-width: 767px) “

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by begrafiks.
    in reply to: Logo and Main Menu – left sidebar #402678

    Hi xfacta and Yigit,
    sorry to jump in ;)

    I’ve realised (on Mac OSX 10.6.) chrome and firefox that :
    If the screen size is bigger then 1600px there is a large gap (701px),
    of the screen size is less then 1600px it turns to 189px.
    In “enfold_child.css there is the code below :

    @media only screen and (min-width: 1600px) {
    #main .content { min-height: 650px; }}
    in reply to: font-size not respond #402666

    Hi me.Ilamo;
    I think there is a small but important mistake in your code.
    It should end with “}” not “)”.

    in reply to: Avia Layout Builder "Magazine" Suppress Dates #400042

    Hi CWM .
    try to add this css code in to your custom css file :

    .av-magazine-time{display: none !important;}
    in reply to: Change font color etc in ALB elements #399962

    Hi deadpeasant;
    most of the ALB elements lets you the possibility to change (color …) and to add a custom “id” to “that element”.

    in the css code what I see is : it should not start with a (.) point which is for “class” but an “#” which is for “id”.
    Try this one :

     #awesome-textblock p {
    background: white;
    padding: 10px;
    font-size: 50px;
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by begrafiks.
    in reply to: urgent help #399960

    Hi rsaz;
    first of all the main information about Enfold

    #1 : To install demo go to Theme settings > Demo import.

    #2 : go to Theme settings >Sidebar settings and check/or not …smartphones

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by begrafiks.
    in reply to: Blog Posts Element, Custom Excerpt #399333

    Hi Bmart ;
    In your Blog post element options you can chose to show or not the title, excerpt, link.
    In order to show your own “text” as exerpt you can insert it while creating the post under the text zone of the post.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by begrafiks.

    Hi deadpeasent ;
    first of all the main information about Enfold

    1 – how to make the specific frontpage ?
    Go to Theme settings and chose “your” frontpage.

    2 – Where are those things? How do I edit them? Are they categories?
    Those are the blog posts, and by “categories”, “post tags”, “post formats” and “potfolio entries” you can chose which one you will show in Magazine element.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by begrafiks.

    Hi deadpeasent ;
    The easiest way to accomplish what you’d like to do is to install demo (Theme settings > Demo import > Deafult demo)
    You would see it’s easy to understand and recreate (in your own way) those demo pages.

    If you’ve specifique or more questions the forum is full of plenty of responses

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #399235

    @captainergun ;

    Nice work.
    Thank you to remınde me those beautıful bays.

    in reply to: A typical frontpage, optimally responsive #398760

    Hi Remco Geelen ;
    these lines could help you :

    The class of your Home page ( as element is


    The construction that I’ve tested on my local is below :

    color section (give an id= your-color-section)
    Special heading tag + Subheading below
    hr (460px)
    1/5 (first button, position = center)
    1/5 (second button, position = center)
    1/5 (third button, position = center)

    For smaller screen and/or digital tablets :
    1 – “TUX PIXELS” placed higher
    2 – Blank space under “TUX PIXELS” smaller

    @media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 990px) {
      /* Add your Mobile Styles (Digital tablet) here */
    .page-id-462 .avia-section.av-minimum-height .container .content{vertical-align: top !important;padding-top:100px !important;}
    #your-color-section .hr{height:25px !important;}

    For smaller screen (telephone) :
    1 – “TUX PIXELS” placed (more) higher
    2 – Blank space under “TUX PIXELS” (more) smaller

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
      /* Add your Mobile Styles (telephone) here */
    .page-id-462 .avia-section.av-minimum-height .container .content{vertical-align: top !important;padding-top:50px !important;}
    #your-color-section .hr{height:25px !important;}
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by begrafiks.
    in reply to: A typical frontpage, optimally responsive #398536

    HI Remco ;
    Have you tried to ;
    1- give an “id” to your color section,
    2- adjust the elements in it by media queries ;
    a- to hide the “hr” element of 460px – or change the height,
    b- define a different “float” for the buttons in 1/3 boxes.

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