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  • #407691

    I have searched these forums for a solution and have succeeded only in changing the colour of the title text, and the size of the icon, using these (below) in QuickCSS. What do I need to add to change the size of the title and the body of the iconlist?

    .avia-icon-list .iconlist_title {
    text-transform: normal;
    color: #C14000 !important;
    .avia-icon-list .iconlist_icon {
    height: 40px;
    width: 40px;
    line-height: 40px;
    font-size: 20px;
    border-radius: 500px;


    Hi petercohen ;
    try to add these lines ;

    .avia-icon-list .iconlist_title h4{font-size: 45px;}
    .main_color .iconlist_content p {font-size: 25px;}

    adjust the size as you like


    Hey petercohen!

    Did you try @begrafiks suggestion?


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