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  • in reply to: Bug maintenance mode page #1083016


    in reply to: ENFOLD 4.5.X & WordPress 5.X | Feedback #1081439

    Ideas why the child theme doesn´t work? Is this a WordPress Update thing or do we need a new code for implementing the child theme? This code normally worked for the child theme CSS:

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_enqueue_styles' );
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
    in reply to: ENFOLD 4.5.X & WordPress 5.X | Feedback #1081435


    Please read the first thread. I don´t have problems with the child theme. The child isn´t active anymore. And I don´t know why…

    Before: works
    Now / issue: child theme doesn´t work anymore

    in reply to: ENFOLD 4.5.X & WordPress 5.X | Feedback #1080928

    Ah ok. You have to store all again. Then the issues with umlauts are solved.

    4) What about the child theme?
    BR Sven

    in reply to: Bug maintenance mode page #1080776

    Hi Victoria,

    latest. You can use the access of this thread, but it is not necessary: ENFOLD 4.5.X & WordPress 5.X | Feedback. The problem itself is solved while we changed the default maintance page (uncheck the contact page as maintance).

    But it is a fundamental issue. You know the effects through the wordpress / enfold updates. Please check all preferences in this process. In our case the customer and their visitors can´t reach the contact page because of a new default preference. Details above…


    in reply to: ENFOLD 4.5.X & WordPress 5.X | Feedback #1080265

    1. Jo
    2. Thanks
    3. Private
    4. I see no effect of it. No.


    in reply to: ENFOLD 4.5.X & WordPress 5.X | Feedback #1078249

    Hi Rikard,

    I think these are WordPress 5.X issues. Gutenberg is a mess. The latest update of enfold handle the gutenberg / avia problem. But I can´t understand, why it is not possible to make changes and save changes as usual. I change for example a word and after updating = no effect. Can´t reproduce this issue. This screenshot is to the page overview display thing…
    Screenshot additiveAVIA

    Issues solved. But why do you changed the good look? Before the labels were inside the form boxes – now above
    Screenshot form beforeAVIA
    Screenshot form beforeAVIA

    Screenshot umlautsAVIA

    Ideas why the child theme doesn´t work? Is this a WordPress Update thing or do we need a new code for implementing the child theme? This code normally worked for the child theme CSS:

    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'theme_enqueue_styles' );
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );

    Thanks Sven

    in reply to: UPDATE ENFOLD 4.5 #1078240

    Hi Rikard,

    thanks, this would be great. I think this is for all the topics, that concern the whole enfold cummunity. Advantage: everybody gets these most important infos in a compact way in less time.

    By practising, solving problems and reading some threads and through the process of all this update stuff, I think it is all clear now. Expect the licence thing. Is this envato token, once generated, for only one project or for more enfold projects? Do I have to generate this token for every project?

    Thanks Sven

    in reply to: Image overlay bg color #1017754

    Hi Ismael,

    thanks. Very interesting, it works. This is a setting from enfold.

    I want to get rid of the button obove for an equal padding of the background color of the linked overlay image.

    SOLUTION FOR OPACITY / COLOR (conclusion of the threads)
    Opacity of the image

    #top .main_color .avia-button .image-overlay {
        background: transparent !important;

    Background Color transparent: two Versions

    .avia-button {background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);}
    #top .main_color .avia-button .image-overlay {
        background: transparent !important;

    Best regards Sven

    in reply to: Image overlay bg color #1016597

    Displaying of the screenshots doesn´t work. Here are the links

    1) Backend
    2) Testsettings. You can only edit the hover color, the symbol color and the symbol bg
    3) Result. Left is the hover image with the colors you can edit in the backend. Right is the overlay color and the symbol on top, that I want get rid of.

    in reply to: Image overlay bg color #1016573

    @Rikard Is there a restriction about images? Screenshots doesn´t display…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by AWZ.
    in reply to: Image overlay bg color #1016564

    Cool & thank you Milan!
    This is a good hint and it works for the colors in the enfold backend. But in my case this is not the solution, because you set the menu links and I have a problem with linked image overlays. I have a german version. Maybe the translation doesn´t fit. You find it here:
    – extended styling
    – various
    – linked image overlay

    : This is a method to set transparent colors works, but the preview doesn´t show the color correctly in the backend. This is a display issue. Maybe you insert in a upcoming enfold theme update the possibility to set transparent colors correctly. I see only hexa and hsb.

    I want to get rid of two things:

    • image overlay grey color (NOT hover)
    • button obove (for a equal padding)

    1) Backend

    2) Testsettings. You can only edit the hover color, the symbol color and the symbol bg

    3) Result. Left is hover. Right is the overlay, that I want get rid of.

    BG Sven

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by AWZ. Reason: Screenshots doesn´t display
    in reply to: Image overlay bg color #1016525


    direct in backend preference or as CSS?

    #top .main_color .avia-button .image-overlay {
        background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
    background: transparent !important;


    in reply to: Image overlay bg color #1016479

    Thanks Nikko,

    I´ve tested it. It seems that it works but the image is still wishy washy (not saturated) and I don´t know why. Like there is still a layer above…
    Correct. There is a text button on top. Do you have the right selector for that. Can´t find it out – even with inspector.

    Thanks Sven

    in reply to: Google Fonts #1015720

    Cool. SOLVED

    in reply to: Google Fonts #1015706

    Thanks! I repeat the conclusion of this thread for a final understanding. Is this so correct?

    In the enfold backend you can choose the headline and body font. Websafe as well as several google fonts. For example Open Sans, Roboto etc. If you choose one, all font weights will be loaded?

    You can overwrite this preferences or add new google fonts with explicit font weights with the code above. For example if you want Titillium, Roboto Slab etc.

    The correct spelling of the font family is like this:
    $fonts['Roboto Slab'] = 'Roboto Slab: 300,400,700'>

    Not like this:
    $fonts['Roboto+Slab'] = 'Roboto+Slab: 300,400,700'>

    PS. And Open Sans without New?
    $fonts['Open Sans New'] = 'Opens Sans:300,400,600,700,800';

    BG Sven

    in reply to: Image overlay bg color #1015675

    Hey Jordan,

    roger. You find the example you need. This overlay image link to a pdf. I want to change two things
    – the top padding and
    – the grey overlay to totally transparent
    The hover is ok. In the backend you can edit this thing but not as wished.

    Thanks Sven

    in reply to: Google Fonts #1015332

    Thanks but we spoke about php not css. Could you tell me how to integrate for example open sans in functions.php
    Google has no datas for that.

    in reply to: Google Fonts #1014756

    And: Google font offers only the integration via CSS. How is the code for example open sans?

    in reply to: Google Fonts #1014746


    I´ll reduce it. And what about the integration in the backend:
    Is this double activation then?
    Do I load all font weigths?


    in reply to: Footer issue | Copyright #1014672

    Cool! SOLVED

    in reply to: Footer issue | Copyright #1014657


    I understand it and wonder, how it works the last years…

    Could you please check one thing. The functions.php is coordinated with the enfold support too. Is this up to date or some coding not needed anymore? Thank you very much.

    Best regards Sven

    in reply to: Footer issue | Copyright #1014582

    Hi Peter,

    cool. COuld you tell me, what was wrong with that? I think, I inserted a code from an earlier support post.
    Conclusion for me. From time to time refresh your php in the child theme.

    Thanks and SOLVED

    in reply to: Footer issue | Copyright #1014243

    Aaah…! Long time ago & this could be. The child-theme footer.php.

    Paste the code there.

    in reply to: Footer issue | Copyright #1014197

    Hi Peter,

    4.4 because of
    I´m waiting for the next update.

    Look at the pass. Thx

    in reply to: 4.4. A to new 4.4.1 #1011669

    Ok. Thanks and SOLVED for me.

    in reply to: 4.4. A to new 4.4.1 #1011660

    Thanks! So in the next update of the theme it´s fixed and the automating updating process would work without coding. Correct?

    Best regards

    in reply to: Single Post Features / Layout #873068

    Ah & ok.

    in reply to: Mobile Menue Submenue since 4.1 => BUG #856880

    Thanks & Ok.

    in reply to: Mobile Menue Submenue since 4.1 => BUG #856686

    after reading a 1km thread the solution is…
    a) waiting for a new update of enfold
    b) or using this code:
    c) or using my workaround

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