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  • #1075992

    There are a lot of questions and threads to the topics of the 4.5 ENFOLD update and Gutenberg ….
    Some of us have not the time to read all this stuff.

    Please make it simple and collect all necessary informations for your customers in one topic without user questions, answers and other threads. This topic is on top and always up-to-date. You´ll always get the latest infos about that. Maybe in different languages. Maybe with one file of screenshots or one video to all. In my opinion the most important infos are:

    • ENFOLD UPDATE:Manual update process: only FTP / FTP & Backend (ZIP) / via Plugin)
    • REGISTRATION:The Envato Token process
    • LICENCE:All about enfold licence questions with this new token (licence for different website projects)
    • GUTENBERG:the most important changes in the backend and workflow
    • SPECIALS:All about compatibility problems, issues and workarounds …)



    Hey AWZ,

    I agree, we should have more sticky topics without the possibility to reply to them. Can we help you with anything in particular though?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    thanks, this would be great. I think this is for all the topics, that concern the whole enfold cummunity. Advantage: everybody gets these most important infos in a compact way in less time.

    By practising, solving problems and reading some threads and through the process of all this update stuff, I think it is all clear now. Expect the licence thing. Is this envato token, once generated, for only one project or for more enfold projects? Do I have to generate this token for every project?

    Thanks Sven


    Hi Sven,

    Thanks for the feedback, we do appreciate it. About tokens; as far as I know, you should try to use different tokens for each project. That makes it easier to you should need to revoke a license for instance.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    today i needed all the information again – there is still this epic topic to enfold update with a lot of threads and mistakes …
    Updating to Enfold 4.5 and validating Personal Token
    It would be really good, when you have one topic to that with only necessary infos.

    Last time I´ve tried the FTP variant = ok. Today the “Update Theme and Plugins from Zip File” variant.
    Issues: after upload and activation of the theme all widgets were lost. I had to copy & paste it from an older version.

    BG Sven


    Hi Sven,

    The problem with the widgets is likely not theme related, did you update WordPress at the same time? Also, I’m not sure if you managed to update or not? If not then please send us WordPress and FTP login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    The issue is solved, but it was not the perfect way. Maybe you offer best practice for updating to 4.5 as I mentioned at the very beginning.



    Hi Sven,

    Great, I’m glad that you got things working. We don’t really have any best practices, but the update has to be done manually from versions 4.4.1 and below. What I try to do for customers who need help is to rename the old version to for instance enfold_old, then upload the new version either via the WordPress backend or FTP. Then activate the new version once it’s uploaded, that is the easiest way to update in my opinion.

    Best regards,


    Thanks! The renaming causes no issues with datas?



    Renaming the theme can cause the main menu to disappear, or show all pages, but it shouldn’t matter since it’s only for a short time while the new version is uploading. Once you have uploaded the new version then you can delete the old version, with the different name.

    Best regards,

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