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  • in reply to: Active image in horizontal gallery #1161813

    Hi Mike,
    thank you for your help. That worked out!

    I misunderstood that part because usually the image ID is needed :-)

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Add script code to footer #1060554

    Hi Jordan

    Thank you. I didn’t feel comfortable writing code into the footer.php (in the main theme, I use a child theme), so I added the code as a footer widget.
    This seems to work fine.

    Thanks and best regards

    in reply to: Color of pricing table #1019038

    Thanks, Nikko!
    Wonderful, this works.

    Thank you very much for your help,
    kind regards

    in reply to: Color of pricing table #1017512

    Hi Jordan
    The pricing cell should be dark brown (#492e26) with the font as it is (or maybe #ddc5a1, have to check).
    The background of the rows/cells above + beneath should be as #ddc5a1, with the font color #492e26.

    Thank you!

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Layout changed completely after theme update #971090

    Hi Mike,
    thank you very much.
    After one of th May update the “Modern Business” option wasn’t there. Now, after the latest update it is there again. Strange.
    The Blog Styling used to be “Standard”, but it looked strange before, although I cleared the cache and used different browsers.

    Now, it looks good again, my layout is as before.

    Thank you! Made my day :-)

    in reply to: Layout changed completely after theme update #968110

    the update broke my layout. I cannot spend time and money to have it fixed.
    I just want to have it like it used to be for 2 years. Before, it was exactly like this: and that’s how I’d like to have it again.

    It is a basic feature of your theme. What options do I have to chose to have the blog layout like in your demo?
    What did all the other users do who had similar problems?

    Thanks in advance

    in reply to: Layout changed completely after theme update #966795

    Hi Victoria,
    The layout changed completely due to the update. The font of meta tags and categories changed too.
    I didn’t change anything myself, except for updating and having Google fonts included locally. So what happened?
    I’d like to have the same layout as before, the new one doesn’t look good.

    I’d like to have the features of the blog post layout in exactly this order – like before:
    + image
    + title
    + meta with icons
    + text

    Should be like that both on the start page (the snippet) and the blog post detail page.

    I only have the blog layout options “Standard (Geschäftlich)” and “Elegant”. Are there options missing?
    I also realized the theme options now come in German, before they were English.

    I have been very satisfied with the theme for 2 years, but the recent updates drive me crazy since they broke the layout and some images.

    Why did it change and what can I do to have the original layout back?
    Thanks for your help.

    unfortunately I have the same problem

    Appreciaty any help, thanks.

    in reply to: After update several image files not visible anymore #951517

    Hi Rikard,
    thank you. I wondered if I will be able to use all of the performance features in the future. Will there be a fix?

    And I also realized that some images from the sidebar disappeared. Best visible on the start page in the right sidebar at the bottom. For some graphics now only the “alt” text is visible (for example the “Blogger Relations” image. What happened?

    Thanks in advance, I really love the theme

    in reply to: After update several image files not visible anymore #950342

    Hi Rikard,

    thank you. That worked. I disabled and enabled all the new performance options one after another.
    It seems that “CSS file merging and compression” being enabled breaks my background images.

    “Javascript file merging and compression” and “Disabling of template builder elements” work fine.

    Strange. But I’m glad my images are back :-)

    in reply to: After update several image files not visible anymore #949062

    Please try the credentials provided – thank you! :-)

    in reply to: Order of sections on single post page #843947

    Thank you, that worked. Great support!

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Order of sections on single post page #841771

    I now added the following code and it looks good:

    .av-share-box {
    margin-bottom: 20px;

    Hopefully this is the right code.

    By the way: is there any possibility to change the English text in the tooltip of the share buttons?

    in reply to: Order of sections on single post page #841518

    I got question 2 fixed by adding

    function avia_new_social_title(){
    $output = “Weiterempfehlen”;
    return $output;

    to the functions.php.
    As explained in:

    But question 1 – the overlap – I still cannot fix, unfortunately.

    in reply to: Order of sections on single post page #840571

    Thank you, Ismael. This works. I hadn’t changed anything regarding config or plugins.

    But in the meantime I tried different combinations of share section and related entries set by Enfold theme or Jetpack plugin:

    1. share section – Enfold + related entried – Enfold
    2. share section – Enfold + related entries – Jetpack
    3. share section – Jetpack + related entries – Enfold

    The order works with no. 2 and I now left it like that on e.g.:
    I don’t like the look of the “related post” section by Enfold and I don’t know how to change the design of it.

    So for me it looks the nicest, where the share section is set by Enfold options and the related posts section comes from Jetpack.
    But unfortunately, there is some overlap of the sections.
    And the share section heading says “Share this entry” in English –> should be German.

    Question 1: How can I get rid of the overlap of share section icons and heading “Weiterlesen”?
    Question 2: How can I get the heading “Share this entry” to be in German? There is a translation in de_DE.po in Enfold (though not in Enfold child). But why is it English?

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    in reply to: Order of sections on single post page #824691

    Hi Enfold-team

    I need to activate this thread, because I realized this solution doesn’t work anymore.

    On my single posts pages the tags are now below the “Ähnliche Beitrage” (similar posts) section, not right below the article text anymore.
    It used to work before, but maybe there have been some changes due to the theme updates in the meantime?
    I use a child theme.


    I would like to have the tags right after the text and BEFORE the “Ähnliche Beiträge”

    Thanks in advance

    And another question: the “Share this” heading right after the tags section is now in English. It used to be German before.
    What could be the reason? Thanks.

    Kind regards

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #778248

    I created my blog Welt der Vorfahren with theme Enfold: Welt der Vorfahren

    in reply to: Title bar on monthly archive page #691997

    Hi Andy

    Thanks, but sorry, I don’t really understand.
    I am using an Enfold child theme. Where should I place the code?
    In the child theme subfolder or in the parent theme (with modifications lost by theme update)?

    Thanks for any help,

    in reply to: Order of sections on single post page #691995

    Great, that helped!
    Thank you very much and kind regards

    in reply to: Order of sections on single post page #686440

    Hi Andy,

    I wouldn’t want to use the ALB, because it has a lot of other issues (no heading, meta on single post pages etc.) and I also don’t figure out how to arrange the elements there.

    Isn’t there a simple way to move the tags up just after the end of the text?

    Thanks, Anja

    in reply to: Title bar on monthly archive page #686434

    Hi Yigit,

    thank you!

    1) works fine!

    2) doesn’t work for me
    I use a child theme and thus copied the file to /wp-content/themes/enfold-child/framework/php/function-set-avia-frontend.php and made the changes there (delete comma), but nothing happens.
    What else could I do?

    By the way, the default German translation “Archiv für das Monat” is wrong German. I used Loco Translate to change it to “für den Monat”, but somehow this was changed back (by some update?). I now edited it again, but it would be good to have it correct in the theme.

    Thanks in advance

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Aniona.
    in reply to: Breadcrumbs looks strange / partial duplication #682238

    Hi Andy,

    great, that works!

    Thank you and kind regards,

    in reply to: Order of sections on single post page #682227


    I had put the imgur link as img link to the private section, but somehow it did not show. Added it again as URL.

    Thank you,

    in reply to: Breadcrumbs looks strange / partial duplication #681375

    Hi Andy

    I found out the Yoast breadcrumbs actually weren’t activated at all.
    I now activated them and they work fine.

    It would have been nice to use the Enfold breadcrumbs, and I don’t understand why they looked so strange without Yoast interfering, but it is ok like that for the moment.

    Only one question: I use the separator >> now, but would like more space/padding before and after it. How can I achieve that?

    Thank you and best regards,

    in reply to: Order of sections on single post page #681236

    Hi Andy,

    this is my website as it is now.

    I would like to change the order of the different sections on ALL the single post pages, that is especially move up the “tags” section (“Schlagworte”) to right BELOW the article text/image copyright links and ABOVE the “share” section (“Weiterempfehlen”).

    Everything that directly belongs to the post – like tags – should be close to each other.
    Other blog functions – like sharing and related articles – should be below that.

    And how can I separate the sections by horizontal lines and padding/spacing and style them (fonts…)? At the moment the font sizes and weights look all different (some are headings (Ähnliche Beiträge), some are normal text but bold (Erzähl es weiter) …).
    I would like to style them individually.

    Hope it is a bit clearer now. Thank you in advance.

    in reply to: Changing fonts for headings and text does not work #681213

    Hi Ismael,

    2) works perfectly! great, thank you :-)

    3) still didn’t work (at least on Linux desktop Firefox and Konqueror), but I got it finally fixed with this code: a {
    font-size: 23px;
    font-weight: bold !important;
    text-transform: none;

    Thanks so much for your help!
    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Changing fonts for headings and text does not work #678957

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you.

    1) I switched to wpDiscuz yesterday because of several problems with the native comment system. The font styling issue is solved by this.

    2) Thanks, this works for the button. But the info text (“Dein Name” etc.) in the input fields still look different. How can I adjust the font there?

    3) This doesn’t work. I would like to have the main headings of the post excerpts on the blog overview page the same size as h1 on the single post pages, or least larger than the secondary headings.

    On single post pages:

    • Main headings: h1
    • Secondary headings: h2

    On the start page:
    Since main headings are only shown as h2, they should be larger as the secondary headings in excerpts.
    How can I achieve this only for the main headings in the excerpt list? Difference between h1 and h2 should look like on single post pages.

    Thank you.
    Best regards,

    in reply to: Thumbnails in Enfold widgets #676683

    Excellent! Thank you very much for your help.
    I really learned a lot here :-)

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Thumbnails in Enfold widgets #676572

    Thank you, Yigit! That worked great.

    Is it possible to have a circle thumbnail in the “Wer schreibt hier?” widget on the start page as well: ? What would be the code?
    Or is it somehow different because it is the Meks Smart Author plugin widget using a Gravatar image? Could it be controlled by custom CSS as well? I didn’t find anything on the plugin page.

    Thank you for your excellent support.
    Kind regards

    in reply to: Horizontal lines between blog post excerpts on start page #676457

    Hi Yigit.

    Thank you, it worked.

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