Forum Replies Created
you can control the logo’s width using this:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .responsive .logo a, .responsive .logo img { width: 80px; }}
Adjust 80 as needed.
try this code:
<ul> <?php query_posts('meta_key=your key&meta_value=your value'); ?> <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <?php the_title();?> <?php endwhile; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php wp_reset_query();?> </ul>
Key is what you named the field, the value is what you enter in the field.
You can use it in a php widget as well as in a page template.
Also you can use it within the meta div of single.php, so the fields would appear with other meta.Best regards,
Glad you did it. If you have any other issues, lets us know. We are happy to assist you.
could you still send us a link to your website please?
AndyHey mhayes13!
when you edit a page you can select on the right side the “Template” (which you can find in “Page Attributes”). There you should select the one which you have chosen for your news page.
AndyHey reidmccallhhi!
As it is a premium one, I think there should be some options in your slider’s setting to adjust it. Don’t they work? If not please try to deactivate all plugins to see if one is causing the issue. Otherwise could you create us ad admin login to have a deeper look into it?
Best regards,
same for me. I can’t login.
AndyDecember 13, 2014 at 8:46 pm in reply to: Extra line of type under the Copyright on all pages of website #367764Hi!
you could also try to deactivate all plugins, to see if one causes the issue. But if that does not help, I would recommend to follow Josue’s suggestion.
AndyHey Effektid!
use this in Quick CSS:
body .container_wrap .hr.avia-builder-el-last, body .container_wrap .hr.avia-builder-el-first { display: none; } .hr-custom { display: none; }
Please clear your browser cache. Also try to deactivate all plugins to see which one could cause an issue.Regards,
maybe this could help you:
Best regards,
AndyDecember 13, 2014 at 4:13 am in reply to: fullpage slider with less then 100% height to teaser next section #367614Hey pixup!
it could be possible. Please post a link to your website.
You can try this code:.avia-fullscreen-slider .avia-slideshow>ul>li { top: -13px !important; }
Adjust “-13” as needed.
Best regards,
AndyHi axelfx07!
can you please post a link to your website?
Best regards,
Could you check if the issue remains if you switch to default theme please?You can try to delete the menu you have created and rebuild it. If that does not work, then switch to another theme (e.g. the default one) and delete the menu there and rebuild it afterwards.
Another possible solution:
find this code in functions.php:echo get_category_parents($cat, TRUE, ' ' . $delimiter . ' ');
and replace it with:
echo is_wp_error( $cat_parents = get_category_parents($cat, TRUE, '' . $delimiter . '') ) ? '' : $cat_parents;
super, dass es geklappt hat. Ja, wenn du Fragen hast, immer her damit.
Liebe Grüße,
As it is not provided by one of our themes, this is not a theme related issue. Please search by yourself for a plugin which is suitable for you. I hope you will find one.
replace code with this one:
.avia_wpml_language_switch li .language_flag { display: none; }
.avia_wpml_language_switch li .language_flag { display: none !important; }
If necessary clear browser cache after putting in this code.
I cant’t see any quotations marks floating. Could you fix it?
If not please show the issue using screenshots.Regards,
ich habe Kriesi angeschrieben, um sich das genauer anzuschauen. Bitte warte ein wenig auf eine Antwort von ihm.
Lieben Gruß,
please provide us temporary admin login. Post it here as a privat reply.
Best regards,
you need to add “px” to the number:
.sidebar_right .container { padding-right: 10px !important; } .sidebar_right .inner_sidebar { margin: 10px !important; }
did you already try to deactivate all plugins?
Edit the page where the message occur then remove the Layer Slider element -> update your page so the changes will take effect. If it does not work create slides on LayerSlider WP panel.
This thread might be helpful as well:
verwendest du dieses Plugin: ?
Passiert das Gleiche, wenn du statt Enfold das default Theme aktivierst?
Hast du bereits den Support von dem Plugin angeschrieben?
AndyHi Broelando!
are you using a short URL version? then it does not work. Please use the full Vimeo link.
Best regards,
ok super, bin gespannt den Fehler endlich mal zu sehen, weil oben auf deinen Screenshots kann ich gar nix erkennen.
ich konnte bisher absolut kein Problem erkennen geschweige denn nachvollziehen. Bitte mache deutlich und verständlich wo überhaupt das Problem ist. Dein Slider scheint für mich super funktionieren auf deiner Startseite.
Thanks for the info. I think it’s nothing too bad and I think Kriesi will fix it soon.
Please add this to Quick CSS:
#top .av_header_transparency.av_alternate_logo_active .logo a > img { opacity: 1; }
About Us:
I can see the font, although you might think about changing the color:
You are using this image as first thumbnail:
You can’t see it on your website, because it’s white on white background.Lunch menu:
I can’t see any header with “Lunch Menu”
-> Please always provide us screenshotsWhite space:
There seems to be the element “Special Heading”. Maybe you added it unintentionally. Please check in Avia Layout Builder.Cheers!
AndyHey djshortkut!
that’s weird. Right now I can’t see any links on your icons, but you can control size of the icons with this:
#contact-info .iconbox.av-no-box .iconbox_icon { height: 60px; width: 60px; line-height: 60px; font-size: 30px; }
So after adding a link to it, adjust it as needed.
Anyway, try to deactivate all plugins, to see which one could cause the issue.
AndyHi Renvato2!
I am sorry, but this is not possible. You can try to use smaller images and increase your website speed: progress bar is not supported by our themes. You would need to contact a freelancer for this.
Andy -