Forum Replies Created
Thanks Mike,
The https setting is ok. So, if I understand this dont cause my performance problem ?
(But why I am not able to remove it ? Each time I modify the html code and save, the modification is not saved.
And why the avia builder don’t want to open in my home page if it’s not the problem ?And, your forgot the previous message and questions:
About the custom font, where I can remove it ?
I don’t remember using custom fonts. How can I do to change it? I checked on the home page I I don’t find this font.And about my hosting provider, why my site performance dropped since the last update.
My site was not very fast before, but since the last update it is 3 times slower, hard to believe that the problem is only due to the host. How can I verify that it really comes from the host? And can the host do anything to make it go faster (I have to ask what?)With the current slowness it’s like if my site didn’t work at all, no one is going to wait to load. I really need help, what I can make ?
I don’t know if it can have a link with my slowness problems but after the updates, I no longer had access to the Avia Page Builder in any page. After a lot of research I found that there could be a bug if there were http links in the page (instead of https). So I did this:
When the page opens the Avia page editor does not load (spinning circle) so I open the default editor and the html code is displayed, I copy-paste the text into a text editor and do a search and replace for all http: to https: and I paste all the text into the wordpress page. Then I save the page (update button at the top right).
It seems to have worked in all pages except for the home page where it doesn’t. Every time I close the page and re-open it, avia bulder does not load and there are still all the http links in the html code. How to change it?
I also realized that by inspecting the html code of the home page with my browser there is still a lot of http in the code on the page, javascript, etc. So, is this a problem and how do I fix it?
Hi, thanks for your reply. I was wondering if you forgot me…
About the custom font, where I can remove it ?
I don’t remember using custom fonts. How can I do to change it? I checked on the home page I I don’t find this font.And about my hosting provider, why my site performance dropped since the last update.
My site was not very fast before, but since the last update it is 3 times slower, hard to believe that the problem is only due to the host. How can I verify that it really comes from the host? And can the host do anything to make it go faster (I have to ask what?)With the current slowness it’s like if my site didn’t work at all, no one is going to wait to load. I really need help, what I can make ?
It’s been 3 days since I asked my questions and still no answers. My website is no longer really functional since the last update and I bought a technical support license to get your help. Someone can help me ?Thanks Victoria, that Work nicely !
Best regards,Alain
January 26, 2021 at 6:57 am in reply to: Problems after updating WordPress, Themes and Plugin…. #1275380Hi Victoria,
Thanks for your code.
I also added –> font-size: 13px ! <– to make it smaller and it’s almost perfect, But there seems to be too much space between the letters (if we compare with the texts of the products page). How I can reset that ?
Maybe I will want to hide the title and description, so what would be the code ? (I would like to see if it’s better with or without the text and price)
Tnaks again for your help,
Best regards,Alain
For the Questions #3, I reply in private too.This reply has been marked as private.January 25, 2021 at 7:47 am in reply to: Problems after updating WordPress, Themes and Plugin…. #1275192Hi Victoria.
The product grid work now, thanks for your help.
But it would be nice to fix this translation bug. The link you gave me dates from last July and the bug is still there. I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out why it wasn’t working.So, the product grid works now but it displays the product title below in uppercase. Can you give me the code to correct this? (It wasn’t like this before I did the updates). Normally it should be in lower case, like in the product page (Product page –> Nos Bijoux).
And any ideas about the questions #3 ?
Thanks for your reply, i will try this.
On the other hand, if I write code in the functions.php file, I risk losing them during a next update? (I just all updated my site which was 5-6 years old and lost a lot of content and a lot of my customization). What is the way to avoid this?January 23, 2021 at 8:55 am in reply to: Problems after updating WordPress, Themes and Plugin…. #1274926Latest developments:
Problem 4 — Problem solved. Your code is ok !
Problem 5 — Problem solved. The proposed plugin work nicely !Problem 1 :
Products grid (or product slider) on home page don’t work anymore. i tried all options and nothing work.
It’s really problematic! I would really like if you could help me on this quickly because my site is not very functional because of this.Problem #2
Partially corrected: I finally found how to put on 4 columns.
I also found how to hide the display product and sorting pop up with Quick CSS.
But i still wonder if it is possible to “customize” the sorting pop up?Problem #3
I always search for a code to put the main text menu a little higher (+16 pixels towards the top)
and how to add a line on top (there had been one before but it disappeared during the updates).
See attached image for sample.Waiting for your suggestions! Thanks !
January 23, 2021 at 3:16 am in reply to: Problems after updating WordPress, Themes and Plugin…. #1274880Thanks for your reply. I will try your suggestion tonight.
But, Do you have some idea for the other questions (#1 – #2 – #3)
1 – Products grid on home page don’t work anymore
2 – Where I can set the product shop pages to 4 columns instead of 3
3 – The main menu must be a little higher (+16 pixels towards the top) and there was also a line on top that disappeared. How to recover this line ?Best regards,
AlainI don’t understand why I have to add billing details? This service is not free ?
January 13, 2021 at 9:18 am in reply to: Old Enfold web site (Version 3.6.1), How to repair it ? #1272075Ok, last news: I found a solution, I was able to deactivate the problematic plugin (WPML) by FTP and all is ok. But, now, How I can reinstall WPML ? When I try to update it, all the WP crash. What is the best way to update it if I dont want to have the same problem ? Could I erase it and install the latest version instead of updating ? If i do this, will i lose all the translation i did ? What do you recommend in this case ?
Thanks,January 13, 2021 at 6:25 am in reply to: Old Enfold web site (Version 3.6.1), How to repair it ? #1272032I continued to update the plugins. I only had WooCommerce and WPML left. Woocommerce does not want to update because it detects an older version of PHP. I made a request to my hosting technical support. To be continued.
Then, trying to update WPML Multilingual CMS (3.4.2 to 4.4.8) everything crashed. No more backend or front end, just an error message:
>>>> Fatal error: Class ‘Twig_SimpleFunction’ not found in /home/joseebo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wpml-translation-management/classes/translation-proxy/class-wpml-jobs-fetch-log-ui.php on line 30
Il y a eu une erreur critique sur ce site.<<<<What must I do now ? I can’t even connect to the login page anymore.
January 12, 2021 at 9:12 am in reply to: Old Enfold web site (Version 3.6.1), How to repair it ? #1271781Sorry for all messages, while I wait for your answers, I try to find the solution…
I finally managed to update the Enfold theme. I updated WordPress to and then was able to update the theme via ftp.
But I still have weird message display problems in the front and back end.
I also have a bug with the google map in the contact page.
And one more thing, since the update, everything got really slow (it was already awfully slow, but now it can take 15sec to 30sec seconds for each click to load… backend and frontend)
See picture join.January 12, 2021 at 7:15 am in reply to: Old Enfold web site (Version 3.6.1), How to repair it ? #1271768I followed this step by step:
FTP Install
To understand FTP think of it as a folder with a lot of sub-folders just like it is on your local system.Log into your FTP account using an FTP program like FileZilla.
Locate the WordPress installation folder and browse to wp-content/themes.
In WordPress dashboard, we uploaded a zip file but via FTP we need to extract the theme files from and upload the enfold folder with the theme files.
Upload the main theme files to wp-content/themes/enfold and upload the child theme files to wp-content/themes/enfold-child
Both parent and child theme should display in Appearance > Themes page.
Activate Enfold Child theme from Appearance > Themes page.But after, I receive the following message in backend and frontend:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function apply_filters_deprecated() in /home/joseebo/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php on line 2626And impossible to log to wordpress again, all is crashed. When I remove the now enfold theme folder and put the old back all it comes back as before. What am I doing wrong?
January 12, 2021 at 7:05 am in reply to: Old Enfold web site (Version 3.6.1), How to repair it ? #1271766Ok, I tried to update the theme by FTP, I erased the old Enfold folder and uploaded the new one but after this I receive this message and nothing work anymore:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function apply_filters_deprecated() in /home/joseebo/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php on line 2626
So, I replaced the old Enfold folder and wait for a better solution. What is the best way to update the theme ?
Do you have simple a step by step to to this ?January 11, 2021 at 6:28 am in reply to: Old Enfold web site (Version 3.6.1), How to repair it ? #1271494Thanks for your answer.
What is the best way to update the site and having the best performance : starting from scratch or trying to update the old site by updating each plug-in ?
Thanks begrafiks and Yigit for your reply,
But I checked the post suggested and I dont understand more.
Maybe I badly explained my problem since I am not very good in english:In my website homepage, I would like the page title (displayed at the top of the browser window) be :
“Vitalis – Urnes funéraires écologiques et artistiques”But this is not what is displayed. For the moment, the title that is displayed is :
“Vitalis – Urnes en Bois”I always thought that WordPress / Enfold used the name of the page in the WordPress page admin (The red box where is written “Vitalis – Urnes funéraires écologiques et artistiques” in the screen capture below) as page title. Everywhere else in my site, it works like that, the WordPress page name is used as a title but not in my homepage.
Thanks Yigit, this resolve the clipping issue, but it’s not exactly what I want: I want to make a bullet list (I am able to make a numbered list but my bullet (UL) do not work).
Yes, I think I need more assistance.
I use this code: <ol> <li><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Pendentif en ivoire de mammouth fossilisé, vieux de plus de 11 000 ans (pouvant aller jusqu'à 11 000 ans)</span></li> <li><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Dimensions: XXX" X XXX" (XXXcm x XXXcm)</span></li> <li><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Petit livret explicatif inclus avec chaque bijou</span></li> <li><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Le pendentif est livré avec un cordon en coton ciré avec un fermoir ou avec un cordon de longueur ajustable avec des noeuds coulants (choisissez le type de cordon voulu ci-dessous)</span></li> </ol>
Where I have to modify the code ?
In the list or in my quick cuss ?Best regard.
October 22, 2015 at 5:42 am in reply to: A few last adjustments (price size, product image size, related products, etc.) #522732Thank you Yigit for your help, almost everything is ok !
Except:>>>>#3 – Price font size — – It is currently set to 18px
Yes, my code work, but it also changes the price size everywhere on the site. I would just modify the price size
in the of the individual product page (not on related products, not on the shop overview, etc.)>>>># 4- Big Image product size: Please add following code to Quick CSS and adjust
What is the image dimensions normally? (by default)
Because I have the impression that my image looks blurred when I increases the image size with your code.>>>>#5- Related products size: Please add following code to Quick CSS and adjust:
That work ! I can set it to 6 columns now, great ! But now the space are not equally distributed.
To adjust the space I tried to add this code (margin: 0px 0px 0px 19px !important;) to equally distribute tumbnails in the space and that seems to work except when I resize down the windows: the 6th thumbnail fall in a other line…It works now !
Thanks Rikard !Thanks Ismael for your reply.
I tried your suggestion, but it does not work completely;
The icon is faded but it does not change to 100% when the mouse roll over it.Thank you very much, with that I was able to adjust the spaces for each collonne and my footer is perfect now!
I have a last questions about adding social media icons in the footer, but I opened another topic to make it clearer and describe what I tried.
AlainI’m not sure I like the monochrome look logos “Fontello”. Instead I tried to use PNG images.
It’s better but I would like an “over” effect like a opacity fadein. Is feasible?
Or, is there another easier way to add full color social media icons in my footer ? (with rollover effect?)-
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by
Nice ! Thank you !
Thanks for the code.
Is it also possible to modify the space between columns ?The “justify” question is for the “Text Widgets” included in a the sidebar, not for the menu.
I used the code from Elliott to increase the size, it’s ok but now I try to justify the text.Thank you, we’re almost there.
So, is it possible to specify the width of each column?
Something like 31% for the first one, and 18% for the three other columns and 5% for the space between each column?And about Social media icon, is it possible to add it in one column ? (see my first message).
Thanks again for your help,
Alain -
This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by