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  • #1272080

    I am updating an old site made with Enfold. So far I have updated Enfold and WordPress.
    Now I trying to repair the contact page which has a bug with the google map API.
    I followed the tutorial: https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/google-map/#how-to-register-a-google-maps-api-key
    but I always receive a error message :

    Unable to log in to Google with this API key, please try again with a different key
    1-Check if you typed the key correctly.
    2- If you use the restriction setting on Google try to remove that, wait a few minutes for google to apply your changes and then check again if the key works here. If it does, you probably have a syntax error in your referrer url
    3- If none of this helps: deactivate all plugins and then check if the API works by using the button above. If thats the case then one of your plugins is interfering.

    So, I verified the code (copy paste from Google), I set no restrictions and I tried to deactivate all my plugins and nothing work !
    Your help would be appreciated !



    I have the same problem, but I know for a fact that the key I am using was working a few days ago.
    I also have tried it with a new key, same thing.

    Did Google change something?

    Any help is highly appreciated!



    Hi AlainTernet,

    I activated Google Maps and added your API key to the backend of the theme. I see this error message coming from Google Maps after that: https://console.cloud.google.com/project/_/billing/enable?pli=1. Please try adding billing details to the Google account which you created the API key with.

    Best regards,


    Hi Karin,

    Please open a new thread and include WordPress admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    I don’t understand why I have to add billing details? This service is not free ?


    Hi AlainTernet,

    Yes, unfortunately, Google Maps isn’t free anymore.
    You can check this article: https://www.metizsoft.com/blog/google-maps-are-not-free-anymore
    Or you can check the pricing from google’s site: https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/pricing/

    Best regards,

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