Tagged: enfold, https, Product Grid, update
January 21, 2021 at 10:40 am #1274315
My site was built at least 6-7 years ago with an old version of Enfold. I had a lot of problems updating everything (plugin, themes, PHP server, WordPress, etc) and received a lot of fatal error but I finally succeeded ! But with all the updates and server changes my site was very messed up, the design was broken and some content was lost. I spent a lot of time trying to put everything back in place but there are still some elements that I am no longer able to fix. So, here is a list of the problems to be solved: your help would be greatly appreciated!
1- Home page. (Vestiges – Bijoux préhistoriques )
I had a 5 product grid displayed on the home page. Since the update the grid no longer works. There should be 5 products wide per 2 row and not have a description and price visible.2- Before the bug, the “Product page” had 4 columns and now there are 3. I searched everywhere but couldn’t find where to specify it. Also, the pop up to display 15-30-45 products should be hidden. Also is it possible to choose options for the sort menu? (keeping 2 options like price and date because other is not relevant)
3- The main menu (Everywhere on the site) must be a little higher (+16 pixels towards the top) and there was also a line on top that disappeared. See attached image for sample.
4- In the individual product page, the price $ should be a little bigger and the title a little smaller. See attached image.
HTTPS problems:
5- It seems that my site has been converted to HTTPS by my host in the last few years but I was not aware. Now I try to open the site with HTTPS and the security lock is broken. After some research I saw that it could be because of the image or links in the page that are not HTTPS.So I changed the links and images in my pages, one by one. It seems to work because the padlock is intact afterwards in some pages. On the other hand, there is certain element that I cannot change in the pages directly. I have a problem with the up and down arrow in all pages:
wp-content/themes/enfold/config-woocommerce/images/arrow_up_down.png6- Next, is there anything I can do to make the HTTPS site used first instead of the HTTP site? When you enter my address or click on a Google link, the links opened is always with HTTP.
Sorry for this long message, I hope you will help me so that I can get my site back as before!
January 22, 2021 at 1:07 pm #1274681Hey AlainTernet,
Here is the code you can put in Enfold > General Styling > Quick Css, if it does not work, put into themes/enfold/css/custom.css
div.product .product_title { font-size: 24px; } #top .single-product-summary .price .woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol { font-size: 20px; }
As for the https you probably need to use a plugin like Forse SSL or the like.
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,
VictoriaJanuary 23, 2021 at 3:16 am #1274880Thanks for your reply. I will try your suggestion tonight.
But, Do you have some idea for the other questions (#1 – #2 – #3)
1 – Products grid on home page don’t work anymore
2 – Where I can set the product shop pages to 4 columns instead of 3
3 – The main menu must be a little higher (+16 pixels towards the top) and there was also a line on top that disappeared. How to recover this line ?Best regards,
AlainJanuary 23, 2021 at 8:55 am #1274926Latest developments:
Problem 4 — Problem solved. Your code is ok !
Problem 5 — Problem solved. The proposed plugin work nicely !Problem 1 :
Products grid (or product slider) on home page don’t work anymore. i tried all options and nothing work.
It’s really problematic! I would really like if you could help me on this quickly because my site is not very functional because of this.Problem #2
Partially corrected: I finally found how to put on 4 columns.
I also found how to hide the display product and sorting pop up with Quick CSS.
But i still wonder if it is possible to “customize” the sorting pop up?Problem #3
I always search for a code to put the main text menu a little higher (+16 pixels towards the top)
and how to add a line on top (there had been one before but it disappeared during the updates).
See attached image for sample.Waiting for your suggestions! Thanks !
January 24, 2021 at 12:23 pm #1275040Hi AlainTernet,
This can be a solution to the product grid issue:
https://kriesi.at/support/topic/no-products-found-which-match-your-selection-5/Best regards,
VictoriaJanuary 25, 2021 at 7:47 am #1275192Hi Victoria.
The product grid work now, thanks for your help.
But it would be nice to fix this translation bug. The link you gave me dates from last July and the bug is still there. I wasted a lot of time trying to figure out why it wasn’t working.So, the product grid works now but it displays the product title below in uppercase. Can you give me the code to correct this? (It wasn’t like this before I did the updates). Normally it should be in lower case, like in the product page (Product page –> Nos Bijoux).
And any ideas about the questions #3 ?
January 25, 2021 at 12:01 pm #1275234Hi AlainTernet,
I wrote about #3 in private.
Here is the code you can put in Enfold > General Styling > Quick Css, if it does not work, put into themes/enfold/css/custom.css
#top h2.woocommerce-loop-product__title { text-transform: none; }
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,
VictoriaJanuary 26, 2021 at 6:57 am #1275380Hi Victoria,
Thanks for your code.
I also added –> font-size: 13px ! <– to make it smaller and it’s almost perfect, But there seems to be too much space between the letters (if we compare with the texts of the products page). How I can reset that ?
Maybe I will want to hide the title and description, so what would be the code ? (I would like to see if it’s better with or without the text and price)
Tnaks again for your help,
Best regards,Alain
For the Questions #3, I reply in private too.January 26, 2021 at 11:54 pm #1275602Hi AlainTernet,
Here is how you can add the border on top of the menu:
.av_minimal_header #header_main_alternate { border-top: 1px solid #ccc; }
Best regards,
Victoria -
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