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  • Any news on this? We are kind of stuck.



    Additionally, I also just did a clean new theme overwrite. No change.

    Hi Yigit,

    I did… unfortunately it did not change anything.

    P.s: Just going through the enfold theme I noticed you did a typo “avia_edit_dynamic_templtes.js” but that is probably not the problem.

    in reply to: Support questions from staff cannot be answered #728390

    Yigit, thank you very much. That was outstanding support, man!

    Have a great 2017,

    in reply to: Support questions from staff cannot be answered #728378

    Sweet Jesus, Christmas came late this year. I still suggest that you implement this as a standard or at least as an option that can be checked. Separating the blog posts from the actual pages is a defacto standard for every non-Blogger site.

    Thanks for the quick fix, Yigit.

    Now I am stretching my luck but I´ll give it a try nonetheless and pester you with the other open ticket. Another team member answered to this request but I am unable to reply:

    I already did all this but the forward action “order now” still takes ages to complete and there is no visual hint that the server is processing the request. I would recommend to deactivate the button and have a message like “Processing…” or an ajax loading sign or whatever in order to indicate that something is actually happening.

    Enjoy your holiday… as much as you can ;-).


    in reply to: Support questions from staff cannot be answered #728365

    Hey Yigit,

    I am all for a holiday. It is just frustrating to not be able to reply on a thread when someone needs a reply from your staff. I completely understand that you close it for new requests.

    Sorry for the staging site not being updated. I pulled a new image from live and forgot about it. I just updated ONLY the theme. Now you can see what I meant.

    It would be great if you could change this behaviour or at least make it configurable so that portfolio is able to be based on root instead of the blog link.


    in reply to: Portfolio item base broken after update #727907
    in reply to: Portfolio item base broken after update #726847

    Hi Nikko,

    exactly. Before, if I remember correctly, we also had to use a permalink manager to correct the way that enfold is positioning the portfolio section. Now it does not seem to be correctable. The update was 3.8.


    in reply to: Stock in front end always the same across products #714468

    The price hack is based on this solution here:

    It does work but I propose this to be a standard feature. All shops are based on prices and not being able to show the price as well as the price of the variation is a problem.

    Additionally we did some custom programming to also show the product variation pricing and to sync several add-to-cart boxes on the same product page (we have on on top and one on the bottom):


    jQuery(function($) {
        function aerobis_display_price() {
            var variations_data = jQuery.parseJSON($(".variations_form").attr("data-product_variations"));
            return variations_data;
        if ($(".variations_form select").val() != "") {
            var variations_data = aerobis_display_price();
        $(document).on("change", ".variations_form select", function() {
            var selected_box = $(this);
            var selected = $(this).val();
            var selected_text = $('option:selected', this).text();
            var select_name = $(this).attr('name');
            if (selected != "") {
                var selected_number = Number($(this).prop("selectedIndex")) - 1;
                $('.variations_form select[name=' + select_name + ']').each(function(selecta) {
                    if ($(this).find('option[value="' + selected + '"]').length == 0) { // not exist in #select-2
                        $('.variations_form select[name=' + select_name + ']').append('<option value="' + selected + '" selected="selected">' + selected_text + '</option>');
                if (selected != '') {
                    $('.variations_form select[name=' + select_name + ']').val(selected);
                var selected_attr = new Array();
                var select_boxes = $(this).parent().parent().parent().parent().find('select');
                $(select_boxes).each(function(i, item) {
                    selected_attr[i] = $(this).find(":selected").val()
                //$(".variations_form select").prop("selectedIndex", $(this).prop("selectedIndex"));
                //	console.log( selected_number);
                var variations_data = aerobis_display_price();
                //	$('.variations_form select[name=' +select_name + ']').trigger('change');
                var selected_product_id = 0;
                var selected_count = selected_attr.length;
                $.each(variations_data, function(i, item) {
                    var var_count = 0;
                    $.each(item.attributes, function(key, att) {
                        if (jQuery.inArray(att, selected_attr) != -1) {
                    if (var_count == selected_count) {
                        selected_product_id = variations_data[i].variation_id;
      , {
                    "action": "aerobis_format_money",
                    "product_id": selected_product_id
                }, function(response) {
                    $('.woocommerce-variation').before('<p class="price _variation_price">' + response + '</p>');


    function aerobis_format_money()
    	global $wpdb;
    	$product = new WC_Product($_POST['product_id']);
    	if ($product->get_price_including_tax() > 0)
    		echo woocommerce_price($product->get_price_including_tax());
    add_action('wp_ajax_aerobis_format_money', 'aerobis_format_money');
    add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_aerobis_format_money', 'aerobis_format_money');
    function aerobis_enqueue_scripts()
    	wp_enqueue_script('aerobis-js-scripts', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/scripts.js');
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'aerobis_enqueue_scripts');

    I hope this helps others and saves you guys time and money. Again, I think this should go into the standard theme but until it does – use my code for free.

    Code in action: fitnessgeräte von aerobis


    in reply to: Stock in front end always the same across products #714450

    Hey Rikard, appreciated. The login only gets enabled on request. The good thing is that I solved the “issue”. We are using chained products and the chained product limits the overall availability of the main product. So actually it was not a bug – just hard to understand whats going on.

    What would be awesome is that you support woocommerce a little Noten seriously with enfold. Especially the add-to-cart button could use some love. We fixed the price display ourselves but I think it should be baked into enfold.

    Other than that – great theme!

    in reply to: Translate Cart Pop-up #712995

    Wow, 5 days later ;-). No, we don´t use WPML and never will as WPML is cumbersome and ugly. I already fixed the issue though so please close.

    To anyone coming across this:

    Woocommerce is is not pulling the strings from the translation system on two occasions. You need to put these to two filter hooks into the “custom filter” setting of qtranslate-x and everything will *just work*:
    woocommerce_update_order_review_fragments woocommerce_get_item_data


    in reply to: Translate Cart Pop-up #712003

    Sure thing!

    Hi Ismael,

    of course. It just shows the range and that range does not change if a variant is selected. We now created a custom javascript hack that extracts the variant prices but it is quite a hassle.



    danke für den Workaround! Leider funktioniert das anscheinend (noch) nicht mit Varianten. Hat jemand eine Idee, wie ich den Variantenpreis bei Selektion mit ausgeben kann?

    Beste Grüße,

    @margitw – well yes that is of course possible. I thought you were talking about the masonry style in the archive pages. The grid is somewhat similar but lacks the styling and the ajax loading button of masonry. Glad you are happy with it though ;)

    Hey Margit,

    not without more intense modifications. We use the masonry styles only on the actual blog. I just wanted to the other pages to look “decent”.
    The code posted in your linked thread doesn´t work … at least not for us.

    Good luck ;-)

    in reply to: Breadcrump Hickup #696474

    Actually I found a solution. Here it is in case anyone runs into this:

    /* Fix Breadcrumb on Archive and Category pages */
    .archive .breadcrumb-trail > span:nth-child(4), .archive .breadcrumb-trail > span:nth-child(5) {
    display: none !important;

    in reply to: Smooth Scrolling Button to Anchor #678179

    Hey Yigit,

    saw it before. What I did not realize was that ALL anchor links have smooth scroll by default. This is why I was looking for a special function. Problem solved. Thx!


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