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Yes, I did a test with all plugins deactivated but with no effect.
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by
In case it may have its reason on server side: my server had setup php 5.4 as Apache modul. For testing I switched over to php 5.5 and php 5.6 stable releases but as cgi. Both, php 5.5 and 5.6 brought a small performance kick to my site overall, but the lost connection phenomen is still there.
Hi Andy, I support about few sites, many of them with enfold as theme. All of them run latest WordPress. Some have up to twenty premium plugins as mine, few only have one or two plugins and I am working on a new site, which has no plugin til now, because I am at setup.
I do have this behavior on all sites, equal how many plugins installed or activated. But I do remember, that lost connection comes often at times, were higher traffic is usual in internet as around middays or in early evening times.
Is this a WordPress, Enfold, or else bug? I see the more use of javascript in all components. Maybe its my hosting provider where the server is not able respond in short time for javascript/Ajax? I had this behavior in Enfold setup tab too, were I made changes and tried saving and got a message, that saving failed. I could click on save again and it was saved. But Enfold pane uses Javascript too heavily. Yesterday I had put a form element in a page and had to modify it few times with about 10 fields and there I had this lost connection few times.
Cheers, Adrian
July 12, 2015 at 10:08 am in reply to: Do have some trouble with saving posts/pages/products #471984Hi Rikard, attached you find the details for login. This site uses a huge amount of plugins, especially for woocommerce. But I do have this behavior on customer sites too, were only few plugins are installed and activated.
Thanks Rikard for making that clear to us. We’ll be waiting for Envato since they have a fix for that.
Hi Elliott,
I tried too removing themeforest username and api key and now the wordpress update page loads fast as before. No error message. After putting in username and api key back into Enfold Child window, error comes again.Please check.
Yes, the error message I posted on top of this thread is Enfold related.
Hi Elliott, I do have this since last week. I tried few times over weekend but all time same error message. I too tried this morning deactivating all plugins on one site, but that didn’t help.
It is not a site specific bug, because I do have it on different sites with different configurations but all have Enfold as theme.
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by
Hallo Andy, ja Du verstehst mich richtig. Doch ich will nicht nur das weiter nach rechts haben, ich möchte gerne die Ausgabe vom Plugin ausblenden und dann anders formatiert wieder einblenden. Es sieht ja auch doof aus, dass da zzgl. und Versand auf zwei Zeilen stehen.
Ich möchte das noch mal ein wenig mehr erläutern. Ich habe diese Ausgabe, wenn ich das Woo German Market Plugin verwende:
<div class="inner_product_header"><div class="avia-arrow"></div> <h3>Fotopostkarte 02 – Klimahaus Bremerhaven</h3> <div class="price "> <span class="amount">1,20 €</span> <span class="woocommerce-de_price_taxrate ">inkl. MwSt.</span> <div class="woocommerce_de_versandkosten">versandkostenfrei</div> </div> </div>
Beim Woo Germanized rutscht die Ausgabe außerhalb des idealerweise umschließenden DIVs:
<div class="inner_product_header"><div class="avia-arrow"></div> <h3>Fotokalender 2015 »Mein Bremerhaven«</h3> <span class="price"> <span class="amount">14,90 €</span> </span> </div> <p class="wc-gzd-additional-info tax-info">inkl. 19% MwSt.</p> <p class="wc-gzd-additional-info shipping-costs-info">zzgl. <a href="" target="_blank">Versandkosten</a></p>
Kann ich das in der functions.php vom Child Theme beeinflussen, sodass die beiden <p> in das “inner_product_header” DIV mit reinrutschen?
February 3, 2015 at 11:19 am in reply to: Missing tax values in frontend since update 3.0.5 to 3.0.7 #389973Resolved.
This issue is related to WGM and his EU-VAT companion and has a law OK.
Thanks Andy.
February 2, 2015 at 9:49 am in reply to: Missing tax values in frontend since update 3.0.5 to 3.0.7 #389210Your tipp from stackoverflow resolves a question from 2012 and is somewhat outdated.
My question is related to WooCommerce German Market Plugin only, which handles tax display at product, and in conjunction with Enfold latest updates!
OK, OK, OK – I will ask the people at marketpress too and report.
January 30, 2015 at 10:06 pm in reply to: Missing tax values in frontend since update 3.0.5 to 3.0.7 #388543Hey Andy, OK, til Enfold 3.0.4 the tax displayed with tax value like inkl. 7% MwSt. or inkl. 19% MwSt. Since then only inkl. MwSt. without tax value is shown.
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
Hi Elliott, thanks for response and yes I solved it but editing my titles and metas in the way, yoast recommends.
December 17, 2014 at 8:39 pm in reply to: Sold out, Sale und andere Sticker hätte ich gerne in Enfold #369722Hi Andy, ich hab jetzt auf meiner Testsite alles Mögliche probiert und tatsächlich werden die Sticker angezeigt. Das klappt sowohl mit Enfold als auch mit TwentyThirteen. Einzig die Sold out Sticker werden nicht auf den Übersichtsseiten angezeigt, aber das scheint mir mehr ein Problem des Plugins zu sein, denn eines von Enfold. Jetzt werden die auch auf angezeigt, aber eben nur die SALE und NEW Sticker
Danke, das Du mich zum aktiven Testen gebracht hast – ich dachte schon, ich müsste von Enfold enttäuscht sein, was aber nicht stimmt. Ich schnack jetzt mal mit dem Plugin-Entwickler.
Schönen Abend noch, Adrian
December 17, 2014 at 7:48 pm in reply to: Sold out, Sale und andere Sticker hätte ich gerne in Enfold #369695Hmm Andy, das mit den Plugins bis eben auf WooCommerce deaktivieren brachte nichts: kontrolliert mit Chrome und Safari Brower.
Ich schalte jetzt aber nicht auf ein anderes Theme um, ist schließlich eine Livesite. Ich probier das später noch mal auf einer Testsite. Dauert aber noch ein wenig.
Melde mich dann.
December 17, 2014 at 7:03 pm in reply to: Sold out, Sale und andere Sticker hätte ich gerne in Enfold #369663Hi Andy, ja gerne:
Hab da im Moment das oben genannte Plugin aktiviert, doch das zeigt nichts an. Die Label “Verkauft!” kommen nur auf den Produktlistings, auf den Produktdetailseiten nicht und die stammen von einem Eintrag im Enfold Child:
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title', function() { global $product; if ( !$product->is_in_stock() ) { echo '<span class="onsale soldout"> Verkauft! </span>'; } });
December 16, 2014 at 9:51 am in reply to: Google Maps wrong positions in avia elements and Yoast Local SEO too #368812Hi Elliott, thanks fpr your advice. It is solved. The reason for what I have is related to Yoast Local SEO with their maps und routes. I am in contact with their support.
December 13, 2014 at 12:09 am in reply to: Masonry and product categories – if not shown, no cat tab on top #367562Here my example. If you load more images/products, then you will see on top of masonry a third products cat be displayed:
Hi Yigit, I do have only to replace a sale flash text string for my woocommerce sale products. No more.
Thanks Ismael, but after update I will loose such modifications. Any other way like changing something in functions.php of child theme?
September 30, 2014 at 8:26 pm in reply to: Vimeo videos do not autostart in fullwidth slider #327560Checked it out, thanks. Had to add #t=0s to video url.
Harald, hast Du Enfold 2.9.2 installiert? Das Update behebt das Problem.
September 14, 2014 at 12:17 pm in reply to: Transparenter Header auch beim Scrollen erhalten #318843Oops, hab da hinterher doch glatt eine Antwort von Josue gefunden – sorry. Gelöst.
Hi Josue, I wrote a few minutes ago the same question and found now this post. Thanks. Is there a way to put this code snipped into my enfold child theme for future updates?
This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by
I tested WC 2.2 and had still some bugs found in it. Its now updated to WC 2.2.2 and still some bugs as I can not delete for example variations or attributes which are for variations needed. Wait few more days.
And remember: WC 2.2 needs WP 4.0
Naja, auf eine alte PHP Version zurückgehen wird Dir in der Zukunft doch wieder Probleme bringen. Entweder hat der Hoster die neue PHP komisch konfiguriert oder Enfold muss für die Zukunft aktualisiert werden. Berichte mal.
Gruss, Adrian
OK, thanks.
Regards, Adrian
Danke, das beruhigt mich. Cheers, Adrian
Welches Kontaktformular benutzt Du denn und hast Du Enfold 2.9.2 installiert? Bei mir klappt es mit WordPress 4.0 und Enfold 2.9.2 wunderbar. Ansonsten bleibt nur: prüfe alle Plugins, ob die nicht letztlich für den Fehler verantwortlich sind.
This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by