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  • in reply to: portfolio_entries tax base won't translate #789462

    Hi Victoria,

    I write from my personal account on behalf of Contrapunto & Tiempo BBDO Barcelona. I’ll set up an account for you at our QA servers.
    I already found the link you provided on a previous search before posting. I also found around 10 post asking how to set up the home page with Polylang and some other threads about it.

    I kindly ask you to be honest with me and tell me if its worth the time im gonna spend in here with you or if everything is gonna end up on “hire a freelancer” which we will not do

    Another thing to keep in mind, there isn’t many good translating plugins out there. WPML and Polylang must be on the top 3 for this type and other theme devs, like T.Fusion are already supporting it.

    You do great work on your themes, that’s why I also add it to your request list.

    best regards.

    in reply to: portfolio_entries tax base won't translate #788297

    Hi Victoria,

    You can mark this post as resolved. We finally switched to Polylang that has an option to translate the tax base slug.
    Some filters and rewrite rules and now URL are working as expected.

    Anyhow, your theme has a little issue with Polylang. Theme settings panel won’t work for lang specific, instead it takes the highest level config, making imposible to define different href attributes for social icons menu.

    Should i start another post or we can work this out in this one?

    thank you.

    in reply to: Broken links in main menu after child theme activation #783961

    Try flushing permalinks at SETTINGS > PERMALINKS and click “save changes”

    in reply to: Enfold Feature Requests #226888


    I would appreciate if you consider adding a MASONRY AJAX PORTFOLIO with url hash modification.
    Actually, im trying to build a one page site, and the possibility of loading content as posts, images, projects, etc… on it’s own ajax container within the home, its something that would spice up the result.

    Every update you do is worth it, thanks for your work.


    Devin, I understand this request can’t be coded by your support team.
    I have a child theme, already started to mess around with it. I was just wondering if you could give me a hint on where to start. Maybe creating a new shortcode? i’m a gonna need a custom post object? is this a matter that WERKPRESS can take care about?

    Peter, I’m glad to see your already have a solution for next release. So tnx for the effort and waiting for update : )
    In my case, after commenting that line, I translated the shop category slug via the string translation panel. Before that, i had to turn on the slug translation option at “Multilingual Content Setup”. It’s working normal, translated slugs, no errors.


    in reply to: Problems creating Masonry Shop #181520

    Hi Ismael,

    I already tried that, i figure it out checking your demo. But, if i don’t set a Shop Base Page, when you access to a single product page, the URL + Title page on header + breadcrumb shows something totally different than the structure i want.

    Wouldn’t care to do it if i would have an alternative way to fix those 3 things, but at the moment, haven’t found the way.
    Any idea?


    in reply to: Woocommerce + WPML + Permalinks 404 error #181517

    Hi, i finally managed to “fix” this mistake. Among all the solutions I applied, i’m not sure which one did the thing.
    I must say i’m not an expert programmer, but I try as hard as I can. Anyhow, BBDD and php aren’t my speciality

    But, i can tell this
    . Increase the php memory trough hosting admin panel. Make sure Rewrite Rules (or similar) is also activated trough the same panel.
    . Clean installation @ the root of the web server + new BBDD
    . Install WPML, setup the necessary languages. Install Woocommerce + Multilingual (all up to date).
    . Install Woo Pages, created categories. Translated them.
    . Setup permalink structure for WP and Woo at 4 different points: Permalinks & Product (WP), Multilingual (every language on a different path), WPML (one path for each language = es/ en/ ….)

    At the moment i finished, wasn’t working. I gave up and went to sleep, when i woke up thinking i had a hard day before me… SHAZAM, it was working… don’t ask my how.

    Anyway, there is something really wrong:
    1. When the slug is added to the translation strings cause i modified the permalink st., and i do translate them… they are fully ignored.
    2. As soon i turn on the custom post slug translation and i try to translate “products” to other languages trough WPML, it breaks again and throws 404 errors.
    And if i don’t translated, it simply doesn’t shows the correct URL trough all the languages… so enoying.

    Also i’m not sure i added extra not necessary options or slugs translations to my DDBB.


    I would really appreciate any help or direction on how to progress on this.
    I must say this is a great theme that i would like to use on much more other projects, but i’m encountering several problems to set up a stable core.



    I’ll add some modifications, the proposed solution fails when viewing the page on mobile devices.
    Then I remembered that CSS often makes our lives easier, so the final solution, in my case, is this:

    1. Make a copy of header.php and paste it in your child theme
    2. Copy line 100: “”
    3. Paste it on line 181
    4. Upload header.php
    5. In your child custom style sheet, paste this together with the styles necessaries to make it look good:
    6. Double check tablets resolutions, mobile, etc… and add more responsiveness if necessary

    /* Hide Header Meta from both screenreaders and browsers */
    .responsive #header_meta {
        display: none !important;
        visibility: hidden;
    /* All Mobile Sizes (devices and browser) */
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #header_main .container ul.social_bookmarks {
    	display: none !important;
       	visibility: hidden;
    .responsive #header_meta {
    	display:block !important;

    Upload & done.

    in reply to: Woocommerce + WPML + Permalinks 404 error #181217
    This reply has been marked as private.


    Yesterday i wanted the same. this is what i did (working on child theme):

    . Choose the “Fixed Header with Social Icons and Additional Navigation”, the social config panel expands. Later you will use it to set up your own links, etc.
    . Get a copy of header.php and place it in your child folder, get rid of the extra header (starts on Line 87)
    . C&P this after Line 135: if(strpos($headerS,'bottom_nav_header') === false) avia_social_media_icons($social_args);
    . Modify <nav> and social styles, so it fits correctly (position, padding… nothing fancy). But make sure to target some id that will allow you to keep the correct styles on “Header with Bottom Navigation” I used this: .container_wrap_logo .main_menu { right:120px }. Also u will need to modify the top padding of #main. I used this: .fixed_header.social_header #main { padding-top:117px; }

    upload and check.

    Probably not the best or code friendly solution, but it worked. : )

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