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  • #1265515


    on my site I would like to add alt and title attributes to the first button “Gesprächstermin vereinbaren”. I think that used to work, now I can’t find any setting options (Enfold, current WordPress). Can anyone give me a hint?

    The same applies to the logo, here too I cannot find any setting options for the attributes.

    Many greetings,


    Hey Martin,

    There is no option for it. It would have to be injected via a bit of js. Unfortunately the customisation would take a while to implement and therefore falls outside the scope of our theme support.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hello Jordan, that’s bad! Why was that changed ?! I would now like to go to an older Enfold version so that I can adjust that. But that’s bad.
    Where can you find the script?


    Well – i don’t remember that this has been implemented before. But a custom title attribute input field is still there! –
    But to my opinion it is better positioned at the anchor itself than on the parent container.
    {$title_attr} could be inserted to the output on the anchor:

    A custom-field for alt should be as easy to have here too.

    Download: Link

    The alt attribute input field is not attached to display title field it is alway there if a custom-alt is inserted

    to have your own child-theme alb elements see here:


    for Logo try it with the filter in your child-theme functions.php:

    function avf_change_logo_alt($alt) {
       $alt = "New Alternate Text Here";
       return $alt;     
    add_filter('avf_logo_alt', 'avf_change_logo_alt');
    function avf_change_logo_title($title) {
       $title = "The new Title is here";
       return $title;     
    add_filter('avf_logo_title', 'avf_change_logo_title');

    and for alternate logo ( logo if you set transparency logo) try:

    function my_custom_attributes_for_alternate_logo($header_filtered){
      $header_filtered['header_replacement_logo_title']  = 'Alternate Logo Title';
      $header_filtered['header_replacement_logo_alt']  = 'Alternate Logo Alt';
      return $header_filtered;
    add_filter( 'avf_transparency_logo_data', 'my_custom_attributes_for_alternate_logo' );
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