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  • #1082600

    Hallo zusammen,

    ich wollte heute seit längerer Zeit Änderungen an der Hompage vornehmen. Nun ist der Adcanced Layout Builder nicht mehr vorhanden.
    Ich habe eine neue WordPress Version installiert. Leider finde ich keine Einstellung um den Avia Pagebuilder wieder zu aktivieren?!

    Zudem erhalte ich beim Update auf die neue Enfold Version folgende Fehlermeldung (von 4.4 auf 4.5.5)
    Beim Aktualisieren von Enfold ist ein Fehler aufgetreten: Download fehlgeschlagen. Es wurde keine gültige URL übermittelt.

    Vielen Dank vorab für Eure Hilfe!


    Hey Malve86,

    Could you please post your question in English for us?

    Best regards,


    Hey guys,

    allright no problem – but aren’t you from Austria ? :D


    I wanted to do some changes but now the Adcanced Layout Builder no longer exists.
    I installed the new WordPress version. Unfortunately, I can not find a setting to activate the Avia Pagebuilder again ?!

    In addition to that, I get the following error message when want to update to the new Enfold version (from 4.4 to 4.5.5)
    This messages pops up when I want to update: download failed. No valid URL was submitted.

    Thanks in advance for your help!



    Sorry for the problem and for the late reply. The update to 4.5.x has to be done manually from the version you are running, please refer to my replies in this thread:

    You can either update manually via FTP:, or use a plugin to upload the theme zip file:

    If that doesn’t work then please delete the old version of the theme, then upload the new one. Make sure that you have backups of the site before you start updating.

    Also please read this after you have updated:

    If you should have any further problems then please post admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Kriesi is Austrian yes, but none of the moderators on the forum are unfortunately. Most of us don’t speak or understand German very well :/

    Best regards,


    Hi again,

    I forgot to mention that once you have updated, then please go to the main page of the theme options and select to use the Classic Editor at the bottom of the page.

    Best regards,


    Hey guys,

    made the update with the instructions and everything is working finde now! :)

    Thanks for you help!



    Great, I’m glad you managed to get it working and sorry for the problem. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    thanks for asking. For the topic with the update you can close this thread.

    I will open another thread as I have a problem with the mobile page speed ranking.

    Or can I paste this also here ?

    The mobile page speed (google insights) is just at 61

    there are 2 big points I can’t solve right now.

    I have installied picutre resizer and auto optimizer as plugin but without a big effect an the mobile page speeed.

    Maybe you have some tipps for me, that would be great! :)

    Thanks and best regards!

    Here the 2 recommendation from the google insights page
    Estimated savings
    Remove resources blocking the rendering
    1,45 s
    Nicht verwendete CSS aufschieben (Postpone unused CSS)
    1,2 s
    Reduce server response times (TTFB)
    0,52 s
    Provide images in modern formats
    0,3 s (
    Post unvisible pictures
    0,15 s

    Minimize overhead on main thread
    3,7 s
    Try reducing the time to parse, compile and run JS. Providing smaller JS payloads can help.
    Script Evaluation
    1.291 ms
    Style & Layout
    960 ms
    717 ms
    397 ms
    Script Parsing & Compilation
    194 ms
    Parse HTML & CSS
    146 ms
    Garbage Collection
    15 ms


    Hi Malve86,

    Did you read this blog post? Also please read this blog post for some guidance on how to test your WordPress site load speed.

    Best regards,

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