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  • #1279820

    I am trying to loop a background video in a color section. It will play once with no problem but ends with a black screen and the message “This video is unavailable”. Link is in the Private Content.


    I have the same problem!
    How do I fix it?
    thank you


    Do you all have an answer for this? Kind of critical to what I’m trying to do.



    Sorry for the problem. We are aware of this, but we don’t have a solution at the moment unfortunately. We will post any solutions or recommendations in this thread, once we have them.

    Best regards,



    @everyone: Please try to add this filter in the functions.php file temporarily to remove the playlist parameter.

    add_filter("avf_youtube_video_data", function($data) {
    	return $data;
    }, 10, 1);

    Do not forget to purge the cache after adding the filter. Let us know if it helps.



    Perfect, it works!
    Thank you very much Ismael!


    Magnificient!! Works like a charm. Thank you.

    For anyone who’s curious, I’m using a single Youtube video.


    Thanks for offering the solution, it works on my website as well. Kinda of strange however that this happens all of a sudden. What’s triggering this loop problem?


    Hi wyzyncom,

    It was due to changes at YouTube which we had to adjust to.

    Best regards,


    Just wanted to add I had the same issue, but the custom php filter worked like a charm. Since I don’t currently use a child theme, it would be great if this was added as a theme option. Posting this so I can follow the feed in case it gets updated. Thanks!


    Hi chriscreative,

    This fix is included in the latest version of the theme (4.8), please try updating to that.

    Best regards,

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