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  • #27947


    My site has SSL installed.

    I’m using “avia layout builder”>”media element”>”video” to display a youtube video.

    It works for http videos but when I use the link as “https” it automatically turns it into simple “http”

    I don’t know if it’s a bug or if is not possible to identify the right URL to display.

    I have to edit something from “http” to “https” I guess, I don’t mind if it turns all youtube videos to SSL as my whole site is SSL.

    What changes should I do to make https youtube videos to work?



    Hi filianluthien,

    Sorry for the delay in responding we have been getting a huge spike in support requests recently.

    It seems that the root of the issue is that the theme uses the built in WordPress embed shortcode and builds on to it. But there is an issue with WordPress core allowing the https vs http. See: http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/18719 .

    That ticket has a suggested ‘fix’ you may want to try adding to your functions.php:

    wp_oembed_add_provider('https://youtu.be/*', 'http://youtube.com/oembed?scheme=https', false );
    wp_oembed_add_provider('#https://(www.)?youtube.com/watch.*#i', 'http://youtube.com/oembed?scheme=https', true);




    Thank you for answer it.

    It doesn’t work.

    I’m using a plug-in to do the job (lyte youtube), it works fine, so I’m closing this topic.



    Glad you were able to find a solution :)

    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues.



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