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  • #768257

    Hello. I’ve put videos on the home page, under the Video Gallery section, using both iframe and the built in video element. It works just fine, but the page performance gets bogged down. I implemented the Lazy Load for Videos plugin and the the page performance was fixed.

    With the above setup, everything works great except, the videos play twice, simultaneously. Disabling the plugin fixes the issue, but I’m right back to where I started with a bloated page.

    I was hoping you guys knew of a way to combat this. The plugin does display the following, which may be related to the issue.

    “Your active theme might be missing the call to <?php wp_footer(); ?>
    Always have it just before the closing tag of your theme, or you will break many plugins. See wordpress.org.”

    Thank you,


    I received the following response on the Enfold Facebook group.

    “First Enfold is calling the footer so that error is a false positive. As for the double showing of a video, that has been an enfold problem for a really long time, but can fixed. However, what is the result you are looking for, an embedded video or a lightbox?”

    Not sure if that helps or not. I’m down for a lightbox solution or embedded, as long as I can just get rid of the double video play.



    Okay to close.

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