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  • #480645

    Dear Support,

    yith-woocommerce-zoom-magnifier is not working at all with the enfold theme.

    When I activated the plugin, the image section stretches and fills the whole screen, pushing all the other content off the screen.

    Please, assist




    Hi emin!

    I am sorry but we do not offer support for third party plugins.
    Do please contact the Plugin developers and if there is something that we can do from our part, and we can assist you with it,
    we will be glad to do it.



    But, this same plugin works very well with other themes.
    And some other enfold users have reported similar problem.
    I think Enfold support theme or the Enfold Theme developer should look seriously into this issue which has been reported frequently by users since 2013



    Why that plugin is not working is most likely due to a javascript conflict, that’s why it will work with some themes and not work with other, like Enfold. I’m not sure if this is on the priority list or not but I would suspect the latter to be honest. There are thousands of plugins out there and there’s just no way that every theme can be compatible with them all. You could try disabling all other plugins to see if there’s a conflict with another plugin.



    Dear Rikard,

    Thank you for your kind response.
    I have earlier disabled all other plugins and i could not find conflict with another plugin.

    Please, I would appreciate if you would be so kind to recommend for me a woocommerce product zoom plugin that is compatible with enfold theme.

    Best Regards,




    Can you please post the link to your product page so we can see the issue?



    Dear Yigit,

    The link is below.


    Pleae, I just disabled the YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier because it distorted the layout and display of my single product details page. You can activate it when you are working on it.




    I’m sorry but we don’t provide support for third party plugins as stated on our support policy. You will have to contact the plugin author to fix the layout. You can try this plugin which offers premium support:



    Thank you Ismael.
    I understand your explanation.
    Since magic zoom plugin,, is compatible with enfold theme, I will have to purchase it.



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