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  • #810351

    Hello Enfolders,

    I am using Enfold and WPML on my site and I am having a hard time figuring out how I can translate the Title and Alt attributes of images uploaded in the Avia builder for the second language.

    I am using a combination of single images and galleries from the Avia Builder in my pages. I have tried selecting and deselecting the “Duplicate uploaded media to translation” and “Translate” or “Duplicate” checkboxes from within the Edit Page but the only thing that comes up when I am in the translation screen is the texts and not the images.

    I tried going into the “Media” in the WP Admin section but no option there too.

    So, does anyone know how to change the Title and Alt attributes of the images for the second language?

    P.S. I am on WP 4.8, Enfold is on 4.0.7 and WPML is on 3.7.1. All in their latest version and I am using a child theme of course.


    Hey ManoLee,

    Please refer to this thread for a possible solution or this.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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