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  • #1415015

    Hi guys,

    please see private message below.

    I have just started using WP Scalability Pro on my largest WooCommerce stores. It makes a huge difference to database lookup times – particularly on larger stores (and also massively speeds up imports/exports with WPALLIMPORT).

    I’d highly recommend looking into how it could work with Enfold specifically.


    Hey Thomas,

    Thanks for your recommendation!

    Did you test the WP Scalability Pro plugin on any of your Enfold sites? If you did, did you experience any issues?



    I have no Enfold specific issues to report at the moment. All seems fine.

    WP Scalability can add bespoke settings to their plugin though to benefit specific themes. They already have some custom settings that only apply to certain popular themes so not sure if there is anything else they can do to support Enfold specifically. So possibly worth joining the Discord or getting in touch with WP Intense to see what they are offering theme developers.


    Hey Thomas,

    Great! Since there aren’t any Enfold-specific issues at the moment, we will note this to recommend to Enfold users with large sites.


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