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  • #846841

    I have installed the woocommerce subscriptions plugin. But i can’t get some sentences into dutch –> € …/ month and a € …. sign-up fee. I want to change these lines. Recurring Totals Subtotal € …. / month
    Recurring Total € …. (Includes € 1,73 BTW) / month
    First renewal: …

    How can i change these sentences into dutch? Can someone please help me out.. because some sentences are translated, like it should. But some aren’t.

    Thanks a lot.


    anyone any idea?



    Did you try a translation plugin? Maybe one of these could help you out?

    Best regards,


    Perfect Rikard thanks, it worked really well! You can close this thread.



    Great, glad you got it working and thanks for letting us know. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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