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  • #1213519


    I have a weird issue, that happens fairly regularly, but not in any predictable way… I use the classic editor for Woocommerce pages, and sometimes – without any particular reason, no update, or anything – the product will switch to the Advanced Layout Builder (and, since I don’t use it for products, the page becomes blank). The fix isn’t hard – just go on the product page and switch back to the classic editor – but the randomness makes it annoying, because I don’t want to check all my products everyday… Do you have any idea what could cause that ?

    Cheers !


    Hey JaimBateman,

    How can we see and reproduce the problem you are having?

    Best regards,


    Hey again,

    Sorry for the long wait. The problem is that I can’t seem to find any reliable pattern to the bug – I’ve been trying a lot of things (updates, etc) in the past week, but of course, the bug never occurred again… I was just hoping you might have heard of a similar issue (it isn’t something new, that has been occurring for a while now, for several versions of enfold / wordpress / woocommerce). When it occurs again, I’ll tell you… Just out of curiosity, though, is there somewhere in the database an single entry that would contain the value ‘advanced layout editor’ or ‘classic editor’ ?

    Cheers, and thanks !


    Hi JaimBateman,

    Can it be that it is changed by some other person working along with you or you’re the only one working on the project?

    Best regards,

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