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  • #768933


    I’m working on an online shot using ENFOLD theme and WooCommerce. Default layout for WooCommerce looks very limited, therefore I’m using Advanced Editor. I was able to set up variables on my single product page (please see link in Private Content), but unfortunately it does not work with Advanced Editor, only Default Editor.

    – Is it possible to add some shortcode to Code Block to display WooCommerce product image? Maybe something like [product_images grouped]
    – The aim is that variables will change the picture. For example when I choose color, the picture changes etc. It works perfectly with Default Editor, but as soon as I switch to Advanced… I cannot figure out how can I display image there.
    – Is there any other way to display image and connect it with Product Attributes?

    Thank you in advanced.

    Great theme you have. I’m very glad to use it. Although, I would be more than happy creating more advanced product page than WooCommerce allows.


    Hey masuurikas,
    Note that you can’t use woocommerce shortcodes when using avia layout builder, but you may find some of the woocommerce extensions helpful.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    I’m actually already using a plugin Improved Variable Product Attributes for WooCommerce (, which allows better variable select options. I was wondering, if it is possible to display product image with Advanced Editor with WooCommerce shortcode for product image or some similar solution. Currently the selection part works well, but I cannot find any way to display product picture, so it would be connected to the plugin. Which means, when I choose color, material or other variable, then I get to choose which image will be displayed on the left. Default Editor works well, but then I cannot use all these layout options that Enfold theme is equipped with and product page would look pretty boring.

    What would you recommend?



    I believe WooCommerce is coming out with v3 in two days, we just released v4.0.5 to support the new features. While I don’t know what WCv3 is going to have, it may offer some features you are looking for. :)

    Best regards,


    Are you quite sure it would solve my issue with Enfold very well developed Advanced Layout Builder? For sure I will upgrade WC, but I’m not sure that the Variable Product plugin would work. And it’s supposed to be one of the best. For now I was trying to seek some solution of shortcode with Advanced Layout builder “Custom Code”, but many of the options I tried wouldn’t work. If you see the website in the Private Content, then you see I have tried some shortcode there, but image does not display. I have build many sites on your theme, and I very much love your theme, but now I’m just stuck with this option where user could choose color and material and he/she could see image changing on the side and decide which one to purchase. I feel that it could work with some custom programming.


    I don’t know if the WCv3 will have a new option for you, but, you can’t use woocommerce shortcodes when using avia layout builder, and you said the Default Editor works well, but looks boring. And you have tried different plugins.
    I wish I had better news for you, but the customization you are looking for is beyond the scope of support we can provide here. You can request customization here

    Best regards,


    Okay, thanks. I will try requesting a customization.



    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues :)

    Best regards,
    John Torvik



    WooCommerce is out
    Let us know if you have updated it and we will check what else needs to be done.

    Best regards,

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