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  • #1110379


    I thought this should be a WooCommerce issue, but they said they think it’s a theme problem. I want to make the phone field on the checkout page required. There is an option to do this under APPEARANCE > CUSTOMIZE > WOOCOMMERCE > CHECKOUT. I the drop down menu under phone field and set it to required and indicated to highlight with asterisk. I did that a week ago and I have deleted the cache for the site and my browser and the phone field on the checkout page still says optional.

    You have all been excellent in helping in the past. Any ideas here?

    Appreciate you as always.



    Stand by. I just found something in a Woocommerce forum that may be the answer.


    Confirmed. If this comes up for anyone else. You have to set the phone to required in the appearance customize area AND under the PayPal WooCommerce plugin if you have it. They were in conflict.


    Hi msutherin,

    So did you get it working for you and we can close this?

    Best regards,


    Yes. You can close it. Thank you!



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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