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  • #1249181

    Hi All!

    I am having trouble trying to get the pagination to work. I am having to use woocommerce [products] shortcode because it allows me to filter out products using attributes and categories at the same time. I know the product grid within Enfold only allows for categories but i need to also fllter products even further with attributes.

    So i know the pagination works with the enfold product grid, but the pagination doesnt show up when i use the woocommerce shortcode.

    I disabled all my plug-ins and nothing, but when i switched to a wordpress theme (wordpress twenty twenty), the pagination shows up. So i think something within enfold is blocking or not letting it render.

    here is an example of a page in question:

    the shortcode: [products attribute="usage" terms="public safety" limit="20" paginate="true"]

    I have created a temporary log-in the private section here too


    Hey Jason,

    Refer to the following:

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    it worked thanks!

    I swore i tried this code out too and it didn’t work, but i might used another from another post that was similar to the one above..but all us all works!

    you may close this out!



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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