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  • #1378580

    I updated WooCommerce and got this note:

    “Käyttämäsi teema (Enfold Child) sisältää vanhentuneita kopioita joistakin WooCommerce malline tiedostoista. Nämä tiedostot voi joutua päivittämään jotta ne ovat yhteensopivia nykyisen WooCommerce version kanssa. Suositukset asian korjaamiseksi:
    1. Päivitä teema uusimpaan versioon. Jos päivitystä ei ole saatavilla, ota yhteyttä teeman tekijään ja kysy yhteensopivuutta nykyisen WooCommerce version kanssa.
    2. Jos yritit muuttaa jotain sivupohjassa ja kopioit sen päälle, joudut kopioimaan sivupohjan uuden version ja tekemään muutokset uudelleen.”

    Is there coming new version where this is fixed?



    Thanks for contacting us!

    There is not such known issue and you are the first user to report it. Have you modified any WooCommerce files on your child theme? If you have not, could you please create temporary WP and FTP logins and post them here privately so we can look into it?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    I see that you have modified WooCommerce email templates in your child theme. Could you please try updating them with fresh copies from the latest version of WooCommerce? You can download the latest version to your computer here –

    Best regards,


    But the problem appears when I update the WooCommerce. That’s why there is now the old version.



    As it’s pointed out in the note, warning is about the outdated copies of WooCommerce template files you have in your child theme.

    – These are the email template files you have modified on your child theme – Let us call them the “old files”.
    – Please download WooCommerce to your computer –
    – Find those files in the latest version of WooCommerce you have on your desktop. Let us call these the “new files”.
    – Reapply your modifications you have on your old files to the new files.
    – Replace old files you have on your child theme with the new files via FTP.
    – Update WooCommerce on your site.
    – Since now you will have updated email templates, WooCommerce would not throw any warnings.



    Thanks! Problem solved.



    Great, I’m glad that Yigit could help you out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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