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  • #910335

    Hi! I have a whole bunch of questions, hope you don’t mind :) Please see the site linked in private content. I made you an account in case you want to check out some stuff we’ve done. The site is in Finnish, I think I need to clarify that kassa=checkout, oma tili=my account, ostoskori= shopping cart :)

    1) Can we have the shopping cart dropdown appear horizontal/ right side, where as now it appears on top of the menu?
    2) Can we have a hover color for the Checkout&shopping cart-texts in cart dropdown? The are called Kassa&Näytä ostoskori, respectively, on our site.
    3) Is it possible to have special headings on checkout, my account & shopping cart pages like we have on other pages such as Packraftit?
    4) The socket is acting weird on product pages, extending above the footer, can we fix it?
    5) A very subtle thing but when browser window height is small enough that menu items don’t fit on the screen, the menu doesnt stick when scrolled, instead it stays at the top of the page :P

    Big thanks in advance!


    Hey govus,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please note that we don’t entertain multiple questions inside a single thread. It make things confusing for us and the users. If possible, please open separate thread for each inquiries.

    1.) Please go to the Enfold > Shop Options. Set the Header Shopping Cart Icon position accordingly.

    5.) That is the default behavior of the mobile menu.

    For the remaining inquiries, please create new threads or posts with detailed info.

    Best regards,

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