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  • #949773

    I’m having an issue when the checkout page on woo commerce does a sort of double load. I’ve tried different themes, with all plugins turned off but it only happens when I’m using Enfold (base or child) so I’m coming to you guys. Woocomerce think it might be a jscript issue but thats beyond my pay grade.
    When you go onto the checkout page you’ll see the shipping details fields are there for a second or two before they vanish as per the woocomerce config (they shouldn’t be there as it defaults to ship to billing address). The issue comes when the shipping fields do not vanish as it messes up the styling of the credit card payment area and you can’t enter details. The annoying thing is that it doesn’t happen all the time so I can’t tell you how to recreate it.
    I’m hoping you can help by determining what is going on when that page loads and why the shipping fields load then vanish.
    Using any other theme, with or without all the plugins active, the page loads properly, its only using enfold that it does the double load, showing the shipping details then removing them.

    Appreciate any help you can give me


    Hey simplicityltd,

    Could you please attach some screenshots of the issue?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Sorry, I sent you to the live site which has a modal credit card payment as a work around. Correct details of staging site which has the error (most of the time) below.

    When I say double load, I don’t mean everything is displayed twice, I mean the screen loads, then refreshes. When it loads the first time, it displays the credit card area like the screenshot below, then when it refreshes, it shows the credit card area properly. The problem is that it doesn’t always correct the credit card area as it reloads and often the credit card area remains in its first state… unusable. I don’t know what its doing and why its reloading itself?



    Thanks for the screenshot and link, though I’m not able to reproduce the results you are describing. Are you sure it’s not something local? You could try clearing your browser cache and reload the page, or try in an incognito window using Chrome, or test in a different browser which you have never visited the site with before.

    Best regards,



    Its been tried in all kinds of browsers – in fact its multiple customers who reported it. Its a pain that it doesn’t happen all the time but you should at least be able to see the page load, then refresh itself. Do you know whats happening when its refreshing itself like this? It only does it when I use Enfold, all other themes it just loads correctly straight away.


    Hi simplicityltd,

    Looks like it was the Stripe that made the page reload and the card icon was put into place. Which version of php are you running?

    Best regards,


    Its running 7.0, should I change it?




    Can you please update to 7.2 so we can see if that fixes the problem?

    Best regards,



    I’ve done that but alas, it has not fixed it, in fact I just tried it on MS Edge and there was about a 7 second pause between the pages first load and second load (where it corrects itself). Any other ideas?




    So that is happening as an error only on MS Edge?

    Best regards,


    No, it happens on all browsers but that last time I mentioned, I just happened to be using Edge and it happened to be a longer pause before the refresh.


    Hi simplicityltd,

    Can you please disable Stripe payment for now and check if the issue persists?

    Best regards,



    I’ve given you login details if you want to check these things and speed this up a bit. But yes, it still happens when stripe is deactivated.




    Unfortunately, it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However, if it’s really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :)

    Best regards,


    Im sorry, but why is this a customization job? Something isn’t working in the theme and I need it fixed? Could someone please read this thread from the top and see if they can help me sort this out?

    Thank you



    When you go onto the checkout page you’ll see the shipping details fields are there for a second or two before they vanish as per the woocomerce config

    I’m sorry for the confusion. I enabled the stripe plugin back and visited the checkout page but I can’t reproduce the issue. I’m sure you already know this but the shipping fields are supposed to vanish on page load. They will display back if you click on the “Ship to a different address?” checkbox. The stripe payment also works in the live site.

    Best regards,

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