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  • #1161301

    Hey there,
    with the update of Woocommerce and Woocommerce Bookings plugin it is not working anymore. I was in contact with the Woocommerce support team and after a long wait and some testing on their site, they determined that Enfold is causing the issues.

    Here what they told me:

    Alright, thanks for being so patient.

    So it looks like the issue I was seeing with the changes I mentioned before were maybe cache related as they didn’t happen ago.

    On the staging site I ran some tests with your plugins to see if any of them were causing the discrepancy on the December dates. Thankfully none of them were.

    Next I took at look at your theme and that’s when I discovered the problem. With your theme active, it’s filtering out any partially booked days automatically.

    Here’s what it looks like:

    If i activate the default Twenty Nineteen theme here’s what I get

    Any idea what to do next? I have bookings in my calendar but they won’t show/be able to be booked.



    Hey Daniel,

    Can we change theme? most probably this look like a CSS issue that hides some of the events or something related to the JS functionality but we can’t find out if we do not change themes.

    Best regards,


    Yes, you can.


    Sorry for the late reply, I tested your Bookings plugin with Enfold for the product in the Private Content area and it seems to work for me, please see the screenshot in Private Content area.
    I used the calendar to find dates that were available to book, the next available date was March 7 2020
    then I choose a time, the next available time was 13:00
    then I clicked the “Book Now” button and was taken to the order page to pay.

    I couldn’t see the screenshots you posted above so I’m not sure what they are pointing out.
    Please try these steps and confirm that this also worked for you.

    Best regards,

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