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  • #794898

    Hallo ich habe nun schon alles Foren durch, auch ein Woo Profi hat sich die Einstellungen angeschaut – alles richtig.
    nun vieleicht kenn jemand das Problem:
    Die Lieferkosten werden so angezeigt:
    Lieferkosten: €10,35
    Enthält €0,45 Mehrwertsteuer (7%)
    Enthält €0,55 Mwst neunzehn (19%)

    Soweit richtig.
    Falsch ist, dass zu den Lieferkosten die MwsT hinzu gezählt wird.
    die MwsT sollte jedoch in den Lieferkosten sein. denn diese sind mit 10.00 angegeben.
    Die Einstellungen sind so, dass die Produklte mit MwsT angegeben werden.

    Schöne Grüße Diana


    Hey DianaFuetterer,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Is the calculation the same if you switch to a default theme? If possible, please contact the plugin author or support team for additional help.

    Best regards,


    Hallo Ismael
    the Problem is German Market.
    The Answer is: It is not possible, to show the Price brutto if you have diffrent Percent Articles.
    If you have one Percent it is no Problem.
    Thank you.
    Grüße Diana


    Pictures in single – product page – blurry once more.

    I made the instructions from mexaminus. – This was Ok
    Now I read delet all, Enfolf update, woo update – I have done.
    Now the Pictures are alle once more blurry in single-post page.
    What is the state of affairs?
    The shop is in final throes, only the Pictures.
    Thank you for your answer.
    Grüße Diana



    Please remove the modifications for the images after updating to version 4.0.6. This version includes a new option which enables you to select between the default product gallery and the new woocommerce gallery features.

    I’m sorry but I’m a bit confused with the original issue. Could you please explain it further or provide a screenshot?

    Best regards,


    @DianaFuetterer please follow the instructions in this thread

    what Diana tried to tell is the original issue with the shipping cost tax calculation stems from the plugin ‘German Market’. The plugin expects shipping cost to be entered excluding VAT as woocommerce does. Due to governmental regulations as how shipping cost have to be calculated for shopping carts containing multiple products with mixed (full and reduced) VAT the sipping cost vary if you have more or less products with reduced VAT. This is not an Enfold issues and happens with every theme using ‘German Market’. Using the plugin ‘Germanized’ solves the issue because that plugin expects shipping cost including VAT.



    : Thank you for the info. However, the modification for the blurry images issue is not going to be necessary because users’ can use the “single_product_small_thumbnail_size” and “single_product_large_thumbnail_size” to change the thumbnail size. Default value or size is “shop_single”.

    : Please try @mensmaximus suggested plugin.


    Best regards,

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