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  • #466787

    I am using WooCommerce with Enfold and there is a slight format issue. In the Woo documentation the options show in smaller boxes. I am using the Global Addons extension and it gives the customer the option of selecting a number of stones for the jewelry they are purchasing. The problem is that the box spans the entire 2/3 of the page.

    Woo says this is theme related. All other options appear fine it is just the options that are listed with a “custom input multiplier.”

    Site is behind an Under Construction plugin. Login details and URL are in the Private Content area below.

    Thank you!


    Hi MichaelAlbany!

    you are using quite an old version of the theme. Please upgrade to Enfold v3.2.2.



    Andy, Thank you. However updating did not fix the issue.


    I can’t figure out how to add an attachment to this so here is a link to a screenshot (hosted on a different server)



    So your just trying to change the width of those inputs correct? Add this to your custom CSS.

    .addon-input_multiplier {
      width: 50% !important;



    Thank you Elliot! That worked really well.

    Do you know of a way to have them on the same line as the text above or is that pushing my luck?



    Have the label and input fields on the same line? You can try this:

    .product-addon .form-row label, .product-addon .form-row input {
      width: 48%;
      float: left;



    Perfect! You rock! That is exactly what I needed.

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