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  • #1351570

    Upgraded from 3.5.1 to All is well with only minor visual issues, except that the footer widget areas have reverted to default output and nothing we do seems to restore control.

    Here is what we have tried:
    – If we disable widget areas or socket in the theme options then the output of the footer changes.
    – If we change the contents of widgets areas “Footer – Column 1” etc then nothing changes in the footer
    – If we delete our child theme footer.php the footer disappears
    – If we delete our child theme footer.php and copy footer.php from the parent theme the footer disappears

    All plugins are up to date, WordPress is latest version. No caching plugin.



    Thanks for the login details. If you have header.php and footer.php in your child theme, then both of those files need to be replaced with the parent theme files. You can add your customisations back in after that. I wanted to check your child theme content, but Appearance->Theme Editor is turned off on your installation.

    If you need further help, then please include FTP login details in private as well.

    Best regards,

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