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  • #704454

    Hi guys,

    On my (development) site in theme options I set fonts to Open Sans for body text and Josefin Sans for Heading Font. All headers are shown italic (or cursive). I did not make any (CSS) changes to convert the font into italic style…

    In advanced styling I also set Josefin Sans for Main Menu Links. They also are italic.

    Further I used Font weight Light for H1, H2, H3 and H4.

    I am getting crazy ;-) I have checked, checked and double checked (Firebug, Chromes Debugging Console), but cannot find the cause for this issue.

    Please advise.

    Thanks & regards,


    Hey Monique!

    I loaded the site and I can see that everything is normal now.
    IS it fixed?
    Please do let us know

    Best regards,


    Hey Basilis,

    Nope, didn’t change anything yet. All headings are still italic. Below what I see.



    Hi Monique,

    Thanks for the screenshots, I can’t see results like that on my end though. Please see screenshot in private. Could you try clearing your browser cache and reload a few times please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Did all that, in all different browsers, but still see all in italic. For what it’s worth, I even restarted my pc.

    Strange… In advanced styling I set the font weight for headings to light. This seems not to be the case on your screenshot?

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    Yes that’s right, it’s not italic on my end so I think it’s a local problem. Did you try a different machine? If you don’t have one I would try a phone or tablet.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Indeed very strange. I checked on another machine; there I saw Josefin (not italic). But the font was not as light as I wanted (300). So I added “Josefin Sans:300” in my child theme function.php and that helped.

    I still don’t understand what happened, but the ‘problem’ seems to be ‘solved’ :-)

    Can you please flag this topic as solved?

    Thanks for your help and time!




    Glad it’s fixed :)

    Best regards,

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