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  • #989387


    I am in desperate need of help. I was using a staging plugin to edit a clone of an existing website.

    In the process of trying to make some changes to the Header and Logo, I put in this code into the functions.php editor:

    add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘ava_mobile_header’, 5);
    function ava_mobile_header(){
    $(window).scroll(function() {
    if($(window).width() <= 989){
    var header = $(‘.html_header_top.html_header_sticky #header’);

    It didn’t do what I was hoping for so I deleted it only leaving:

    In the functions.php editor. This is when the white screen of death occurred.

    How can I solve this issue? Since the staging site does not have a separate link from the live site, is it even possible to fix this problem through an FTP server? Are there any other ways? Any help would be appreciated!

    Thanks in advance.


    Hey atifaijaz123,

    Simply revert the edit that you made to the php file (Take it back to its original state) and re-upload it via FTP and this should solve your issue. It must be re-uploaded via FTP.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    How would I find the functions.php for the staging site in the FTP of the Live Site?


    Can I send you my FTP login and WP admin login for further help as done on this thread?


    Hi atifaijaz123,

    Yes, please send us FTP credentials. Which site is down? Live or staging? Give us the credentials to that website.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Thanks for your response! It was the staging site and I was able to solve the issue.

    Best Regards,


    by the way: this should not happen if you got a newer wordpress version.
    In former times – yes i do have that too, but now they gave some error-messages out to solve those issue.

    These issues can happen if you are having wrong brackets or forgotton semicolon.
    if you got double function names ( this is probably one of the most common mistakes ) because here on board the code-snippets are often named the same way.
    f.e. adding custom widgets to the header – but what if you like to have two widget-areas: all snippet functions here on board named : enfold_customization_header_widget_area

    so adding two of them will cause an error (on former times a white screen of death) etc. pp


    Hi Carolyne,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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