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  • #980299

    After updating to 4.4 (not FTP & not overwriting old folder) I can not access to dashboard no more.
    The worse there is no error in the logs. I check online and alot of people have the same problem.
    How can we fix it? I revert the website to 4.3.1.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by amrod1.

    Hey amrod1,

    What most people are having problems with is updating from older versions since files have moved between versions, not on fresh installs. What version of PHP are you running?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    PHP Version 5.6.36
    I checked once the log I have found one line:
    PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 314572800 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32 bytes) in /xxx/ on line 829, referer:



    Please try to increase the allocated memory to 256M:
    You can contact your service provider and they can do it for you.

    Best regards,


    I tried that before posting here, I increased to 1GB ram but still getting that fatal error.



    Could you please post a link to your website? We may need FTP and WP admin logins as well so if you do not mind, please post them in private content field so we can look into it. My guess is memory limit was not increased even though you tried.

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,(Selamlar)
    This is a live website and as I said before I had to revert to 4.3. I can not leave it in white blank page.
    So I created local copy on my computer and trying to degub it.
    Memory is not the problem. I already increased to 1GB and tried again, but same problem;
    [Thu Jul 05 12:06:34.587902 2018] [:error] [pid 17289] [client xxx:63723] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32 bytes) in /home/ on line 27, referer:

    Do we need more than 1 GB memory to run Enfold 4.4 ? I am running 4.3 right now and memory usage is 70MB – 90MB



    You could try installing these plugins to see what is consuming resources on your site:,

    Best regards,


    no fix yet? I have a huge database wp_postmeta 2,126,306 records 146.7 MB
    I am still running enfold 4.3.1, when I switch to 4.4.1 I can not access to backend, all admin pages are “white screen” no error :/
    but front pages works.
    What is the difference of 4.3 and 4.4?



    268435456 B is around 33 MB. We would recommend you to increase it to minimum 256. Then please delete Enfold theme and re-install it via FTP – to make sure all files are overwritten.

    After memory is increased and theme was overwritten via FTP, you should not experience any issues. Our devs have already restructured some functions to let theme handle huge sites such as yours :)

    Best regards,


    Selamlar Yigit.
    It is 256MB memory
    AH01215: PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes ( 256MB )
    I also increased to 2GB but still have the same problem with this huge database website.
    There is something wrong with 4.4. for huge databases.



    Could you please share FTP and WP admin logins here privately so we can look into it?

    Best regards,


    This is a LIVE website with lots of products in woocommerce (80.000). Thats why I can not leave it in whitescreen, so I revert it to 4.3.1.
    I am doing tests on my localhost server. But there is something wrong with 4.4.1 with huge database in woocommerce.
    Please tell your coders test with big databases.
    weird thing is front-end works with no problem but back-end gives whitepages with no error (even php display error is on) and httpd error log level is warn. I can not access to any admin pages.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by amrod1.

    I have found the problem file:
    I changed the 4.4.1 element-manager.class.php with 4.3.1 element-manager.class.php
    and now I can access to dashboard in 4.4.1.
    New Post meta update in this file with huge database causes CRITICAL FAILURE and causes unreachable ADMIN DASHBOARD.
    Please let your coders FIX it ASAP in 4.4.2 ;/



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Updating to 4.4.x needs to update post content of all posts (and products in your case) when accessing admin backend. I applied a fix for large databases which already worked for several other customers (reported to need up to 30 minutes to complete). You can safely reload admin pages after several minutes and several times if necessary.

    Replace enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\element-manager.class.php with

    Do not forget to make a backup of the original file for a fallback.

    Best regards,


    Hi Gunter
    Thank you for your reply.
    Unfortunately this didn’t work for me. It took 2 hours work new php file and then stopped with the same error
    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted
    I have 80.000 items in woocommerce (postmeta in the database has 2,114,870 records)
    Why do you need this function in 4.4.1 ???

    EDIT: After executing the file 2. time I think it finished updating the things and I was able to access to the dashboard.
    But it took like 2 hours 30 mins. It is insane :/

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by amrod1.

    We made some changes to the framework (performance improvements, unique id for each advanced layout element, etc.) which require these adjustments in the database. These changes help us to improve the theme performance with upcoming updates and to extend the layout builder with new features.

    Best regards,

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