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  • #704460

    All of my pages go to a white screen with what appears to be a tiny “Q” in the top left of the screen when I try to edit a page.


    Bump. Could someone please help me, I cannot edit any of my pages that use the Layout Builder.



    Can you please disable the .htaccess from ftp ( delete ) and let us know if that will fix your issue?

    Thanks a lot

    Best regards,


    That did not resolve the issue. Additionally, with the .htaccess removed, all pages except the home page now show a 404 error.


    Can anyone help? The site works fine other than when attempting to use the Advanced Layout Editor.



    I tried editing and updating your sample page without any problems, URL in private. What page are you having this problem on and what exactly are you trying to add or alter?

    Best regards,

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